Unusual Properties Of Rays Emitted By UFOs - Alternative View

Unusual Properties Of Rays Emitted By UFOs - Alternative View
Unusual Properties Of Rays Emitted By UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Properties Of Rays Emitted By UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Properties Of Rays Emitted By UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, October

There are a significant number of reports of UFO sightings with one or more light beams resembling searchlights. Most often, these rays are directed to the ground. UFO sightings with one beam or cone of light directed downward took place in 1967 in Vorkuta, in 1972 over the city of Linz, in 1976 near Tbilisi, in 1983 - in the area of the town of Slantsy and near Ascension of the Leningrad Region … The journal Wings of the Motherland (1988) describes in detail such cases that took place in 1958 in the Novosibirsk region and in 1972 in Bulgaria. In 1977, near Tyumen, an object was observed with 10 beams, in 1965 in the Mackey area (Australia), even with 20 or 30 beams directed to the ground. UFOs were also observed, the rays from which went in different directions. In December 1978 in Moscow, near the Varshavskaya metro station,a silvery ball with an apparent size slightly smaller than the sun was observed hanging in a dark sky, and eight light rays with a length equal to its diameter symmetrically diverged in all directions from it.

According to the aerologist of the research vessel "Viktor Bugaev" Kistanov, members of the crew of this ship, which was in the Atlantic, observed in November 1980 a motionless disk with an angular size of 1/3 of the moon's disk, which emitted eight rays, which then turned off sequentially, and the disk disappeared. In 1980, an unknown object was observed in Kondopoga with seven powerful rays of light yellow and red. There are also known cases when the rays emitted by UFOs moved back and forth or moved up and down. In February 1975, near Lake Sorrel on the island of Tasmania, two eyewitnesses observed a UFO with a diameter of 60 m hovering over the lake, from which a wide and very bright beam of light was directed downward, swaying back and forth in an arc. In May 1979, a UFO hovered motionless over the city of Otradny, Kuibyshev region,around which a blue spiral formation flashed, scrolling around the object several times. Then a beam of light burst out of the object, hollow inside, and began to scan, moving in an arc from south to north. Then the object flashed and the beam disappeared.

All observation lasted 5-7 minutes. According to Reshetnikova from Leningrad, who observed UFOs in 1982 in Lissy Nos (near Leningrad), and Onischuk, a cadet of the Pushkin Military School, who observed UFOs in 1984 in the town of Gorskoye, Voroshilovgrad Region, the rays emitted by unknown objects seemed to be rummaging along the ground. There were also such cases when the rays emitted by UFOs periodically appeared and extinguished. In 1984, in the Yakovlevskoe village of the Arkhangelsk region, the eyewitness Vilachev saw an approaching ball that hovered over the clearing and twice sent a bright beam at it, illuminating an area of 50 x 100 m. Then the ball flew up to the village, hovered over it and illuminated it several times with this ray, each time as if turning it on for one minute. On the evening of December 17, 1989, a number of eyewitnesses in different cities observed an unknown luminous object in the shape of a ball,which consistently flew over the cities of Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Omsk and over the Altai Territory. At the same time, eyewitnesses in Surgut and Omsk claimed that four bright beams emanated from the object, which, before their eyes, were “turned off” and “turned on” again. According to the representative of the air defense of the city of Omsk, Major V. Loginov, this object was also observed by the pilots of the neighboring airfield. But the radars did not detect it. According to visual observation, the object looked one and a half times larger than the visible disk of the moon, and the total duration of its stay in the Omsk region was no more than 5 minutes, after which it began to rapidly move eastward. According to the representative of the air defense of the city of Omsk, Major V. Loginov, this object was also observed by the pilots of the neighboring airfield. But the radars did not detect it. According to visual observation, the object looked one and a half times larger than the visible disk of the moon, and the total duration of its stay in the Omsk region was no more than 5 minutes, after which it began to quickly move eastward. According to the representative of the air defense of the city of Omsk, Major V. Loginov, this object was also observed by the pilots of the neighboring airfield. But the radars did not detect it. According to visual observation, the object looked one and a half times larger than the visible disk of the moon, and the total duration of its stay in the Omsk region was no more than 5 minutes, after which it began to quickly move eastward.

