What Is The "Zone Of Silence" Silent About? - Alternative View

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What Is The "Zone Of Silence" Silent About? - Alternative View
What Is The "Zone Of Silence" Silent About? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The "Zone Of Silence" Silent About? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The
Video: Scientists Can't Explain the Mysterious Zone of Silence 2024, July

Photo: UFO over the "Zone of Silence"

There is one mysterious zone in Mexico, information about which is diligently hushed up by local authorities, and those few who have accidentally or deliberately visited it, prefer not to spread about their adventure. It is located in the desert, 400 kilometers from the town of El Paso, Texas. And, by the way, this zone is located on the same parallel as the Bermuda Triangle and the Egyptian pyramids

The most important oddity of this mysterious territory is that the radio receivers go out here, the TV does not receive transmissions, and any electrical appliances generally fail.

It looks like a desert - like a desert: sand and cacti. Only here meteor showers fall here almost daily, because of the powerful ultraviolet radiation, animals and plants mutate, poisonous snakes are found in abundance. Frequent visitors to this area are UFOs.

It is surprising that people have willingly settled on this dull plain since prehistoric times, building small villages around a few springs. Now, however, almost the entire population has left their homes and moved closer to civilization. The nearest settlement to the desert is the town of Sebal-los. The distance to him from this ominous area is about 50 kilometers.

People have always known about the strangeness of this zone. In ancient books, numerous cases of "hot" stones falling from the sky are described, as well as stars moving randomly across the sky. However, the miracles taking place in the desert were seriously noticed only in the 30s of the XX century, when the pilots of the Mexican airlines during the flight over the desert began to fail for no apparent reason.

Later, the zone became a source of other troubles - when in the 70s the Americans launched the first Athena ballistic missile from the White Sand test site, it suddenly deviated from the course, rushed towards the Mexican desert and, upon reaching it, collapsed into the sand. Such cases began to occur with enviable regularity, which forced the US military department to seriously deal with the mysterious features of the ill-fated territory.

Strangers in yellow cloaks

The expedition, led by the scientist Harry de la Pena, discovered that an ancient ocean was located in the Mexican desert zone millions of years ago. Apparently, there is some kind of powerful magnetic field that suppresses radio waves.

The stories of the local people were frighteningly monotonous. In this wild corner of the desert, UFOs and humanoid creatures of clearly unearthly origin have been observed more than once.

For example, in 1975, amateur archaeologists, the spouses Er-nesto and Josephine Diaz, undertook a private expedition to the area. Carried away by the search for unusual stones and remains of ancient animals, they did not notice that a thunderstorm was approaching.

Quickly throwing things into their Ford pickup, the couple rushed away from the downpour, but the dirt road under the wheels of the car instantly turned into a swamp, and the car with the unlucky travelers began to quickly sink into the soggy soil. Suddenly, two tall human figures in yellow cloaks with hoods pulled down over their faces appeared not far away and offered their help to the spouses. Something in the faces of the strangers was unusual and alerted Ernesto and Josephine, but they had no choice, and they gratefully accepted their help. In less than a minute, the pickup literally flew out of a huge puddle of sticky mud onto solid ground! The strangers immediately disappeared, as if they had disappeared into streams of rain, and one could only guess where they disappeared from sight in this almost bare area … The

farmers fled in horror

Residents of the town of Seballos vying with each other tell that strange fireballs periodically glow in the sky above their homes, from time to time changing their color, and then suddenly disappear. It happens that these balls descend to the ground and humanoids emerge from them, glowing with the same strange flickering light. Several times they tried to talk to local farmers, but they hid in horror in their homes, where the aliens did not invade. In 1976, one successful photographer even took several pictures of mysterious UFOs, similar to a huge silver pot for cooking roasts, which did not leave the pages of local newspapers for several months.

Meetings with "Nordic personalities"

However, not all aliens avoid the visit to human habitation. From time to time "beautiful blond, extremely polite, but strangely dressed people" - this is how eyewitnesses describe them - come to this or that ranch asking for permission to fill up flasks of water, or persuade them to sell them bread and milk. Strangers pay for food with pieces of pure gold. Blondes speak Spanish flawlessly, but something in their voices betrays artificiality - it seems that a computer is talking to you.

The stories about meetings with "Nordic personalities" are one more unusual than the other! They say that especially often, aliens appear precisely when travelers either lose their way in the desert, or are in some other extreme situations. Almost always they try to pass themselves off as local residents, although their appearance, the absence of flasks with water and other special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here, are immediately exposed.

The midgets fixed the motor

The mysterious blondes are not the only unusual creatures in the area, however. There are reports of encounters with strange creatures only a few tens of centimeters tall! Local businessman Ruben Lopez says that as he drove through the desert at night, the engine of his car, which had just been fully serviced, began to stall. Pulling over to the side of the road, Lopez noticed several small figures nearby. At first he thought they were lost children, but then he saw that they were dressed in silver overalls, and their heads were covered with helmets. Frightened to death, the hapless businessman stepped on the gas, and the dwarfs immediately rushed in all directions. After that, the engine running smoothly again, and the contactee made it home safely.

Ancient observatory

There is another mystery in this strange Mexican desert - an archaeological one. Here are the ruins of a very ancient gigantic stone palace. Scientists are inclined to conclude that these are the remains of an ancient astronomical observatory, but still cannot determine its age. Observatory, naturally, could not be created by primitive people who lived here several thousand years ago. This means that in ancient times, other intelligent creatures were very active in scientific activity here! Perhaps they were also interested in meteor showers, which fall in large numbers at this point of the globe. After all, it was here that a meteorite was found, which contained crystalline structures that are seven billion years older than our solar system!

Researchers who have been working in this zone for more than a decade, in a laboratory created specifically for the study of local paranormal phenomena and unusual forms of biological life, have not been able to provide an exhaustive account of the events taking place here. For example, Dr. Santiago Garcia, who has dedicated his life to the study of the "zone of silence," suggested that the glowing UFOs could have been fired by an experimental spy robot tested here by the US military. There is also an opinion that there are huge deposits of iron ore in this area, and it is this that is the reason for the suppression of electromagnetic waves. In addition, it has been proven that the rocks of the ridges surrounding the desert contain significant amounts of uranium.

Be that as it may, no convincing explanations for everything that is happening here have been found and, it seems, will not be in the near future.

Ekaterina GORDENKO

Secrets of the 20th century № 21 2009.
