The Boy Who Ate Only Sausages And Beans Was Cured With The Help Of Hypnosis - Alternative View

The Boy Who Ate Only Sausages And Beans Was Cured With The Help Of Hypnosis - Alternative View
The Boy Who Ate Only Sausages And Beans Was Cured With The Help Of Hypnosis - Alternative View

Video: The Boy Who Ate Only Sausages And Beans Was Cured With The Help Of Hypnosis - Alternative View

Video: The Boy Who Ate Only Sausages And Beans Was Cured With The Help Of Hypnosis - Alternative View
Video: Eggs, Sausage & Bean | Funny Clips | Cartoon World 2024, September

When 11-year-old Tyler Hives was very young, he temporarily ate through a tube, which apparently left him with a traumatic experience and caused a phobia of most types of food.

Subsequently, he could only eat soft canned beans with pieces of sausage.

The boy's mother regularly dragged him to the doctors, but they only said that Tyler was simply very selective in food and that this would pass with age. In the end, Tyler was diagnosed with selective eating disorder.

People with this disorder refuse most types of food because of negative memories of food. However, Tyler had this experience very early in his life. The mother, due to difficult childbirth, could not feed him with milk for a long time and the baby was fed through a tube for several weeks. At the same time, one day his larynx was severely injured with a pipe.

Something in the memory of the baby apparently retained this experience, and when the baby began to be transferred to solid food, he resolutely refused almost everything that could touch the larynx. He could eat only the simplest and most liquid food that would slip into the larynx without touching its walls. Later he could eat canned beans with small pieces of sausage, but this did not go further.

“The beans and sausages in the jars were very soft, and since he hated to chew and swallow something, this kind of food suited him. But apart from that, he didn't want anything else, "says the boy's mother." I tried many times to give him something new, but he refused."

“Because of his peculiarity, he suffered a lot. He could not eat with friends, go to someone's party."


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One day Tyler's mother saw an article on the Internet about selective eating disorder. It said that hypnotherapy sessions could help. Later, Tyler's mother contacted hypnotherapist David Kilmurry and signed up her son for his sessions. It only took one visit for Tyler's behavior to begin to change.

“He suddenly saw that there was so much delicious food around and he was eating as many different foods as I had never seen before. It completely changed our whole life. Now we can go out with him without any problems and go to some cafe to have a snack."

The boy himself says that when he ate only one type of food, he felt sad. But he could not eat something else, the taste of new products and their appearance terrified him. But now he is happy that he can eat new food and no longer worry about it.
