Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View

Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View
Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View

Video: Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View

Video: Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View
Video: Enter the secret world of the Freemasons 2024, September

About what: world government on the Russian River; sophisticated debauchery in the shade of California redwoods; how the invisible Reagan led his funeral; how Mark Twain and Jack London founded the American "deep state" and many other interesting things.

It is almost impossible to find footage of what was the symbolic culmination of Ronald Reagan's funeral - the part that was lined up as a play was replete with mystical and Illuminati signs. It seems that this ceremony was broadcasted live - if memory does not lie, even on some Russian TV channels - and it’s impossible to find a recording of it on YouTube. Many hours of church service - please; footage of farewell during Reagan's "corpse tour" across the States - as many as you like; if you wish your colleagues, comrades and accomplices bringing condolences - if you please. But the following of the funeral cortege through the streets of Washington is nothing to find, only in the form of amateur photographs.


But there were many wonderful things there. Ronnie Regan not only died, but played the last role, arranged a benefit for himself - moreover, he addressed not to us, worthless (and what can we give him behind the coffin?), But to those who look at this world, at least from above and even, probably, a little outside. Not even to those who are looking, but to those who are watching, or rather, LOOKING FOR.

Nobody made a special secret of this, not at all - why? It was just that the media were not interested in this at the moment of general piercing grief - and that's it! And what's more, it didn't interest me later.


But Reagan was interested: he drew up a 300-page regulation for the ceremony of his own burial and there were no accidental, insignificant or meaningless elements there. A lone drummer led the procession, followed by a wagon drawn by a train of six horses. Then followed a BLACK saddled stallion: in the stirrups stood upright shining boots, worn BACK FORWARD.


Promotional video:

Moreover, the left boot is on the right, and the right boot is on the left. It must be understood that the Capitol and its environs, where the case took place, is probably the most overloaded place on Earth with Masonic symbols. I once tried to read into a detailed interpretation (and in America they treat this quite simply and publish it openly) of all the encrypted meanings of the obelisk alone, which rises opposite the White House: there is nothing in simplicity at all! A faceted marble canopy length, width, their ratio, orientation of this canopy to the cardinal points, etc., etc., etc. - everything is important there.


And even if you suddenly see that someone has urinated on the corner of the obelisk - rest assured: this is a high degree Mason performing the task of the lodge, and the sugar content in urine corresponds to the solar declination on the vernal equinox. Not to mention the Washington Memorial and the entire layout of the giant square. In short, the black stallion, the boots of the invisible dead, looking back - all this was not at all Alzheimer's whispered to Reagan. 300 pages of funeral regulations were written by specially selected people and they had something of their own in mind, only they and the customer could understand.


In fairness, we note that the first president, who was kept with the performance of the same Illuminati pas de deux, was not Reagan, but Lincoln. Then they stated that such a ritual supposedly came from Genghis Khan: some special history books among the Washington free masons, the right word.

Someone thinks that it is "the departed Reagan looking back at his leaving army, which led from victory to victory"? Yeah, yeah, black color, the movement of the invisible rider with his back forward, the mirroring of the boots - there is some kind of devil in everything, no?

And to understand everything, remember: for 45 years Mr. Regan sat, drank and ate in the shade of the Bohemian grove. And "Boemian Grove" is the most closed and mythologized private club on the planet, which is considered almost the Secret World Government. I’ll say right away that it’s not me that counts: it’s somehow strange for a government to meet once a year and at the same time consist of at least 2,000 people.


One of the dinners in the Bohemian Grove given to club members since time immemorial is either the 30s or the 40s.

Moreover, all these people spend a couple of weeks together, most of the time they kick into death and indulge in homosexual pleasures. At the same time, to have time to decide for Cambodia, the Paris Convention and the prices for dill in Mariupol - what kind of a device of the brain and the circulatory system involved in the delights should be? Reptilian isn't it. But why, then, would the lizards of homophobs from neighboring cities to the Bohemian Grove? And why was Arnie "Schwartz's dad" Schwarzenegger with Clint "Dirty Harry" Eastwood included in the world government - what kind of clowns are they capable of weaving global conspiracies? But, however, first things first.


A grove of virgin sequoias, 2 thousand years old, was bought in 1899 by the Bohemian Grove club, which united actors and other people of free professions - representatives of bohemia, in short. At that time, Mark Twain and Jack London, for example, were quite decent people, who entered the Grove. It was in California, which recently was still shaking from the "gold rush": most of the inhabitants there were of the "Hillbilly" variety - a redneck in our opinion. The subtle natures, who were clubbing in the Bohemian Grove, really wanted to dissociate themselves from the gopota: “To remove bast shoes from the village poor in a human! Have you removed? And now let's go away anyway!"


The gold diggers who greatly spoiled the life of the clean public from California with the smell of their onuchy and garbage.

