Sandy Diet - Illness Or Health Guarantee? - Alternative View

Sandy Diet - Illness Or Health Guarantee? - Alternative View
Sandy Diet - Illness Or Health Guarantee? - Alternative View

Video: Sandy Diet - Illness Or Health Guarantee? - Alternative View

Video: Sandy Diet - Illness Or Health Guarantee? - Alternative View
Video: Why You Should Avoid Fast Food And The Truth About Nutritional Supplements 2024, September

The Indian media spoke about the amazing woman Kusma Vati from Varanasi who eats sand every day and feels great at the same time.

Kusma Vati began to practice such a strange diet at the age of sixty, now she is seventy-eight, every day she eats up to two kilograms of sand and does not get sick at all, does not even know what doctors are.

I, she says, have no problems with my stomach, lips or teeth. On the contrary, at my age, teeth are usually already crumbling and falling out, but my teeth are strong, like those of young people, even much stronger, since I can even gnaw stones with them, which is hardly the strength of an ordinary boy or girl.

Despite the fact that the surrounding people and especially the relatives of Kusma Vati are shocked by such a diet, and they even asked Kusma more than once to stop eating sand, Vati herself does not want to give up her unusual diet, believing that only sand allows her to be healthy and full of strength in her old age.

It should be noted that Kusma Vati is not the only person in India who practices such a diet. Two years ago we wrote about the Indian woman Sudama Devi, who also eats sand every day, and since childhood. Moreover, besides a kilogram of sand a day, she does not consume anything else, and at the same time says that she does not feel hungry. This amazing woman is now under ninety years old, and she, like Kusma Vati, is not sick with anything, she is still full of strength and energy.

Doctors consider such a phenomenon to be a deviation in the psyche, a disease of cicero, but it is not clear why the sand eaters, who preserve health for this reason and even, apparently, increase their life expectancy, should be considered sick?..