Cherepovets Bog - Alternative View

Cherepovets Bog - Alternative View
Cherepovets Bog - Alternative View

Video: Cherepovets Bog - Alternative View

Video: Cherepovets Bog - Alternative View
Video: 1974г. Череповец. стан 2000. субботник 2024, September

The Cherepovets bog is a poorly studied possible anomalous zone in the Vologda region of Russia.

Some anomalies have not revealed their secrets for centuries. Researchers have repeatedly attempted to find explanations for strange phenomena, but very often, there are only assumptions that cannot be substantiated. In such cases, the riddle becomes even more interesting.

The swamps located near the city of Cherepovets on the territory of the Russian Federation are one such undisclosed phenomenon, despite the fact that many have tried to find an explanation for the unusual things that happened in this area.


The swamps are known for numerous cases of people disappearing without a trace. There is a lot of evidence that it was not without some mystical forces. A few decades ago, the region recorded a fairly high percentage of deaths, with a large number of unexplained suicides.

In addition, there were many cases of mental disorders in the area. Simply put, people lost their minds, many of them committed suicide, or attempted suicide. The reasons for such sad statistics are incomprehensible, although local residents explained everything that happened as "swamps". Apparently, this conclusion is well founded.


The local residents know many terrible incidents that happened in the swamps at different times. Several centuries ago, people became victims of swamps. It was said that in the "pernicious" place, more than once they found carts with merchant goods, carriages, carts and other transport of those times. There was one thing that united the found vehicles - all things and valuables remained untouched, only the people who owned it could not be found.

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There was a version that a gang of criminals was operating in the vicinity. Then the question arose: why were the valuables not touched? One got the impression that people ran without looking back, leaving behind their goods.


If a person managed to escape, then where did he disappear later? The owners of the found means of transportation were never seen later.

Although, they talk about one case when they managed to find a direct participant in the incident. The merchant, who was driving by road near the swamps, disappeared, and appeared only a decade later. His story was incredible, but, in confirmation of the truth of the story, a cart with goods was found, standing in the swamps for many years. According to the merchant, being in the area of the swamps, he experienced an unreasonable fear that pushed him to commit suicide. By an incredible effort, the merchant was able to restrain himself from this step. Leaving all the good, the man fled away from the terrible place. For a long time, the endured horror did not allow the merchant to return to that area.


The abnormal territory has been investigated by scientists. Of interest is the analysis of the soil of the area, made many decades ago. It turned out that in the soil samples, unusual traces of an unknown life form were found. It is not known what it could be and how true the information is, and no scientific justification for the events taking place was given.


Inexplicable incidents, for the most part, stopped at the beginning of the last century.