Interesting Scientific Findings: How The Electromagnetic Fields Of The Earth And Humans Interact - Alternative View

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Interesting Scientific Findings: How The Electromagnetic Fields Of The Earth And Humans Interact - Alternative View
Interesting Scientific Findings: How The Electromagnetic Fields Of The Earth And Humans Interact - Alternative View

Video: Interesting Scientific Findings: How The Electromagnetic Fields Of The Earth And Humans Interact - Alternative View

Video: Interesting Scientific Findings: How The Electromagnetic Fields Of The Earth And Humans Interact - Alternative View
Video: Electromagnetism 101 | National Geographic 2024, July

We talk a lot about the human aura and perceive it as something divine, subtle. And if earlier science resisted admitting the unknown, now the picture is diametrically opposite. The human body emits an electromagnetic field. This fact plays an important role and takes us far beyond the knowledge of biology.

The most important organ

Did you know that the heart emits the most powerful electromagnetic field in comparison with all other parts of the body? It encodes information that changes depending on the emotions of a particular person, his thoughts and feelings. Through the neutron system, the heart sends signals to the brain, which in the form of long-term or short-term memory are responsible for our emotional experiences. Emotional information, which is encrypted in the electromagnetic field, tends to change its nature, but it can also have an impact on those around us. And, according to Rollin McCraity, Ph. D., people are fundamentally connected not only with each other, but also with the planet on which they live.

Consistency of hearts

Dr. McCraity is the director of the Heart Mathematics Institute, and often comes across interesting observations in his work. According to the expert, the hearts of many people can beat in unison. This phenomenon is called coherence and is observed when people radiate love and compassion. At this time, the heart generates coherent electromagnetic waves and radiates them into the environment.

This is how physical and biological processes contribute to social cohesion, whether in the family, in the workplace, or in the classroom. The more people in a particular place will emit coordinated waves, the easier it is for new team members to join them. This creates a powerful energy field that makes communication with each other easier and warmer. In theory, this is possible when large numbers of people are able to form individual and social cohesion that can truly foster global cohesion for the greater good.

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Communication with outer space

But if people can feel unity with each other, then they can feel a close relationship with our planet and even outer space. After all, each person is just a separate element in the entire immense universe. We happened to live in an amazing time when science was able to accept for granted the connection of each individual in a gigantic network that stretches far beyond the solar system.

What is coherence

Coherence is commonly understood as the synchronization of work (in this case, the brain and heart rhythms). This process can be seen everywhere, from the coordination of the work of individual particles, individual organs, individuals, social groups, to planets and even galaxies. Harmonious order creates a consistent system where each element is directly related to electromagnetic flux in all processes.

Links of one chain

Feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation and other positive emotions evoke lightness and affect not only the human nervous system. Positive emotions can affect those around us, and even go out into space. Previously, we did not think about it, but now science is firmly convinced that all processes are links in one large chain.

Using the example of mass meditation or prayer

Researchers have conducted studies that looked at the effects of mass meditation and prayer. These actions can have a beneficial effect on the physical processes occurring in the human body. History knows a lot of significant results. During mass meditation or prayer, people, having achieved agreement, direct all their energy in a good direction. They focus their intentions, thoughts, and aspirations on achieving a certain positive outcome. This kind of action can have overwhelming results.

History case

So, during the hostilities between Israel and Lebanon in the 80s of the last century, Harvard University professors organized groups of meditators in several parts of the world (in Jerusalem, in the USA, in Yugoslavia). For this purpose, people experienced in meditation were selected. Their goal was to focus on the conflict zone. The meditations took place at various intervals for 27 months.

According to statistics, during the reporting period, each time the rituals took place, violence in the conflict zone significantly decreased. Robberies, hostage-taking, executions of prisoners of war and the execution of civilians were halved. In some cases, the power of meditation helped in resolving a tense situation up to 80 percent. Each time at this time, the number of those killed on the battlefield decreased. And each time the number of wounded soldiers decreased.


The earth is our glue

It is not for nothing that we call the planet we live on our mother. She really created us, gave us shelter and strives to make us better. We are all her children, and are strongly connected to her through the magnetic field. It contains biological information, it connects all disparate elements into a single structure. Each person has the power to influence this global information field. The more people create coherent electromagnetic waves, the more people exude love, appreciation, care and compassion, the more powerful the coherence will be. This field can be of invaluable benefit to others, it helps to smooth out the current planetary discord.

Is there a feedback loop between man and the planet?

The earth has several sources of magnetic fields, but they all affect us. One geomagnetic field comes from the core of the planet, the other is associated with the ionosphere. Both of these fields surround the Earth and act as protective shields. They block the harmful effects of solar radiation, cosmic radiation, dust and other space weather particles. Without these geomagnetic fields, there would be no ice, and they are an integral part of a dynamic ecosystem.

Influence of aggressive environment

When solar activity interferes with the earth's geomagnetic fields, it affects human health and behavior. When the environment is aggressive (geomagnetic storms), it can cause sleep problems, low energy, lethargy, confusion for no apparent reason. When the planet's field remains stable, many people report an increase in positive emotions, a surge in creativity and inspiration. The human brain, heart and nervous system seem to resonate with geomagnetic frequencies.