The appearance of the object was immediately reported to the authority. 5 minutes after he fled from the Omsk region, representatives of the Altai Territory air defense reported that they were observing him at home. This meant that the distance of 600 km he flew at a speed of about 7000 km / h. According to the statistical analysis of UFO observations in the USSR for 1900-1980, ordinary light rays and cones of light were observed in 210 objects. At the same time, individual cases are known when the rays emitted by a UFO and having the appearance of light showed very strange, in our opinion, completely unusual properties. The first information about such unusual rays appeared in 1968, and Jean Herring called them “solid light” rays. These rays may not be scattered in space, but have clearly defined boundaries and a clear end of the ray, and the ray retains the same brightness along its entire length,similar to a neon tube. In August 1970, near the town of Haderslev (Denmark), a round gray object about 10 m in diameter hovered above the car of police officer Morup at a height of 20 m, from which a cone of blinding light with a base width of 4-5 m appeared. This cone illuminated the car. as a result, her engine stalled, the headlights went out and the radio went silent. This cone of light was then pulled into a 1m diameter circular hole on the bottom of the object. This lasted 5 minutes. At the same time, when the base of the cone gradually rose, a clear boundary was visible between the lower part of the cone and darkness. Then the object rose and disappeared, and the car came to life.from which emerged a cone of blinding light with a base width of 4-5 m. This cone illuminated the car, causing its engine to stall, the headlights went out and the radio went silent. This cone of light was then pulled into a 1m diameter circular hole on the bottom of the object. This lasted 5 minutes. At the same time, when the base of the cone gradually rose, a clear boundary was visible between the lower part of the cone and darkness. Then the object rose and disappeared, and the car came to life.from which emerged a cone of blinding light with a base width of 4-5 m. This cone illuminated the car, causing its engine to stall, the headlights went out and the radio went silent. This cone of light was then pulled into a 1m diameter circular hole on the bottom of the object. This lasted 5 minutes. At the same time, when the base of the cone gradually rose, a clear boundary was visible between the lower part of the cone and darkness. Then the object rose and disappeared, and the car came to life.and the car came to life.and the car came to life.

In the cases below, the rays emitted by the UFO ended in glowing balls. One of them is described in an information sheet compiled by senior navigators of the Ashgabat air squadron Sinashov and Glushchenko. It indicates that in October 1985, in the Geok-Tepe area of the Ashgabat region, a large cigar-shaped object was observed, with five blue rays fanning out from the bow, ending in spheres of the same color. According to the designer Chernovy, in 1978 his mother observed over Moscow an elliptical object with 16 white rays ending in luminous balls. These beams can slowly move out of the UFO, and then also gradually retract back. A slow advance of a beam with a blunt end from a hovering unknown object was observed in 1968 over the city of Nevyansk in the Sverdlovsk region and in 1981 in the Vyborg region,and according to Prokhorov, in 1975, on Valdai, there was a consistent slow advancement of even three such rays. A number of other reports have given descriptions of the slow retraction of rays into hovering objects. Such phenomena were recorded in 1963 in Trancas (Argentina), in 1968 in Villiers de Moran (France), and in 1970 - near Imjärvi (Finland).

There were reports of observations of a slow retraction of rays in UFOs in our country: by an eyewitness Litovinov in 1983 in the regional center of the Irkutsk region Bayandai and a group of military personnel led by Tsitsinsky in 1985 on Dikson Island. According to Hering, the speed of extension and retraction of these beams is 3.5-7 m / s. The third feature of the propagation of these rays is that they, apparently, are able to bend at different angles, up to straight. Such cases were also observed in our country and abroad. In August 1978, a group of officers from the Leningrad Military District, traveling by car to Moscow, 12 km outside the city of Kalinin, saw a stationary UFO in the form of a disk hanging in the sky. Two curved luminous arcs departed from the object, the ends of which closed with each other, forming a kind of a huge ellipse. A few minutes later, the UFO quickly climbed vertically upward and disappeared, while the glowing arcs remained in place.

In September 1978, during a flight between the Afrikanda airfield (Murmansk region) and Kemyu at an altitude of about 9 km, the crew members of the TU-134 aircraft of the Leningrad squadron (crew commander V. N. Gorba) saw an elongated object hanging ahead at an altitude of about 20 km with clear outlines. This object was vibrating, from its front part two curved beams, similar to ticks, began to move towards each other. Then the ends of these rays joined, and in this place a bright luminous ball flared up, which disappeared in 3-4 minutes along with the rays. A more "recent" case of observing a curved beam from a UFO is described in the second issue of the Novosti newsletter. It took place in mid-May 1986 in Leningrad. His eyewitnesses were the bus driver V. Potekhin and six other drivers, who, passing at 5 o'clock in the morning on the Kirov bridge across the Neva River,we saw a bright emerald-green beam behind Finland Station, directed from the sky to the earth. This beam unexpectedly bent, after which some object with four holes separated from the beginning of the beam and sharply rushed upward.

