UFOs Were Seen Over Petrozavodsk Again - Alternative View

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UFOs Were Seen Over Petrozavodsk Again - Alternative View
UFOs Were Seen Over Petrozavodsk Again - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Were Seen Over Petrozavodsk Again - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Were Seen Over Petrozavodsk Again - Alternative View
Video: Путешествие по Карелии, день №2/Хаски/Водопады/Карельская кухня|Aliens In Russia, Карелия за ТРИ дня 2024, September

The townspeople observed the strange object for several hours

On January 18, 2009, an unidentified flying object (UFO) hovered over Petrozavodsk, which the townspeople had for several hours.

A resident of the Kukkovka microdistrict photographed this object, which was a brightly luminous point in the sky.

However, this is not the first time that something unusual has been seen in the sky over Karelia. So, according to the Karelian ufologist Alexei Popov, there are places near Petrozavodsk where UFOs look with frightening regularity.

For obvious reasons, Alexey Popov does not name the exact coordinates of the places where encounters with the unknown are inevitable. But he notes that UFOs in Karelia are not uncommon, especially often it can be seen, for example, on Valaam. And on Demons Nose it is better not to meddle.

- In general, do you know what places attract aliens? Having studied this topic for many years, I came to the conclusion that the maximum number of observations of anomalous phenomena was noted where there are ancient places of worship. It seems to attract them. By the way, the same tendency can be traced throughout the world, - says our interlocutor.

How did you start to study ufology? Probably when for the first time you saw an unidentified object yourself?

- I became interested in the topic at school. I was in grade 8 then. It was in Lahdenpohja, where I was born and lived until I entered the KSPI. The weather that day, I remember, was clear, and my father and I went by boat to Lake Ladoga to go fishing. And at some point, they noticed a round orange object in the sky that exceeded the visible dimensions of the sun and left a contrail behind. The father suggested that it was a meteorite or a fireball. I didn’t know anything about UFOs then, so I believed him and even took up astronomy and got a telescope, which I always carried with me - so this episode sunk into my soul! And at school I had a wonderful teacher - Tatyana Mikhailovna Baronova. I told her about what I saw, and she gave me some literature on UFO topics. After reading, I realized that that orange object was not a meteorite,nor a car - the characteristics did not match at all. It is noteworthy that a year later, in the same place, my father and I observed a formation of 13 spherical objects moving like a wedge at a high altitude, which I could clearly see through the pipe. At KSPI and PetrSU, I have already spoken at student scientific conferences on the topic of anomalous phenomena. And in 1983 he became a member of the All-Union Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, then headed by Academician Troitsky.

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And in 1989, the Sphinx Committee for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena was founded in Petrozavodsk. I would like to know what the study process was and if the Committee exists today

- "Sphinx" turned out to be the first and only official organization in Karelia dealing with these issues. The committee brought together a circle of serious people, including scientists, university professors. We published books, wrote articles, went on expeditions, while being under the full control of the KGB. And then I had to leave for a long time. Upon his return, he switched to something else, began to study various secrets, mysterious sides of Karelia. In the meantime, the members of the "Sphinx" have dispersed in all directions, for many of them our organization turned out to be a kind of launching pad. Although I continue to research the problem on my own: I take part in expeditions, process the archive, which contains all the information I have recorded over 30 years, received from eyewitnesses of anomalous phenomena. Today it contains 50 volumes. At the beginning of next year, my new book "UFOs in Karelia" should see the light of day, which will include materials from this archive.

And is it still replenished?

- New evidence is constantly appearing. Here is one recent example. My good friend Sergei rested on Lake Sonozero (this is in the Medvezhyegorsk region) with his wife and daughter. The places there are amazing, the beauty is indescribable! Sonozero itself is a dream-lake - a kind of "sleeping" lake, where the gusts of wind hardly penetrate. And the family observed this picture: at about 100 meters in the sky, a classic flying saucer with lights on the sides appears and silently descends to the water. Suddenly, four structures come out of the plate, which, touching the surface of the lake, begin to pump water into themselves. At least that's how it seemed to my friends. A few minutes later, these four supports are removed inward, the object rises into the sky and disappears.

Does your archive contain photographs?

- It is difficult to photograph a UFO: often, for some unknown reason, the film is lit up, the flash card fails. However, I still have something, but I need an expert's opinion that the pictures are genuine. I have no luck with examinations yet. Every time I gave materials to a specialist, they never came back to me.

Apparently, they turned out to be real …

- Be that as it may, until the authenticity of the photographs is officially recognized, I will not publish them. In Soviet times, they already tried to accuse me of bourgeois propaganda and the fact that everything I saw in person or written down from someone's words was a lie. Today, fortunately, less and less people say that we are alone in the Universe, people are beginning to understand that this statement is sheer stupidity. On the contrary, now the question is posed differently. Experts warn about the need to be prepared for the fact that sooner or later human interaction with UFOs will acquire a more serious and real form of relationship.

How can you prepare for this?

- Study and not reject the opportunity to observe. At one time, a secret order was issued (I heard about this both from cosmonauts and test pilots, whom I know well - G. Grechko, A. Leonova, M. Popovich): they saw something - fire to kill. And to our great regret, this decision has not yet been canceled. In other words, we meet the aliens with aggression instead of trying to establish diplomatic relations with them, as between different countries. And I'm completely serious!