Residents Of Chicago Faced With Huge Black Mutants In The Form Of Birds - Alternative View

Residents Of Chicago Faced With Huge Black Mutants In The Form Of Birds - Alternative View
Residents Of Chicago Faced With Huge Black Mutants In The Form Of Birds - Alternative View

Video: Residents Of Chicago Faced With Huge Black Mutants In The Form Of Birds - Alternative View

Video: Residents Of Chicago Faced With Huge Black Mutants In The Form Of Birds - Alternative View
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Chicago boasts a myriad of mysterious incidents, from the Lady in White walking around as a ghost in the Bashelors Grove Cemetery area, to the huge black mutants in the form of birds that residents of different parts of the city have encountered over the past few days.

One of them, a tall moth man, was met on the evening of April 7, 2017 by Manuel Navarett, who lives in the Lincoln Park area in the northern part of Chicago.

The weather was fine and the woman decided her treadmill could rest. She and her dog went outside to jog. However, on the way to Oz Park, at the intersection of Birling Street and Webster Avenue, the dog began to behave very strangely. The animal, which always happily ran to the park, suddenly balked and did not want to cross the street.

“When we crossed the street and approached the basketball courts, I practically dragged my dog, she resisted and did not want to go to the track where I was running. After long efforts, I finally managed to persuade her and we ran,”the young woman walked around the park from the south side and noticed that there was silence in the park, there was no bird noise, only the usual city noise could be heard from afar.

And then the runner heard the flapping of wings. At first, she thought they were the migratory Canadian geese she had recently seen in the park. But as she was running towards the baseball field, something caught her attention. She looked around and saw something that frightens her to this day.

“I saw a big man standing on the ground, more than 2 meters tall. He was all in black, and he had what set him apart from the others, a large pair of wings that were folded behind him. Wings protruded over the man's head, but I did not see his face, as he stood with his face away from me and probably did not immediately notice me. Finally he turned around, and I saw a bright ruby-red eye that seemed to glow from the inside."

The two-meter figure turned around, and the woman realized that there was a half-bird, half-person in front of her, who reminded her of a bird-man named Phoenix from the famous animated series "Rick and Morty", only much, much more terrible.

“He looked at me for about 15 seconds, but it seemed to me like an eternity. And then the wings opened with a whistle, there was a loud squeal, and he soared into the air. Its wings looked almost like a bat, from tip to tip it was about 3 meters - a woman had never experienced such horror. "I felt that he saw right through me, knew what I was thinking, as if he was looking straight into my soul."

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According to a Chicago resident, the black man “took off like a bullet,” and before he disappeared into the trees, she heard him screech again. But the woman could not even cry out, her whole body was numb from the crown of her head to her toes. On the way home, she kept looking back and around.

“It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced. I don’t want you to think that I’m crazy. I am an ordinary person. But what I saw was real. I don’t want advertising, I just want to tell my story and warn those who run or walk in Oz Park.”It took the woman several days to calm down, gather courage and tell about her scary story.

Manuel Navarett was not the only one who saw the mysterious black creature in the city of Chicago. Just a week later, several guys in the Damen area watched the owl man.

One of the eyewitnesses told about what happened to him on the night of April 15, 2017: “I arrived at 2 am to work at the International Grocery Center. On the way from the parking lot, I saw five guys looking at the sky. I also looked up and saw a huge owl on the roof of the house."

The man reported that his own height is about 190 cm, but the black silhouette with reddish eyes that glow like a cat was two heads taller than him.

“He stood there for a minute or two and looked at us. I felt uncomfortable, and then the guys started throwing stones at him, and he took off into the sky and disappeared. There was a sound, like the screeching of the brakes of a truck, and the sound of its large, owl-like wings."

Observers saw the huge bird make a wide circle and fly away towards the Stevenson Expressway. They looked at the sky for a few more minutes, expecting the creature to appear again, and then they parted.

“I don’t want to discuss this and would prefer not to give my name,” said an eyewitness. “I don’t think anyone will believe me. One of the guys with whom I work and who also saw this “bird” said that he felt like a frightened child and was glad when someone threw a stone at her so that she would fly away."

Voronina Svetlana