Among The Swamps - Alternative View

Among The Swamps - Alternative View
Among The Swamps - Alternative View

Video: Among The Swamps - Alternative View

Video: Among The Swamps - Alternative View
Video: These Boys Went Through Hell: The Dozier School of Horrors 2024, September

This true story was told to me by a friend - an erudite and strong-willed woman. I love and respect her very much. I transmit from her words.

It was last fall, September 27, 2013. Usually we go to the forest in a large company, but that day for some reason I went there with an unfamiliar woman. We collected cranberries in a very muddy swamp. There is only one path, and it’s a disaster if you lose it.

Berry picking was unsuccessful for me, even very bad. When it began to get dark, I suddenly discovered that my companion had disappeared somewhere. In the swamp I found myself completely alone. But this is not so bad. The worst thing is that I have lost the path! It is not clear where to go. I went somewhere at random, but only fell waist-deep into a swamp.

I felt creepy. It was already getting dark around. I understood that the last train was about to leave. I barely got out of the swamp, all wet. My pink jumpsuit became heavy and cold. The cell phone was wet in my pocket, but it was still working. Somehow I managed to get through to the Ministry of Emergencies. When I explained the situation, I heard the answer:

- Call the police.

And all - passed out. Can you imagine ?!

Tears flowed from my eyes. I sit on a tiny island with three trees in the middle of a swamp, hold on to a trunk and cry. In desperation, I began to pray. I read Our Father and Theotokos. And, lo and behold! I look, there is a birch nearby. I went up to her.

It turned out that it, like a bridge, leads from my island to another. I walked along it and see - further there is another birch tree, leading to the third island. I even stopped crying. And so I am 66 years old with a small backpack on my shoulders, balancing on the fallen

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in the trees, driven by fear, she climbed out of the swamp onto solid ground.

Yes, only to the station still go and go through the forest. Of course, I was late. I look at my watch - the train is gone, and the last bus too. Wet and scared, I went out onto the highway. I was so exhausted that I did not even try to stop passing cars.

And suddenly a car pulled up next to me, and a sweet young woman herself offered to give me a lift. It turned out that, despite the darkness, the woman noticed what state I was in, and realized that I needed help. Thank you very much! And I also thank the higher powers that responded to my prayers.

Evgeniya Yakovlevna WALTER, St. Petersburg