Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View

Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View
Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View

Video: Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View

Video: Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Free Alternatives to Expensive Software! 2021 2024, September

Deception is a word in itself that carries a shade of injustice. This ancient craft appeared along with man and gradually evolved as our civilization progressed. The oldest forms of criminal deception were constantly adapting to changing conditions, and no one could prevent it. In the modern world, the art of deception takes on forms never seen before. The age of globalization and computerization did not eliminate deception and theft, but contributed to their development. What are 21st century scammers? Which organization is responsible for tactful, consistent hacker attacks on large states?

What is deception anyway? It is a way to make a person either believe something that is not true, or receive something that the deceiver does not rightfully belong to. The deception developed and smoothly turned into fraud. Oftentimes, it is impossible to distinguish deception from fraud. However, all this happens only if we are talking about a scam familiar to everyone. The so-called "fuckers" have always existed. It is not difficult to deceive such people. Some believe in the power of unfamiliar documents, others prefer to believe in free cheese, completely forgetting about the mousetrap. Modern deceivers and swindlers have long left city streets and subway passages. Now they are hackers. People who develop global cybercrime. They are capable of everything - from the usual hacking of pages on social networks to causing colossal damage to the richest corporations. In some cases,hackers not only steal personal data and compromising materials, but also help organize a coup d'etat and even influence the election of the head of state.

World cybercrime - behind these simple words there is a mystery that cannot be solved. We are addicted to computer technology. All our lives are contained on the servers of the largest corporations. It is convenient and practical, but at the same time dangerous. Hacking organizations can easily access anyone's life. Find out all the secrets, passwords, steal money and even commit legal murder of absolutely any person. Every large organization cannot do without advanced computer technology. The benefits of progress to help us can work against us, causing enormous economic damage. However, this is not the worst thing.

We are used to the fact that the State is the guarantor of the security of every person. It is a strong and powerful structure that, it would seem, is impossible not to deceive or hack. The scary thing is that it is not. During the American presidential election, by a strange coincidence, Donald Trump became president. This happened contrary to the opinion of all the US financial elites. This shouldn't have happened. All suspicions fell on Russia. Constant accusations of cyberattacks on another state have long become the main topic of the world media. However, similar hacker attacks took place in Russia, China, Japan, and even Germany. Political forces constantly blame each other, and independent researchers and so-called white hackers argue that there is a relationship between these attacks. All of them are made by professionals in their field. Each of these attacks inevitably leads to serious geopolitical disruption and economic damage. One such attack is heating up the world situation so much that it can be considered a beneficial mechanism for unleashing a war. Independent experts and white hackers suggest that the same people are behind all these hacker attacks. This is a whole organization. Deeply conspiratorial community of genius hackers and programmers. All their actions always bring about a certain result, which fits suspiciously well into the general geopolitical picture. It turns out that all these attacks have a common goal - to play off states and unleash a new world war!that it can be considered a beneficial mechanism for unleashing a war. Independent experts and white hackers suggest that the same people are behind all these hacker attacks. This is a whole organization. Deeply conspiratorial community of genius hackers and programmers. All their actions always bring about a certain result, which fits suspiciously well into the general geopolitical picture. It turns out that all these attacks have a common goal - to play off states and unleash a new world war!that it can be considered a beneficial mechanism for unleashing a war. Independent experts and white hackers suggest that the same people are behind all these hacker attacks. This is a whole organization. Deeply conspiratorial community of genius hackers and programmers. All their actions always bring about a certain result, which fits suspiciously well into the general geopolitical picture. It turns out that all these attacks have a common goal - to play off states and unleash a new world war!which fits suspiciously well into the general geopolitical picture. It turns out that all these attacks have a common goal - to play off states and unleash a new world war!which fits suspiciously well into the general geopolitical picture. It turns out that all these attacks have a common goal - to play off states and unleash a new world war!

Such a virtual scam has long gone beyond what is permissible. Official authorities and the secret world government have already demonstrated their inability to identify the source of these attacks. This threat is the most serious challenge to world security over the past 17 years. There is only one community that everyone knows about, but no one knows anything about it. The so-called "Cicada 3301". This is the biggest mystery of our century. This group of people has been recruiting the most ingenious people through ordinary games for many years. The puzzles that appear on the internet contain a variety of riddles. Only 1 person in a billion can solve them. Numerous hackers, mathematicians, physicists and cryptographic professionals are unable to cope with the riddles. The last known person who solved the mystery told the world only that "Cicadas" are a group of geniuses,who set themselves the goal of changing the whole world without the help of governments. After this interview, the man disappeared forever and no one else ever saw him. However, the riddles have not stopped and right now thousands of hackers are racking their brains over them, because "Cicada" is the dream of any specialist.

This community is so mysterious that for 20 years the secret services of the whole world have not been able to detect them. Many experts associate tactful hacker attacks on states and leaks of classified information with cicadas and for a reason. There are many influential personalities in the world and several secret organizations responsible for everything that happens in the world. They have arisen a long time ago and are not used to sharing their power with others. It is absolutely certain that the Cicadas strike one after another and very consistently. Each such attack is always a grandiose event that the whole world is talking about. All attacks are successful, and there are no leads at all. These are new people, a new organization that has declared a quiet war not only to the world government, but also to each state.