How The "Ukrainian People" Was Created - Alternative View

How The "Ukrainian People" Was Created - Alternative View
How The "Ukrainian People" Was Created - Alternative View

Video: How The "Ukrainian People" Was Created - Alternative View

Video: How The
Video: Ukraine Modern History (1917-2020) Every Year. История Украины. 2024, September

Many people still do not understand how the fraternal “Ukrainian people” suddenly became the worst enemy of Russia. Only a few years have passed since the coup d'etat, and the Kiev region is already becoming a bridgehead for NATO, and the Ukrainian army is preparing a "liberation campaign" to the East.

The point is that all political processes are controlled. This unexpected split was preceded by many centuries of ideological, historical, cultural, linguistic and information processing of the Western Russian population (Little Russians) of Little Russia-Ukraine. The corresponding programming began with the filing of the Vatican back in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which seized the southern and western lands of Rus, including the ancient capital of the Russian land - Kiev. Then Western intellectuals created the idea of a separate, special Ukrainian people. Since ancient times, the West has been trying to dismember and weaken the single Russian superethnos. They are trying to push the Russians against the Russians in order to bleed and destroy them with their own hands. This is the ancient strategy of the masters of the West - divide, play and conquer. For this, “Ukrainians” are needed - the same Russians, belligerent, passionate,but brainwashed, turned into a ram of the West against Russia-Russia.

Thus, the Poles originally needed the "Ukrainians" in their old war against Russia. “Ukrainians” were something like Ottoman Janissaries - a special community without family and tribe (boys were taken in Slavic, Caucasian, Kurdish and other lands and brought up in the Ottoman, Muslim spirit, turning them into fierce enemies of the Turkish Empire), specially trained to fight their own people. There is a similar image in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, where the forces of evil, through magical and genetic experiments from the elf race, created orcs who hate everything connected with their brothers.

It is enough to look at the Russian chronicles to understand that there have never been any “Ukrainians”. All regions of Russia - Great, Small, White - have been inhabited since ancient times by the Rus-Russians - Russians. Historical sources IX - XIII centuries. they don't know any "Ukrainians". No changes in the ethnic composition of the population took place in the XIV-XVI centuries, when huge areas of the Russian land in the south and west were seized by Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. At this time, new territorial names appear in the sources to designate the two parts of Rus: the Russian lands subordinate to the Golden Horde call Great Russia, occupied by the Poles and Lithuanians - Little Russia. The Greeks in Byzantium also divided Russia into Greater (Great) and Lesser Russia. However, these names did not supplant the former - "Rus", which was most often used. Only towards the end of the period, the Greek name "Russia" takes the first place.

The ethnonym used to designate the nationality of the population of Rus remained unchanged. The Russians were still Russians, regardless of whether they lived in what part of Russia-Russia - Small or Great. The dismembered Russian superethnos (superethnos of the Rus) retained the consciousness of its national and spiritual unity, which prepared the spiritual, ideological and military prerequisites for the elimination of foreign domination. The Russians showed active self-organization in the occupied territory - the Zaporozhye Cossacks, Orthodox and urban brotherhoods. They actively opposed the policy of de-Russification, polarization and catholicization of the population of Western Russia pursued by Poland and the Roman Catholic Church. This self-organization allowed the Russians to enter into an open armed struggle against the occupiers and end it with a victory.when the two parts of Russia were reunited. The final reunification of Great and Small, White Russia took place under Catherine the Great (Partitions of the Commonwealth).

In the Soviet Union, they created a myth about the "national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people." In reality, it was the national liberation struggle of the Russian people. Not “Ukrainians”, but Russian Cossacks, peasants and townspeople heroically fought against the Polish landlord, tried to throw off the national, religious and socio-economic Polish yoke, which turned Russians into “slaves” - slaves. Not “Ukrainians”, but Russians defended their will, faith, language, the right to be themselves, and not forced Polish slaves. And all the participants in this struggle knew this very well - who, with whom and for what was fighting. No wonder the great Russian hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky spoke on behalf of the Russian people more than once. So, in June 1648, moving to Lvov, the hetman sent a wagon (message) to the residents of the city: “I come to you as the liberator of the Russian people;I come to the capital city of the land of Chervonorusskaya to rescue you from Lyash (Polish) captivity. " Chervonnaya, Red Rus (Cherven cities) were called in the Middle Ages the lands of the western part of today's Ukraine.

Here is the testimony of another contemporary, from the Polish camp, the Polish hetman Sapieha: “It is not a gang of willful people who are against us, but the great power of whole Russia. The entire Russian people from villages, villages, townships, cities, linked by bonds of faith and blood with the Cossacks, threaten to eradicate the gentry tribe and demolish the Commonwealth."

As we can see, we are talking only about the Russian people. And various Mazepa, Grushevskie, Petliura, Vinnichenka, Bandera, Shukhevych, Kravchuk, Poroshenko only deceive the people, profit from their grief and serve various enemies of Russian civilization and the Russian people - Sweden, Poland, Germany, Austria, England, the USA (in general, the owners West). At the time of Khmelnytsky there was a great holy war not for "independent" Ukraine ", but for the reunification of the two parts of a single Rus-Russia and the unification of Russians in a single state.

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In the Polish sources of the 16th century, there is the word "Ukraine", from which two centuries later the "Ukrainians" will lead the history of the mythical state "Ukraine", inhabited by a fantastic, fictional "Ukrainian people". Although both in Russia and in Poland this word had the same meaning - "Ukrainian-outskirts", borderland.