Mild schizophrenia was inherent in the Bohemian public from the beginning: in rare photos of that time, there are art sketches in which someone is hanged or buried. The community was shrouded in a dark secret in the 10s, when politicians and bankers intercepted the management of the Bohemian Grove from the artists. And the veil became impenetrable to this secret in the 29th, when the last woman left it. Since then, it became impossible for random people to get there. Also, women and children should not get into: perhaps only close relatives of club members, on an excursion, when there is no session meeting, and so that before 21.00 be sure - "please get out!" People in the Bohemian Grove were not gathered talkative, and therefore there are few leaks - the fingers of one hand will be enough to count. Look, even the authors of the series "House of Cards", probably friends with the members of the club, only fantasize about this: Mr. Underwood is allowed to rituals, conditions are set for him,on which they promise support, but it is impossible to reach an agreement with the "Deep State".


So, what do you know about all this California brothel? In July, up to 2.5 thousand of the most influential, powerful and richest people of the planet come here for 2 weeks - albeit mostly Americans. They live in 13 (aha-aha) tent camps, set up at the foot of the redwoods.


Each tree here is higher than the Statue of Liberty: this is also, you understand, an accident. In each group of tents there are representatives of a certain caste: military, bankers, industrialists, diplomats. Let them pollinate! There is no sorting, running water is the same - if the attendants hadn't cleaned up, the inhabitants of the pioneer camp would have drowned in their own shit.


They might not have noticed this, because they are supposed to drink there without drying out. About semi-obligatory homosexual orgies - this does not look slanderous. Former Prime Minister David Cameron, why was he nicknamed "The Decameron"? For the fact that in Eton, at the initiation in a student fraternity, he copulated with a severed pig's head: they found out about him by chance, and after all, his fellow practitioners probably did the same - the former English minister Indel Johnson, for example.


But jointly perfect abomination is the best seal of silence. And you ask - why is nobody spreading about the order in the Bohemian Grove? Yes, because you will tell - and you will be stained forever. By the way, quite a lot is known about the famous ritual of the concrete owl. At night, at the foot of a strange statue, by the light of torches, people in hoods dance. An object that looks like a man in burial shroud is brought into their circle and burned at the feet of the idol. But an owl, in general, is not very much an owl: she is sometimes also called Astarte.


And, many are sure, they burn a living person. It also does not sound like a lie.


Reconstruction of the sacrifice from the authors of the House of Cards. Then they decided not to pursue the naturalistic nature of the victim, so as not to feed (not -?) The baseless suspicions of the rabble.

The Anglo-Saxon elite is united and inseparable, but about the British, for example, it is known for certain: the local authorities raped and killed children. Premier Edward Heath (1970-74)


Respectable gentleman - how could one suspect a pedophile, rapist and murderer in this father of the people, right?

actor and knight Sir Jimmy Savile …


This one, for example, has everything written on his face, but who would suspect (although the victims vied with each other) a good friend of Prince Charles and his constant drinking companion?

There is talk of Prince Charles and Prince Consort Philip. In general, nothing is impossible for a gentleman. Above the gates to the estate there is a coat of arms with the motto: "May a spider weaving a web do not enter here!" I mean, do the work in the office, but here - get distracted, develop!


But this is for the fools, of course: it was here that the signatures were put under the order for Oppenheimer to begin work on the atomic bomb, here in 69 Reagan was ordered not to interfere with Nixon in the elections. In short, People work everywhere. In different years (from 1980 to 2002) 4 people crept secretly into the Grove: each took something off or wrote about what he saw. Alas, no spies were allowed further than the pioneer camp over the Russkaya River (just imagine, this is what the Russian first settlers of California called it).

Here is a story about the same and unique video, which you will find in few places today, I recommend:

Well, they only said that the clubbers were shitting under the trees and that they were burning a scarecrow near the scarecrow. A little, agree. True, the leaks gave local authorities a reason to intervene: in 84, the California Supreme Court ruled that women are also required to be hired as servants of the Bohemian Grove.

They did it in the following way: the commanding redneck is ashamed to urinate on trees, will start toilets, and put an end to unsanitary conditions. Well, the question, of course, was shaken up: how can you check - are there women among the lackeys? When is the access mode controlled by the USSS - the United States Secret Service? In general, to this day it remains a mystery - what actually happens there, except for fooling around. But President Nixon, himself a participant in all the outrages, said in 71st: "The Bohemian grove, where I occasionally visit, is the most damned pid … a place in the world that cannot be worse!"


Nixon (top right) suffers surrounded by Goddamned Phaggots.

Well, we also know that they are discussing the main issues of human existence there behind a headache, like - to make a bomb or not to make? 2000 vomiting "gays", albeit for ranks and shoulder straps, are not very attracted to the world government, will you agree? Although what we deserve for our grave sins …


Such cheerful performances were performed during the formation of the club order.

On the other hand, these are certainly not a planetary synclite. But after all, someone orders them food, paints on tents, allocates meeting rooms in a stone building on the territory of the estate. Someone is giving orders to the staff and security from the USSS? After all, this pioneer camp has a boss - Comrade Dynin with the leaders? Maybe they are the 33rd degree Illuminati Sanhedrin? God knows. Or rather, not a god, of course - judging by President Reagan's boots and black stallion.
