X-ray Girl - Alternative View

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X-ray Girl - Alternative View
X-ray Girl - Alternative View

Video: X-ray Girl - Alternative View

Video: X-ray Girl - Alternative View
Video: Bodyshock The Girl With X Ray Eyes 3 of 4 2024, September

An unprecedented catastrophic natural disaster awaits the Earth, which will destroy many houses and claim thousands of human lives - this prediction is trying to convey to people a unique four-year-old girl, whose unprecedented gift of clairvoyance, telepathy and foresight is now being studied by Russian scientists

But so far, few people hear her warning … A

clear-eyed four-year-old baby with fluffy curls - Polina Belokon - became known to scientists after rumors reached them that excited Troitsk near Moscow: as if this miracle child reads thoughts. She sees everything that the other person thinks, looking at his thoughts as in an open book …

“I have to mentally sing songs or read poems so that my daughter does not recognize some of my thoughts,” says mother, 31-year-old Irina Tasmukhamedova, embarrassed. - After all, a four-year-old child does not need to know everything.

- It is unlikely that you would be happy if your child saw your thoughts, - complains the baby's dad Vladimir. - Why? Imagine: sometimes I'm even afraid to take a step. I will go to the kitchen, she shouts: “Dad! Don't cut yourself! , And in a second I cut myself - because I don't have time to react …


Adults, wise people come to the four-year-old girl for advice.

“We try not to tell anyone about Polina's predictions, but people will find out themselves - both from friends and acquaintances,” Irina Nikolaevna's mother confessed to Life. - Women 35-36 years old come and ask: "Will I get married this year?" Polina says: "No!" And so it goes. My friend asked if her godmother would have a child, Polina answered: "Yes, boy."

But from the middle of spring, the miracle child began to repeat as if it were a routine: "Mom, there will be a hurricane!"

- Then we were sitting with Polina at home, when she suddenly asked me: "Mom, do you know where the hurricane lives?" - recalls the mother. - I began to explain to her: “Daughter, they are born in the sea, then grow and come ashore …” And then Polina interrupted me: “No, mom, he lives underground - we have a very strong hurricane here. Sometimes it breaks out to the surface. And soon he will come to earth again. Small houses will collapse, but large ones will survive. But a lot of people will die”.

It is impossible not to listen to the words of this child - steel sounds in her voice.


For the first time, a unique gift manifested itself when Polina was one and a half years old.

“Not immediately my husband and I paid attention to this, we thought it was an accident,” my mother shared with the correspondents of “Life”. - Polina was still very little. We are sitting at the table with her, and she suddenly says so thoughtfully: "Now dad will come!" Glancing at my watch, I wave it off: "It's still early, he is at work, he will come in the evening." Three minutes later the door opens, our dad stands on the threshold, ran home for a minute. A few minutes before the doctor's visit, Polina informed us that the doctor was coming to us. And such cases happened over and over again, more and more often.

Mom seriously thought after one incident.

- The eldest daughter Diana got sick and did not go to school, - said Irina Nikolaevna. - And the youngest Polina was taken to the kindergarten early in the morning, she did not know that Diana was taken to the clinic in the afternoon. I sit at supper pondering what the doctor said. And Polina, who had just returned from the garden, suddenly looks at me attentively, and after a second she says: "Well, what did the doctor say?" It was then that I became thoughtful.

The adults began to listen carefully to the daughter's words. And they were amazed.

- When Polina first talked to 73-year-old grandmother Getwig, she said: “Grandmother has a really bad headache!” Less than six months later, a benign brain tumor was removed from my grandmother … The older generation is already afraid of the granddaughter's unexpected revelations.

- Grandmothers can be understood, - mother complains. - Polina comes up to them and says: "Grandma, and you will die soon." - “Polina, don't! Can you make me live? " - "Okay, I'll do it." Maybe these are childhood fantasies, but Polina says that she sees a color picture - and the future turns out to be exactly as she describes it.

- Now friends often come running to us: "Will I pass the exam tomorrow?" - Mom laughs. - And Polina answers "yes" to someone, "no" to someone. This is how it happens …

Over time, the child's unique gift only develops, acquiring new additional opportunities.

- When I get tired or get sick, she will come up to me, pat me - and the pain relieves like a hand, - says Irina Nikolaevna. - And she herself cannot even eat one pill - this is a very big problem for us. Even when I try to deceive her, crush a pill and mix it with water - the medicine then still comes out of it with vomiting …

The family has already got used to living with the unique gift of the youngest daughter.

- I recently took a driving course. On the weekend, she got behind the wheel herself, next to her husband, children in the back seat. Let's go. And suddenly from behind a low child's voice: "Well, how long will we be so trailing ?!" I looked sideways at my husband: “Volodya! Confess - your thoughts? " He nods resignedly: "Mine!"


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vladislav Lugovenko has been studying the phenomenon of children with supernatural abilities for many years.

“Polina Belokon is a classic example of indigo children,” Professor Lugovenko is sure. “Such children make brilliant personalities who will later occupy leading positions in our society. It is important in childhood not to break their will, not to forbid, but to develop all their abilities. I think that in the future Polina Belokon will still bring many benefits to people.

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