Magicians Told About The Fate Of President Trump - Alternative View

Magicians Told About The Fate Of President Trump - Alternative View
Magicians Told About The Fate Of President Trump - Alternative View

Video: Magicians Told About The Fate Of President Trump - Alternative View

Video: Magicians Told About The Fate Of President Trump - Alternative View
Video: Watch Trump's reaction as Imran Khan talks about India, Afghanistan, Iran 2024, July

According to the canons of Vedic magic, the 45th American leader Donald Trump may have similarities with the presidency of John F. Kennedy

This version of the prophecy was voiced by the magician of the Vedic tradition Igor Meheda, writes obozrevatel.

He clarified that such a forecast was made based on an astrological point of view, therefore, there is no reason to unequivocally assert that the killers will attempt on Trump's life.

Meheda stressed that theories that Trump could be assassinated, like Kennedy, is nothing more than a "hypothesis."

The magician explained that both Trump himself and the United States as a country belong to the Gemini sign. “There has already been such a situation in US history - US President John F. Kennedy was also born under the sign of Gemini,” the expert noted.

It is with this that the attempts to extrapolate the events of the Kennedy presidency to the Trump presidency are connected, the magician explained, commenting on the previously voiced "prophecies."

In addition, the specialist commented on the prophecies "attributed to Nostradamus and Vanga" that the last US president will be the 44th president, Barack Obama.

“You and I know that prophets are more programmers of events than their observers, and if millions of people believe in this program and feed it with their energy, then such a program will be realized. If they do not nourish it, it will remain unrealized in the mental world,”the magician is convinced.

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