Paxit - Signs From Above. Afterword To The Elections - Alternative View

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Paxit - Signs From Above. Afterword To The Elections - Alternative View
Paxit - Signs From Above. Afterword To The Elections - Alternative View

Video: Paxit - Signs From Above. Afterword To The Elections - Alternative View

Video: Paxit - Signs From Above. Afterword To The Elections - Alternative View
Video: Pennsylvania Election Audit Plan 'Disgrace To Democracy,' Gov. Tom Wolf Says 2024, September

"It is not a man who weaves the web of life - he is only one thread in it." (Seattle)

To better understand what is happening, it is extremely useful to regularly change your point of view on what is happening, changing both the breadth of coverage and the depth of consideration. This makes it possible to see reality, if not in its entirety, then at least in a much more complete form than if viewed from any one fixed (habitual) point of view.

Therefore, today we will look at the elections in the United States and their results, as well as other events related to this, from a more global point of view and try to see signs from above in this whole story.


I must say that the Universe (he is God, he is infinity, he is the highest mind - call it what you want) sends us signs from above on a regular basis.

In my opinion, only a fanatic, blind and deaf in his zombie, can deny the presence of this higher principle in our life. However, the problem here is broader and deeper than "militant materialism", because even the so-called "believers" in their overwhelming majority live as if their life is by itself, and the God in whom they "believe" is by itself, and does not concern them in any way. It is impossible to explain the combination of their "faith" (and "sincere faith" in their "faith") and their behavior, grossly violating all the commandments of their faith, in nothing else. Therefore, I would not speak about atheism and religiosity, as the main forms of the world outlook of modern man, but about a single concept of militant egocentrism, which in turn is divided into militant materialism (instead of atheism) and militant aggressive idealism (instead of religiousness).

Militant materialism - because it does not tolerate dissent and persecutes it by all available means. Militant aggressive idealism - because it also does not tolerate dissent and persecutes it by all available means. Both forms of understanding the world are at the service of human egocentrism, since they view the whole world in one way or another, as a means to satisfy their needs, and nothing more.

Promotional video:

Of course, the above does not apply to all believers, and there are a lot of people on Earth who are sincere in their religion and lead a decent lifestyle. It's not that there are no such people - by no means. The point is that the number of such people is a deliberately insignificant minority of all those who are considered to be “believers”, of the total (approximate) number of believers according to world statistics.

For me, the existence of such a higher principle, which I mentioned above, is not an object of faith, but an awareness of the fact, therefore it is more than unnatural for me to talk about it in terms such as “faith”. It's about the same as asking the question, "Do I believe in the existence of the Earth?" No, I do not "believe" in the existence of the Earth, I just know that the Earth exists, because I deal with it every day. In the same way, I face the manifestations of the higher principle every day, conduct my dialogue with him, ask questions about my life and receive very specific answers. Moreover, I believe that any normal person should live this way, not dividing his life here and some "God" who is "somewhere out there." The highest principle in our life is not “somewhere out there,” it is here at every moment and at every point in space, and it simply cannot be otherwise.

As it was well said, in one short parable, one millionaire told the elder that he would give him a million if the elder showed him where God was, to which the elder replied to the millionaire that he would give him three times as much if the millionaire could show where There is no god.

So, undoubtedly, God exists and constantly sends us his signals (signs) about our life, which we need to listen to in order to make our life more consistent with his Divine Plan.

By and large, such signs are present literally in every event of our life - without any exaggeration. As the elder mentioned above said, "I will give you three times more if you show me where he is not."

However, not all events contain very clear and serious signs, events are also more important and less important. Therefore, in the future (in this and subsequent articles), by signs we will nevertheless mean just such - explicit - signs.

The evil of the eagles

This article is about the United States and elections, so we will consider the signs referring to the United States.

Initially, the article was conceived as an afterword to the elections, but in the process of collecting factual material, some other signs that happened (by the will of Above) in the last year came to my attention, so I think this is also a sign and an indication to include their description in this article.

Let's start with an event that happened at the beginning of the year, namely February 23rd. On this day, according to TASS, 13 dead bald eagles were found in Maryland. Judging by the text of the news note, I believe that this was not an event rigged by anyone, but a natural find, as far as we can talk about the naturalness of any events occurring in today's world, strongly affected by human influence. Yes, it is quite possible that the birds died as a result of poisoning or something like that. It's only about the fact that their death did not occur directly from the hand of man, and the birds were not planted on purpose. The event description of this version does not correspond at all.

Here are some simple facts. The bald eagle is recognized as the official symbol of the United States. Moreover, the number 13 is by no means simple. Initially, the United States consisted of exactly 13 states, and Maryland was one of them. The fact that the USA originally consisted of 13 states is reflected in the US state symbols, namely: on the US coat of arms above the eagle's head there is a star made up of 13 stars; in addition, the eagle holds 13 arrows in its left paw, and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 berries in its right paw; There are also 13 red and white stripes on the US flag.

Considering these facts and the find of 13 dead eagles, it seems to me that everything is so clear that any comments of this sign from above are completely unnecessary. But there are two more points that complement and reveal the meaning of this sign, namely:

1) The number 13 itself is a symbol of death (or "withering away of the old").

2) If we add the digits of the date 2016-23-02, we get 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 16. The number 16 is a sign called "release through the power of intention" (the need to find the gift of power in what at first glance seems like a catastrophe).

Thus, summing up all the data given, we can give the following interpretation of this sign: the US state inevitably dies out, and with it the entire old world order dies out. Outwardly, this will seem to many as a disaster, but it is necessary to see in this the possibility of liberation and a new future.

