God Named Kuzya - Alternative View

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God Named Kuzya - Alternative View
God Named Kuzya - Alternative View

Video: God Named Kuzya - Alternative View

Video: God Named Kuzya - Alternative View
Video: ПОЯСНИ ЗА ИНСТАЛЛ 1. Два сабвуфера + Три полосы. Кузя vs Edge. 2024, July

It turns out that everyone can declare himself a god. And there will definitely be people who believe in your divine essence. So the visually impaired Andrei Popov from Dolgoprudny near Moscow called himself God, took the pseudonym of his deceased parrot and acquired a mass of ardent admirers, apostles and even his own harem.

A fat, blind-eyed lump with the face of a country idiot. This is the impression this self-proclaimed "god" makes. Nevertheless, Andrey Popov is not as simple as it seems at first glance. When you listen to the audio, which was written "for history" at his direction, or read eyewitness statements, it becomes no laughing matter …


As a child, Andrei Popov was raised by his grandparents. Relations with parents did not work out. The only friend was a parrot named Kuzya. The boy dreamed of a menagerie. The dream came true when Andrei grew up and put together a sect. In May 2014, investigators found 219 million rubles, 150 thousand dollars and a whole zoo in the premises belonging to the sect. Crocodile Tosha, iguana Gunya, exotic snakes, turtles, lizards, armadillos and even echidna, which is forbidden to be exported from his native Australia - Kuzya received many rare representatives of the fauna as a gift from his passionate fans. So for the New Year, they collected 2 million rubles and bought animals for the joy of the idol. Now our smaller brothers are forced to live in the cages of the Moscow Zoo, but Kuza was less fortunate - he whiled away his days in a pre-trial detention center.


The word "sect" comes from the Latin "secta" or "sequi", which means to follow someone, to obey. The sect leader usually perfectly possesses the ability to manipulate the consciousness of other people, knows how to control their behavior, masterly uses various techniques to turn a person into a loyal, obedient, obsequious and servile adept. At the same time, one - the leader - likes to obey, the other - the victim - likes to obey. Therefore, no matter how they fought with the sects, they are indestructible like cockroaches.

God Kuzya relied on women. As more gullible, suggestible and emotional beings, they formed the backbone of the group. There were also men in the sect, but there were much fewer of them. Kuzya divided his "children" into six categories. The first circle was closed by his two wives (according to some sources there were four of them). The second circle was made up of the main assistant. The third circle is especially close "Sunday" or "apostles". Women from the third circle entered Kuzi's harem. The fourth circle is “subbotniks”. They brought the sect the main income at "Orthodox exhibitions." Posing as representatives of a little-known temple or monastery, they invited people to order prayers and services, which in fact no one performed, and Kuzya only pocketed money. "Subbotniks" could enter the harem, but under certain circumstances. The fifth circle was allwho did not yet know about the divine purpose of Kuzi. The sixth included those who recognized him, but rejected. Such Kuzya called "demons", "vegetables" or "cucumbers". The sixth category often included the relatives of the adepts - parents, husbands, children, wives. Like all sect leaders like him, Kuzya kept his flock in fear. The sect practiced corporal punishment. All those who disobey, stumbled, or doubted were lashed and beaten to the point of bruising and bruising. "Debriefing" often took place in general meetings called "otters." Kuzya inspired the fans that with the help of such a collective discussion a "cleansing" takes place. On "otters" the one whose private life understood, was obliged to answer any questions, including his intimate life. Kuzya paid special attention to the presence of movable and immovable property among the adherents. Usually,every wealthy member of the sect, sooner or later, had to transfer his goods to Kuza. If relatives or friends interfered with becoming the full owner of someone else's property, God “threw a sharyok” - so in the internal jargon it meant to harm, damage, bring the victim to death. In general, Kuzya in every possible way welcomed the complete break of his followers with their relatives. Popov persuaded his adherents to divorce their husbands and wives, urged them to end relations with old parents, and forced their children to be raised by grandparents or in a boarding school. Kuzya assured like-minded people that he could destroy his enemies physically - with the power of his thoughts alone. He so took possession of the consciousness of the adepts that they were very approving of the death of "demons". And if they resisted, the punishment was not long in coming. Beatings were carried out for communicating with strangers,taking medication or calling relatives. In February 2013 alone, 22 people were beaten. The sect also practiced collective beatings.

