Pakistani Elephant Man - Alternative View

Pakistani Elephant Man - Alternative View
Pakistani Elephant Man - Alternative View

Video: Pakistani Elephant Man - Alternative View

Video: Pakistani Elephant Man - Alternative View
Video: Elephant Man - Pakistan 2024, July

22-year-old Sain Mumtaz from the outskirts of Lahore (Pakistan) is disfigured by Proteus syndrome. Its head has grown enormously in height and width.

In this case, the disease continues to cause bone growth. Although the locals were quite resigned to the guy's unusual appearance, he himself was already desperate to find salvation from his illness. Because of his frightening appearance, he cannot find a job, and because of a progressive illness, he feels worse and worse.


Proteus syndrome overtook him when he was still a child. According to experts, this is the same attack that tormented the famous Elephant Man Joseph Merrick at one time.

Sain himself once believed that this was a terrible curse that God sent on him for some sins. Because of this, he repeatedly fell into depression and only the support of his family returned his strength. The locals call him "Great friend" and sincerely wish the guy to find a medicine that can help him as soon as possible.


-Some people do not even consider me a person, - says Sain, -my face is disfigured, but mentally I am normal. Before everyone was afraid of me and even ran away when I went out, now they are a little used to it.

Syne hopes for a cure, but the Proteus Syndrome, which the doctors gave him, is still incurable. Nothing can stop the exorbitant growth of bones.

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