Yesterday, 2016-10-11, a new event took place with the participation of bald eagles, or rather, two events. Both events took place in the state of Florida and are believed to be caused by a hurricane wind, as well as the proximity of bird habitats to city buildings and places of human life. It seems that both birds suffered either due to strong gusts of wind, or trying to hide from it behind the appropriate "shelters" (or for both reasons at the same time).

To be honest, at first I suspected the artificial origin of one of the events, but then this version had to be abandoned. Both events are just as “natural”, that is, they happened without direct human participation.

One of the eagles hit the car's radiator and was then freed and released. Then the second eagle fell into the storm sewer trap, and will be released after providing the necessary assistance.

The sum of the digits of the date of both events is 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 12. The number 12 means "endurance" (the need to be patient and not put forward your demands). Two events (two affected birds on the same day) indicate the number 2, which means “humility and understanding” (the need for submission and understanding) and is also known as “a sign of fate”.

You can also add that Florida is the 27th US state. The number 27 means resistance.

As it seems to me, the given data speak for themselves, but again, I will formulate an understanding of the sign as I see it: resistance to the course of events foreseeing the end of the "US era", predetermined from above, is useless, and those who resist (everyone who will try to keep the old order) will simply be washed away (down the drain). People need to show endurance, patience (not put forward their demands), humility and understanding. Changes are necessary, and this is their fate (this applies to both ordinary people and the so-called "elites").


At this point, we will finish the analysis of these events with the birds and proceed directly to the elections.

The fact that Trump would win was generally expected by those in the know. And he really, on the whole, as expected (from the point of view of the general course of things) won, despite all the propaganda in the media and the entire administrative resource behind Hillary Clinton.

But what was NOT expected - this is such a large advantage of Trump during the vote. And since such a devastating advantage was not expected, it is necessary to take a closer look at it. Unexpected events are a sure sign of a sign from above - as they say, a person assumes (one), and God disposes.

Whom did the main presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Trump personify?

Clinton was a candidate for forces wishing to preserve the old order and US "world domination". In their aspirations, they were ready to go far. The image chosen for Clinton can be described as "the defender of world domination from all kinds of encroachments."

Trump has been a candidate for change-seeking forces. Yes, it would be naive to think of him as an "independent private figure", a sort of "rich uncle" who exclusively promoted himself. Trump is a creature of global governance that understands the need for change, a departure from the "unipolar model" and the detachment of the United States from world domination. It is possible to enumerate the reasons for such an understanding for a long time, but one specific reason is enough: the United States "eats" too much (consumes world resources), and does not want to change this in this model of the world order. This alone is enough to understand the need to eliminate such a "eater" - it is simply impossible to feed it today within the existing way of life of modern society (resources are not enough), and changing the established way of life is a long and difficult task. Even if the United States and its role in the world are preserved, such a necessary change is simply impossible. Therefore, the United States by global governance, in principle, were sentenced to be removed from their role as "world gendarme and dominant", regardless of anything.

Whoever he was, the person who chose the image of Trump, he chose him impeccably. Trump was given the image of "his boyfriend", a common man who is close to the common people. This is what predetermined Trump's victory, and a landslide victory, as the elections showed. Regardless of what plan the global elites have for the United States and Trump, people voted for him as a symbol of change, where the interests of ordinary people will be taken into account, and not elites who are divorced from reality in their views.

This is precisely the sign from above. Any event can happen only if it has "good" from above. As the famous Seattle Indian chief said (a quote from the epigraph to the article), “it is not a man that weaves the web of life - he is only one thread in it” (you can read the entire Seattle speech in the afterword to this article). Therefore, regardless of the plans of the global elites, God has his own plans regarding what is happening and in particular the election of Trump. And it is Trump's crushing, undeniable victory that is evidence of a sign from above. Man proposes and God disposes. From the point of view from above, Trump received his mandate precisely as a person who takes into account the needs of ordinary people, since he took this image for himself on the election campaign, and it was under this image that he won and won convincingly (almost crushingly in the realities of elections). If Trump will correspond to this image, his mission will be successful (since it was for this purpose that he received a "label to reign" from above). If Trump draws a line without taking into account ordinary people, he will ultimately face the fate of an eagle washed down the sewers. This is regardless of whether Trump understands it or not. Once he called himself a load, then climb into the back (I must understand in its place).

What other signs can you read following the election results? Again, by the will of “chance” (and a person is used to calling something that he simply does not see an explanation for, preferring to think that “it happened by itself”), the picture still “froze” on the “preliminary” results of the elections, which give the following numbers:


218 electors voted for Clinton, 276 for Trump. Adding the numbers gives 2 + 1 + 8 = 11, 2 + 7 + 6 = 15. The meaning of the number 11 is "strength" (or lack thereof). The meaning of the number 15 is "a ray of light in the dark kingdom" (the need to see the gift of strength in the challenge).

Again, everything is very eloquent. Clinton's unconditional defeat means that brute force will not solve the world's problems. The choice of ordinary people, taking into account their interests by the authorities, is that ray of light in today's dark kingdom, that possibility of salvation that those people who are "at the helm" (the so-called "elites") have.

If global governance (and Trump is their creature) takes into account the interests of ordinary people, the interests of an ordinary person, he has a chance to escape (survive) and create a new world in which they have a future as part of humanity. If the global management does not see the need to follow the interests of ordinary people - the wind of change (a hurricane, like in the state of Florida) will ruthlessly wash them down the drain of history. Will there be a future for humanity - yes, there will be (the affected bird nevertheless did not die and will be released after providing the necessary assistance). But this will already be the future without today's “global elites”. Their only chance for salvation is to turn to face ordinary people, which they have always avoided in their centuries-old activities. Today their "hour of truth", "hour of power" has come. If they accept the opportunity given from above, they will be saved. A chance is given to them. If they ignore it, they will be blown away by a hurricane.

Pavel Kotelnikov