Promotional video:


According to Popov, he realized that he was God at the age of 14. But for a long time he had to hide this gratifying fact from the public. He began his "divine" activity as a quiet humble father in one of the capital's temples. He managed to charm the abbot, and he allowed him to serve for two months. When it turned out that the false pop did not have any documents, he was expelled from the church. The future messiah was not embarrassed by this, and a year later he got a job giving lectures in the auditorium of the Institute of Soil Science - as a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church "Vladyka Roman". The lectures enjoyed some success. Up to five hundred people gathered, even priests came. We must pay tribute to Kuzka, despite his moronic appearance, he knew how to electrify the hall. For a long time Popov pretended to be blind - a kind of blind seer. First he spilled the Bible,and then he began to inject his own views into the lectures. For example, about the fact that abortion is allowed, since a child killed in the womb in a past life was himself a murderer. The priests murmured and left the audience, and women, especially the lonely ones, looked into the speaker's mouth. But in February 2009 he was kicked out of there. Then the most ardent supporters of "Vladyka Roman" moved to the apartment of his common-law wife in the center of Moscow. At these gatherings Popov spread his wings and declared himself "God Kuzey". Without a twinge of conscience, he claimed that he was 82.5 percent god, while Christ was only 60 percent god, and 40 percent man. According to him, he is at the same time the incarnation of Jesus, and the Theotokos, and Sergius of Radonezh, and the Archangel Gabriel, and the prophets, and Helena Blavatsky, etc. “I came to free the world from parasites! I came,to free the world from rot, from microbes, from worms with a human face … But my main mission is not to save, but to judge! " - Popov declared in one of his speeches. Kuzya insisted that his talents were innumerable. On his personal website, he appears as a "man of encyclopedic knowledge", a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, a member of the Union of Artists, composer, psychologist, singer, biologist, chess player and owner of a "phenomenal healing gift." Alas, Kuzya forgot to mention his main talent - the ability to fool people. Now this "talent" is "rotting in prison", and his intoxicated followers have developed a violent activity aimed at freeing "God" as soon as possible.that his talents are innumerable. On his personal website, he appears as a "man of encyclopedic knowledge", a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, a member of the Union of Artists, composer, psychologist, singer, biologist, chess player and owner of a "phenomenal healing gift." Alas, Kuzya forgot to mention his main talent - the ability to fool people. Now this "talent" is "rotting in prison", and its intoxicated followers have developed a vigorous activity aimed at freeing the "god" as soon as possible.that his talents are innumerable. On his personal website, he appears as a "man of encyclopedic knowledge", a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, a member of the Union of Artists, composer, psychologist, singer, biologist, chess player and owner of a "phenomenal healing gift." Alas, Kuzya forgot to mention his main talent - the ability to fool people. Now this "talent" is "rotting in prison", and its intoxicated followers have developed a vigorous activity aimed at freeing the "god" as soon as possible.and his drugged followers developed a vigorous activity aimed at liberating the "god" as soon as possible.and his drugged followers developed a vigorous activity aimed at liberating the "god" as soon as possible.



History already knows one Kuzka God. He appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in the Nizhny Novgorod province. He treated people, cattle, looked for thieves, predicted the future. The people infinitely believed in "the man of God." And how could it be otherwise, if angels visited him at night! And they visited him like this. In the evenings, through the window of the cell, it was clearly visible how Kuzma stood for hours on end in front of the icons. In fact, the imaginary worshiper was engaged in completely different things in the evenings and nights. Kuzka put together three closed boxes. In the walls of each he made a hole, over which he hung an angel cut out of paper. Kuzma put one lit candle in all the boxes, and the shadow of an angel appeared on the opposite wall. The heat of the candle stirred the angels. When, with the help of long experiments, the "pilgrim" brought his art to such perfection, he began to arrange performances at night. And the crowd outside the windows, pushing and crushing each other, with bated breath watched the arrival of the angels. As soon as the candles burned out, the angels disappeared, and the cell plunged into darkness. People scattered to their homes in horror to ring the whole neighborhood in the morning about an unprecedented miracle. Then everything was the same as in all sects: young novices-concubines, for the "god" was an unprecedented voluptuous, orgies, murder and hard labor …