Human Chakras Will Open The Way To Happiness! - Alternative View

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Human Chakras Will Open The Way To Happiness! - Alternative View
Human Chakras Will Open The Way To Happiness! - Alternative View

Video: Human Chakras Will Open The Way To Happiness! - Alternative View

Video: Human Chakras Will Open The Way To Happiness! - Alternative View
Video: 7 Chakras Activation | What Happens if 7 Chakras are Activated | Sadhguru On 7 Chakras Explained 2024, July

It's okay to be offended. After all, we are living people, not dispassionate robots. But it is impossible to accumulate negative; one must get rid of it as soon as possible. Why? Because insults, like rubbish, clog up our chakras - psychoenergetic centers in which all life streams intersect.

The concept of the chakra system is widely used in Hinduism, Buddhism, Ayurveda and many other teachings, both ancient and modern. It is believed that the state of our chakras is reflected in our life. For example, if you pinch your nose with your fingers, it will be difficult to breathe. And what if some chakra is "trapped" and littered with insults? Its function will also be broken.

Chakra mooladhash

Located in the crotch area. Responsible for our "can and will do", and also for health. And they block her grievances associated with male infidelity. So if you observe yourself with a constant breakdown and began to often go to doctors, then sit down and think of all the males who have ever betrayed you. Starting from the first love! The more pain and bitterness rises in the memory, the more the muladhara is clamped. Create a list of "unforgiven" men. And try to forgive them all!

Svalhisthana chakra

Chakra responsible for sex and pleasure in general. It is located approximately halfway between the top edge of the pubic bone and the navel. She also closes herself off from grudges against men. Not necessarily those that have changed. It may just be those who at one time wounded you with rudeness, rudeness, showed aggression or weakness. So if now you are sexually cold, and in general you get less enjoyment from life - forgive those unfortunate people who willingly or involuntarily disappointed you.

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Chakra manipura

Chakra responsible for creative energy, creativity and financial success. She bestows power over desires and protects against disease. Located 3-4 fingers above the navel. Blocked if you are offended (offended) by someone else's well-being. Or you are angry with yourself for not making enough money. In the end, you cannot get everything you want to achieve. Stop jealous of the rich and engage in self-criticism, then manipura will open up.

Chakra anahata

Located in the center of the sternum. Responsible for charm, attractiveness for the opposite sex, the ability to keep feelings under control, insight, wisdom, nobility. If all this is not enough for you, then you have accumulated grievances associated with requests for help. For example, you constantly have to ask someone for help, attention, participation, sympathy. And you are angry with this person for being dependent on him. Either you really need to get some help, but pride does not allow you to do it. And you subconsciously take offense at a loved one: they say, you could have guessed it yourself, and not wait until I ask! Anahata shrinks from such thoughts.

Chakra vishuddha

Throat chakra. Responsible for speech, communication, sociability. Helps to avoid mistakes, dangers, suffering and serious ailments. But this is if it is "revealed". And if you are offended by someone around you (no matter for what!), If you stop communicating with someone, withdraw into yourself, hide in your "shell", then Vishuddha works very badly or does not work at all. As a result, you have less room to grow, less protection, less money.

Chakra ajna, or "third eye"

The glabellar chakra, which is responsible for will and action. And most importantly - for the ability to calculate everything in life, take into account and very quickly make the best decision. It is like the speed chakra in all its manifestations - the speed of thinking, the speed of reaction, etc. Any grievances limit this speed. You can no longer solve problems as efficiently as you should.

Chakra Sahasrara

Responsible for communication with space. Located in the region of the crown. She lets us know everything that heaven can bestow - happiness, love, luck, talents and other benefits. But this chakra closes if you are offended by God, saints, guardian angels. This happens when some kind of misfortune happens in life - a serious illness or death of a loved one, severe trials, the collapse of some hopes … Some in such situations turn to the Higher powers with reproaches. And they make it worse for themselves.

How to get rid of the grievances that clog our chakras? The most obvious way is to drive out negativity on your own. Write on a piece of paper the names of those who offended you. Express your concerns out loud. If it doesn't work out loud, then write all the grievances on paper, all that torment the soul. And from the bottom of your heart, forgive everyone for the pain you have suffered! Prayers are helpful. And, of course, you can always turn to a psychologist for help. And free yourself from resentment.

Magazine: Daria Horoscope №10 (132). Author: Editorial office