Do Not Bring Beautiful Stones From Your Trips - Alternative View

Do Not Bring Beautiful Stones From Your Trips - Alternative View
Do Not Bring Beautiful Stones From Your Trips - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Bring Beautiful Stones From Your Trips - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Bring Beautiful Stones From Your Trips - Alternative View
Video: Deal With Stress With This Easy Crafts 2024, July

Several years ago, the owner of a large company, Vincenzo Grassi, turned to the famous clairvoyant Adriana in Italy, begging to relieve his family of the curse that prevailed over her.

“Until recently,” Vincenzo said, “we lived peacefully and happily. However, two months ago, all sorts of troubles began to fall on me and all my household members. The daughter, having fallen off the bike, injured her spine and now moves in a wheelchair. My son, having contacted the sect of Satanists, left home after stealing money from me.

And my wife, despite a strictly observed diet, suddenly began to rapidly gain weight and today she already weighs three hundred kilograms. As for me, in a short time I managed to quarrel with all my partners and lose all my clients. It is likely that the neighbors, having envied our well-being, have sent damage to us.

In order to identify the cause of the misfortunes persecuting the Grassi family, the clairvoyant found it necessary to investigate the energy of their home.

As soon as she crossed the threshold of the luxurious mansion, Adriana immediately “saw” blackness enveloping the entire space. Moving from one room to another, she suddenly froze and, pointing to the bizarre stones scattered on the table, asked the owner how they got to their house.

“My daughter Louise,” Vincenzo replied, “not long before she got into trouble, she traveled to South America. She traveled the mainland far and wide and even visited the high-mountain villages located in the Bolivian Andes. One day, walking along a country road, Louise picked up several pebbles scattered on the ground, which struck her with their drawings and outlines. She brought them with her as souvenirs.

“I have to upset you,” Adriana said, “but all evil comes from them. The fact is that Latin American black magicians widely use various minerals in their rituals, since they serve as the best conductors of energy. It is on them that the sorcerers drop all their negativity.

Cute fragments of rock are endowed by magicians with such destructive power that, being thrown onto a train or plane, they will certainly cause a disaster. And the one who decides to decorate his home with such stones will soon either go broke or die.

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Compared to other souvenir lovers, you got off easy. A strong positive aura inherent in all members of your family saved you from more serious shocks. And as soon as you get rid of the stones, invite a priest to sprinkle holy water on the house and read prayers, your life will return to normal.

Often, sorcerers, - continued Adriana, - in order to discourage tourists from their "reserved" territory, specifically look for attractive stones, charge them with black energy and scatter them in prominent places in the hope that many of the uninvited guests will pick them up, after which they will get sick, and then " their "place will start to enjoy a bad reputation. Residents of the surrounding villages, being, of course, aware of the tricks of home-grown sorcerers, diligently bypass such "gifts".

For example, 20-year-old Norwegian Sylvia Christensen, who was on a student vacation in the Marquesas Islands, decided to take a “piece of the sun” to the Snow Queen's palaces in the form of a round bright orange peel with silvery veins she found near the hotel.

The very next day after returning to her homeland, Sylvia became the victim of a street robbery. Before she had time to recover from the shock she had experienced, she was brutally beaten by a drunken stepfather. As a result, an excessively dispersed alcoholic went to prison, and Sylvia was sent to the hospital with numerous injuries and fractures of her nose, ribs and collarbone.

When Sylvia, having healed her wounds, closed the hospital door behind her, she did not even suspect that even greater misfortunes awaited her.

Catching a taxi at the gates of the hospital, she told the driver her address. However, the driver took the girl not to her home at all, but to a wasteland located outside the city, where he raped the poor man.

Brought up in a family with patriarchal-sanctimonious foundations, Sylvia was distinguished by her shyness and therefore did not disclose what had happened. In order to forget about the incident on the wasteland as soon as possible, the girl violently pounced on her studies.

The consequences of communication with an overly lustful chauffeur affected a month later, when Sylvia was convinced that she was pregnant. Apparently, the native priest worked for a long time on the stone she got, since the girl's misadventures had no end. A blood test that Sylvia had to do before the abortion showed that she had syphilis.

The last blow finally finished her off, and after waiting for the parents to go to visit, she turned on the gas …

Bikes say that many tourists traveled to Namibia, attracted not only by African exoticism, but also by natural gems scattered all over the beach, most of which are natural garnets.

And upon returning from a fascinating trip, some travelers immediately ended up in the morgue, while others in the psychics' offices complained about ghosts tormenting them, animal growls at night, snakes crawling into bedrooms and constant threats emanating from an invisible enemy …

From the book “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Curse of things and cursed places"