Ancient Nuclear Reactor - Natural Anomaly Or Alien Power Plant? - Alternative View

Ancient Nuclear Reactor - Natural Anomaly Or Alien Power Plant? - Alternative View
Ancient Nuclear Reactor - Natural Anomaly Or Alien Power Plant? - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Nuclear Reactor - Natural Anomaly Or Alien Power Plant? - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Nuclear Reactor - Natural Anomaly Or Alien Power Plant? - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Discover 2 Billion Year Old Nuclear Reactor 2024, June

In West Africa, not far from the equator, in an area located on the territory of the state of Gabon, scientists have made an amazing find. It happened at the very beginning of the 70s of the last century, but until now representatives of the scientific community have not come to a consensus - what was it found?

Deposits of uranium ore are common, although quite rare. However, the uranium mine discovered in Gabon turned out to be not just a deposit of valuable minerals, it worked like … a real nuclear reactor! Six uranium zones were discovered, in which the real fission reaction of uranium nuclei took place!

Studies have shown that the reactor was launched about 1900 million years ago and worked in a slow boiling mode for several hundred thousand years.

The content of the isotope U-235 in the reactor zones of the African anomaly is practically the same as in modern nuclear reactors built by man. Ground water was used as a moderator.

The opinions of representatives of science about the phenomenon were divided. The bulk of the pundits took the side of the theory, according to which, the nuclear reactor in Gabon started spontaneously due to the coincidence of the conditions necessary for such a launch.

However, not everyone was satisfied with this assumption. And there were good reasons for that. Many things said that the reactor in Gabon, although it does not have parts outwardly similar to the creations of thinking creatures, is still a product of the activity of sentient beings.

Here are some facts. Tectonic activity in the area where the reactor was found was unusually high during its operation. However, studies have shown that the slightest displacement of the soil layers would necessarily lead to the shutdown of the reactor. But since the reactor had operated for more than one hundred millennia, this did not happen. Who or what froze tectonics during the operation of the reactor? Maybe those who launched it did it? Further. As already mentioned, groundwater was used as a moderator. To ensure the constant operation of the reactor, someone had to regulate the power it gave out, since with an excess of it, the water would boil off and the reactor would shut down. These and some other points suggest that the reactor in Gabon is a thing of artificial origin. But who on Earth possessed such technologies two billion years ago?

Whatever one may say, the answer is simple, albeit somewhat banal. Only aliens from Space could do this. It is quite possible that they came to us from the central region of the Galaxy, where the stars are much older than the Sun, and their planets are older. In those worlds, life had the opportunity to originate much earlier, in those days when the Earth was not yet a very comfortable world.

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Why did the aliens need to create a stationary high-power nuclear reactor? Who knows … Maybe they have equipped a "space charging station" on Earth, or maybe …

There is a hypothesis that highly developed civilizations, at a certain stage of their development, “take patronage” over life emerging on other planets. And they even put their hand to transform lifeless worlds into livable ones. Maybe those who built the African miracle belonged just like that? Maybe they used the energy of the reactor for terraforming? Scientists are still arguing about how the earth's atmosphere, so rich in oxygen, arose. One of the assumptions is the hypothesis about the electrolysis of the waters of the World Ocean. And electrolysis is known to require a lot of electricity. So maybe the aliens created the Gabonese reactor for this? If so, then it appears to be not the only one. It is very possible that someday others like him will be found.

Anyway, the Gabonese miracle makes us think. Think and seek answers.