Observations of curved rays from UFOs were also noted in 1971 near Antofagasta (Chile) and in 1973 in Tomsk. These rays can be wider at the base and tapering towards the end. According to Dikov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, at night in September 1977 in the village of Paren on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, the personnel of the geological expedition observed for 10 minutes a disc-shaped UFO the size of the visible disk of the moon, from which six rays tapering to the ground were receding.

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In March 1978, a UFO was observed near Zhitomir, from which 16 rays with pointed ends departed in all directions, resembling a blossoming flower. These rays are sometimes intermittent or dotted, breaking up into luminous and dark areas, like a light advertisement. One of these messages came from the witness Nesterenko. It said that in October 1978, near the village of Shonosha, Arkhangelsk Region, Nesterenko and the people traveling with him in the bus observed an object flying across the sky, which then hovered motionless. From it, 15-20 intermittent rays appeared, symmetrically directed in all directions. Each beam consisted of identical light pulses and dark gaps between them, and these pulses fled from the object at a tremendous speed, as in a light advertisement, and disappeared after 3-4 seconds.

According to the report received from the residents of Leningrad, the Rentsekhovskys, in January 1984 they observed over Leningrad a motionless round luminous object the size of 1/3 of the visible disk of the moon. From the two protuberances in its upper and lower parts, running luminous dotted lines also periodically emanated. Then this object began to move, continuing the radiation. The entire observation lasted about 20 minutes. Intermittent beams were also observed in 1970 on Vancouver Island, in 1978 in Beskudnikov near Moscow, and in 1980 in Moscow itself, near the Zhdanovskaya metro station. Some rays can freely pass through various obstacles and illuminate the space behind them. This was the case, in particular, in Trancas, where the beam, having passed through the solid fence of the farm and the walls of the house, recovered again. A number of messages are also known,when the rays from the UFO, passing through the obstacles, made them transparent. In April 1967, a school director from Jefferson City (USA), returning home, saw that an object like an airship hovered over his car, emitting a strange light that did not stop at all by the roof of the car and made it transparent. The driver saw the engine through the dashboard, and jumped out of the car, saw its interior through the body. After the disappearance of the ray, everything returned to its former form.saw through the body its interior. After the disappearance of the ray, everything returned to its former form.saw through the body its interior. After the disappearance of the ray, everything returned to its former form.

In another case, in May 1973 in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), witness Paperu, returning home by car, saw an object in the form of two 10 m diameter plates stacked together in the air. He saw how from the bottom of the object in the direction a bright blue ray with a diameter of 20 cm moved towards the car, under the influence of which it became transparent. After that, Paperu lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital, where purple-blue spots were found on his stomach and back. There are also recorded cases when the rays emitted by UFOs did not illuminate the surrounding area or the rooms into which they penetrated at all. In other cases, on the contrary, they illuminated the surrounding area in some special way, without forming shadows. Even more amazing is the ability of such rays, although rarely observed,have a direct mechanical effect on the surrounding objects (knock out soil particles from the ground, swing the lamp, etc.).

In June 1972, in the city of Logronier (France), a young seminarian, Janvier Boeck, saw an egg-shaped luminous object about 50 cm in diameter, silently flying into his room through an open window. The object, which seemed to be metal, hovered 40 cm from the floor, and a thin beam slowly advanced out of it, which twice touched the working transistor receiver, from which it swung. Then this ray seemed to be compressed, stretched out towards the tape recorder and touched it, after which it was slowly drawn into the object, and it flew out the window (Phenomenes spatiaux).

In another incident in December 1973 in Paso Robles, California, two people driving a car saw a spherical object hanging 240 m above the ground, under which was a black cone emitting a red beam towards the ground. … The most amazing thing was that this ray, striking the ground, made it red-hot and lifted pieces of soil and other materials into the air. Then the beam disappeared, and the cone was drawn into the object, which began to rise at an angle of 60 degrees. When the witnesses approached the area to which this beam was directed, the edges of the area still glowed with red light. Examining the properties of the strange rays emitted by UFOs, French researchers Skornio and Pian point out that these are apparently not ordinary rays of light, if only because the speed of their extension and retraction has nothing to do with the speed of light. Most likely, it can be assumed that this is a stream of ionizing particles that make the air encountered in their path glow. In this case, it becomes understandable and their passage through the partitions. These particles can be deflected by an electromagnetic field, which explains the existence of curved rays. The flow of these particles can be intermittent - hence the dotted lines of the rays. However, these are all just hypotheses, and most of the unusual properties of the rays emitted by UFOs cannot be explained by the laws of physics we know. However, these are only hypotheses, and most of the unusual properties of the rays emitted by UFOs cannot be explained by the laws of physics we know. However, these are all just hypotheses, and most of the unusual properties of the rays emitted by UFOs cannot be explained by the laws of physics we know.