The Inhabitants Of Atlantis Are Still Alive Today - Alternative View

The Inhabitants Of Atlantis Are Still Alive Today - Alternative View
The Inhabitants Of Atlantis Are Still Alive Today - Alternative View

Video: The Inhabitants Of Atlantis Are Still Alive Today - Alternative View

Video: The Inhabitants Of Atlantis Are Still Alive Today - Alternative View
Video: Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans 2024, July

They live in underwater cities and sometimes scare people

Everyone knows about unidentified flying objects - UFOs. And about the unidentified underwater ones? From time to time, the kingdom of Poseidon puzzles sailors with "glowing heads", "devil's circles" and other miracles. Researcher Fyodor Gard recorded the testimony of sailors who saw a strange phenomenon: “On June 18, 1845, the crew of the vessel Victoria watched the ascent of three blinding disks in the Mediterranean Sea, slowly taking off into the sky. The disks, which appeared to be five times the size of the visible moon, were connected by thin glowing rods. " He did not even try to explain this phenomenon.



Imagine the reaction of the sailors of the American military aircraft carrier Wasp and five escort ships, when in 1963, during an exercise off the coast of Puerto Rico, for four days they saw a mysterious object maneuvering under water at high speed! The sailors tried to "slow down" it, but could not.

On 20 July 1967, 120 miles off the coast of Brazil, the captain of an Argentine ship wrote in his logbook: “We saw a shining object about 50 feet to starboard. It was cigar-shaped and measured 105-110 feet (approximately 32 meters) in length. A powerful bluish-white radiance emanated from him, and he did not make sounds and did not leave a trace on the water. For a quarter of an hour he moved parallel to the ship, then suddenly dived, passed under the ship and disappeared."

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But in February 1977, the crew of the cruise ship "Anton Makarenko" in tropical waters generally saw "fire dances". “Luminous spots appeared on the waves, they became more and more,” is written in the logbook. - Then they stretched out to the very horizon in a line 6-8 meters wide. It became very light, as if a month had appeared in the sky. Then the lines began to move, they spun like the spokes of a giant wheel. The rotation was not fast, even."

The crew of the scientific vessel "Akademik Vorobiev", which in 1976 was in the Arabian Sea, also "spotted" the same dancing circles. His crew noticed a bright white spot with a radius of 150-200 meters around the ship. It rotated counterclockwise, breaking up into 8 parts, as if from the action of the propeller blades. The echo sounder recorded under the keel at a depth of 20 meters … the presence of a certain mass!

Even Thor Heyerdahl met with the antics of the "water". In his book about the journey to the Kon-Tiki, he wrote: “Several times, when the ocean was calm, round heads appeared in the black water around the raft, having a diameter of 60-70 cm, which, without moving, looked at us with large sparkling eyes … Sometimes at night we saw sparkling balls about a meter in diameter in the water, which lit up at regular intervals, resembling electric bulbs flashing for an instant …"

What are all these objects? Nobody can answer. Back in the 19th century, scientists Adams and Jenkins suggested that intelligent creatures with gills, accustomed to low temperatures and enormous pressure, live at the bottom of the seas. In addition, there has long been a legend that in ancient times the enlighteners of mankind were the Poseidonians, who came from the ocean. Representatives of the underwater civilization outwardly did not look like Apollo. In his story “In the Abyss,” a portrait of such a creature may have been “painted” by Herbert Wells: “It was a strange … animal. Its deep purple head vaguely resembled that of a chameleon, but it had such a high forehead and such an enormous skull, which are not found in reptiles; the vertical position of his head gave him a striking resemblance to a person. However, the concept of beauty is conditional. It is not excludedthat dolphins and octopuses also seem to be ugly.

The Poseidonians allegedly taught the inhabitants of Atlantis the sciences, and they even flew into space. By the way, a new hypothesis about Atlantis was put forward by a contactee from Dnepropetrovsk Nina S. She allegedly received information from space that the mythical superpower was founded by aliens and was called Atzor. Their descendants, thanks to their knowledge of the laws of the solar system, predicted a great catastrophe due to which their civilization would perish. And they built themselves houses under the ocean floor. They moved there without waiting for the cataclysm, and they still live there. And on the surface of the Earth, only their probes appear - those same unidentified underwater objects.

Dmitry Lavrov