Why Are Predictions Dangerous - Alternative View

Why Are Predictions Dangerous - Alternative View
Why Are Predictions Dangerous - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Predictions Dangerous - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Predictions Dangerous - Alternative View
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Prediction is a vision of the future in a logically and scientifically incomprehensible superphysical way and the transfer of this information to other people. The prediction is given as a ready-made or probabilistic program. And this has always been one of the reasons for his criticism from the militant orthodox, requiring explanations and justifications, which the seer cannot give. He, of course, will say that cards or runes, patterns of coffee grounds at the bottom of a cup or the arrangement of celestial bodies "fell out like that," but this is unlikely to be convincing for a person who considers himself a materialist.

Fortunetellers, prophets, predictors, indeed, look into the future. But how can this be explained? After all, it is still believed that the forecast will be absolutely correct only if you know all the conditions that precede it. For example, most natural laws and rules are based on this, which are statistically probable, for example, twice two is four, and a stone thrown up will inevitably fall down. But in ordinary life, it is not always possible to achieve such a refined situation. Consider the weather, which is influenced by hundreds of known and unknown factors that are themselves in an equally unstable equilibrium. This circumstance can be compared to balancing a pencil on a point. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to indicate in which direction it will fall. And in order to unbalance this pencil,even insignificant forces are required, which are, rather, not physical, but signal in nature. This position, with the light hand of the American researcher Edward Norton Lorenz, is called the butterfly effect: a butterfly flapping its wings in the United States can cause a severe storm in Indonesia. That is, as the French mathematician Henri Poincaré said earlier about this: “Small differences in the initial conditions give rise to huge differences in the final phenomenon … Prediction becomes impossible”. But nevertheless it happens and it often turns out to be very correct!That is, as the French mathematician Henri Poincaré said earlier about this: “Small differences in the initial conditions give rise to huge differences in the final phenomenon … Prediction becomes impossible”. But nevertheless it happens and it often turns out to be very correct!That is, as the French mathematician Henri Poincaré said earlier about this: “Small differences in the initial conditions give rise to huge differences in the final phenomenon … Prediction becomes impossible”. But nevertheless it happens and it often turns out to be very correct!

If a prediction by inspiration, carried out, for example, by futurologists and science fiction writers, nevertheless rests on some kind of initial scientific basis, then the prophecies carried out by a large army of astrologers, clairvoyants and fortune-tellers have practically no physical foundations of this kind. However, this does not mean at all that everything that they broadcast and prophesy turns out to be sucked from the finger. On the contrary, the techniques and rituals they use are rather conservative and do not tolerate innovation. Most of them were developed by previous generations of clairvoyants, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with academic science. Nevertheless, these techniques demonstrate obtaining information from the future, which is completely impossible from the standpoint of traditional science. This effect is carried out due to the penetration of the fortuneteller into a subtle or parallel reality,for which the distinction between temporal, spatial and many other gradations, so important for the physical world, simply does not matter.

This kind of insight is possible not only by virtuoso mastery of the skill of card fortune-telling or the art of drawing up horoscopes, but also due to the special personality traits of the predictor, congenital or acquired with experience, his ability to enter an altered state of consciousness, for which this multidimensional reality, coupled with our world, or subtle the world seems to be a special reality.

At the heart of the ever-present demand for predictions lies the fact that a person is weak, often takes dubious and speculative actions, seeks to find out his future, especially when it turns out to be mysterious and uncertain. For all the fabulousness of this process and its results, which cannot but amaze, one thing is not taken into account: the foreshadowing of what has not yet happened and what can be avoided or, on the contrary, accelerated, along with useful information, has negative sides.

The fact is that the mind of the predictor, as a person sophisticated and in a special way connected with the subtle world, has a materializing effect. In other words, the prophet can not only predict future events, but also actually create them or push his client towards them. In addition, extraordinary and unexpected prophecies not only shock, but also disorganize and even paralyze a person's activities, directing his efforts in an inappropriate way. Remember the classic story of the prophetic Oleg, poetically described by A. S. Pushkin. If the prince had not met that same magician, his life would have become different. The messenger not only prophesied to Oleg an untimely end "from his horse", but also actually modeled this fate for him. These days, this happens most often from negative prophecies, where fortunetellers take on a huge moral responsibility,because they superphysically interfere not only with someone else's fate, but also with higher crafts …

Any prediction from here, becoming known and being repeated many times, uttered, read, can become irresistible, gaining power and strength from people who believed in it. Differing in intent from the spell, it essentially coincides with it. Prediction eliminates the initial ambiguity and vagueness of the situation, unconsciously pushing a person to often not the best prospect for him. This violates the natural for the physical world connection of cause and effect, which change places, causing insoluble paradoxes and destroying the very physical reality. It is possible that if the man had treated the troubles foretold to him with irony, had fun and would soon forget about them - the trouble weighing on him might not have happened. In some cases, a soothsayer who claims, for example, the death of a dissolute person or a person weighed down with ailments,brings this information to the prepared soil, thereby only spurring the process.

The information contained in the prophecy, in this case, acts as a harsh scenario, as a result of which the person only dreams that he is leaving danger, but in reality he is moving towards it with leaps and bounds. We must think that Nostradamus knew about this, because he carefully encrypted his quatrains, which today we disclose only in hindsight, when the predicted events have already occurred. Equally vague prophecies are given by the I Ching (the Chinese "Book of Changes"), as well as the Scandinavian runes. Almost all predictions lack names, titles, dates - the subtle world itself protects us from premature information that could destroy our entire existence and all its meaning.

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Arkady Vyatkin, parapsychologist