There were no changes in the nationality of the population of Little Russia until the 20th century. In particular, present-day Galicia is a stronghold of “Ukrainians”, and before the start of World War I, the overwhelming majority of Galicians identified themselves as Russians. This self-awareness was corroded only through the genocide by the Austrians of the most active and educated part of the Russians in this area, and then during the Soviet Union, when the "Ukrainian people" were officially created. Ordinary people, as in the days of Ancient Rus, and the period of feudal disintegration, the Polish-Lithuanian occupation, the reunification of Great and Little Russia, used one ethnonym for their national self-determination - Russians (Rus). This was typical for all Russians, wherever they lived - in Malaya, Belaya or Great Russia-Russia.

Another thing is the intelligentsia, among which aliens, brought from the West, dead bookish, historical theories took root. It is from this category that the false theory about the "three branches" of the Russian people - "Little Russians", "Great Russians" and "Belarusians". These "nationalities" have left no trace in history. The reason is simple: such ethnic groups have never existed! Territorial names - Malaya, Velikaya, Belaya Rus - never carried national content, but only designated the Russian lands inhabited by the Russian people, which temporarily ended up in different states. In general, nothing has changed at the present time: after the defeat in the Third World (Cold) War, the local princes-presidents, with the approval of the West, dismembered the united Russia-USSR into three Russian states - the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. But the people are genetically, historically, by faith and language, culture - one. Only taking into account the increase in the power of propaganda, programming tools-zombie (TV, Internet) - deceived, introduced into the darkness more and more.

Although both earlier and now in Russia it is possible to create more than a dozen of such "ethnic groups", which is actually gradually, secretly being done. So, in the days before the unification around Novgorod and Kiev by the Rurikovichs, then during the period of feudal fragmentation of Russia, the population of each land, principality had its own ethnographic characteristics. Krivichi differed from glades and Vyatichi, Novgorodians and Ryazanians from Muscovites and Smolyans. All had their own everyday features (in clothing, jewelry, architecture, etc.), dialects. But all were part of a single Russian people (superethnos). Also, at present, work is underway to separate from the Russians - Siberians, Pomors, Cossacks, residents of the Volga region, etc. All political, historical, processes are of a controlled nature. Also created and "Ukrainians" - supposedly a special, independent ethnos, not related to the "Muscovites".

After the 1917 revolution, this dead, false theory of the "three nationalities" was developed. The internationalist revolutionaries, fulfilling the task of destroying historical Russia, renamed the “three Russian nationalities” into “three fraternal peoples”, three different independent nations. On paper, they created two "non-Russian nations" - Belarusians, who retained their former name, and the "Little Russians" were turned into "Ukrainians". With such a terminological operation, the number of the Russian superethnos was reduced by almost a third. Only the former “Great Russians” remained Russian (this term was taken out of circulation). Moreover, this anti-historical, deceptive scheme was reinforced by state building: the creation of a separate "Ukrainian republic", the fixation of the "Ukrainian" nationality in the passports, the assignment of the "mova" official status not only on the territory of Little Russia,but also in Novorossiya, Crimea, Donbass, Chernihiv, Slobozhanshchina - regions where it was not widespread.

Soviet historiography provided a "scientific" basis for this theory, developing the achievements of Ukrainian and liberal historiography. Thus, in the Small Soviet Encyclopedia (1960) it was noted: “The Rostov-Suzdal land, and later Moscow, become the political and cultural center of the Great Russian (Russian) nationality. During the XIV-XV centuries, the Great Russian (Russian) nationality was formed, and the Moscow state unites all territories with a population speaking Great Russian”. Soviet encyclopedias reported that the formation of the Russian nation was completed in the 16th century. This is how the foundations of the catastrophe of the Russian people were laid in the modern period of history. Kievan (Ancient) Rus largely found itself outside the boundaries of Russian history. She was "cut off" even more. Previously, Russians-Russians were not noticed almost until Epiphany,now they began to withdraw from the Moscow principality (Muscovy). Ancient Russia was inhabited by some "Eastern Slavs" - wild and unenlightened. Of these, allegedly later came the "three fraternal peoples" - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Although all the chronicle sources tell us about the Russians, Russians, Russia, the Russian land, Russian princes, the Russian clan, etc.

Thus, the dismemberment of the Russian people took place, two artificial statehoods were created - Ukrainian and Belarusian. The Great Russians were not given even that. Composing up to 90% of the population of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation, they do not have a state-forming status. And after 1991 there was a real disaster. In the Union, the separatists and the Nazis were not given free rein. And after the collapse of the USSR, local nationalists, with the full support of the West, were able to completely or partially oust the Russians (with acts of genocide) from Turkestan, the Transcaucasus, and the Baltic states. In the Baltics, the remaining Russians have been turned into second-class people. In Ukraine, Belarus and in Russia itself, the degradation and extinction of the Russian people is taking place. In Belarus, this process is the slowest, but it has been gaining momentum in recent years. Generations of nationalists who did not know the USSR grew up,brought up and educated in a new cultural, educational environment. For them, Russia is an enemy that "occupied" Crimea, "unleashed a war" in Donbas and is ready to swallow up White Russia. They were brought up in the ideology of "Lithuanianism", they think of themselves as descendants of the Lithuanians, they consider themselves a separate nation.

In Ukraine, the situation is even worse. Centuries of intensified ideological, informational, historical processing have given their poisonous shoots.

Samsonov Alexander
