The Crystal Skull Broadcasts Dreams - Alternative View

The Crystal Skull Broadcasts Dreams - Alternative View
The Crystal Skull Broadcasts Dreams - Alternative View

Video: The Crystal Skull Broadcasts Dreams - Alternative View

Video: The Crystal Skull Broadcasts Dreams - Alternative View
Video: INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL | Official Trailer | Paramount Movies 2024, September

One girl, whom my father took with him to the excavation of the ancient city, on the day of her 18th birthday, found a crystal skull - beautiful, shimmering in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow, and life-size … The find quickly turned into a sensation and made many scientists break the brains …

In 1929, British archaeologist Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges went to Central America, where, in his opinion, the cradle of civilization was to be concentrated … An ancient city was discovered in the jungle, which was dubbed Lubaantun, or "the city of fallen stones" … Here, among temple ruins, Anna, daughter of Frederick Mitchell-Hedges, came across … a transparent skull …


The skull was amazingly foldable - 124 mm wide, 147 high, 197 long, weight 5.13 kg. Only the lower jaw was missing, which, presumably, had to be attached to the main part by hinges … After a persistent search, which lasted three months, they found it, literally a few meters from the first find …


The Mayan masters were very skillful stonecutters, but how the skull was made, carved from a single piece of crystal - scientists are still at a loss … After all, this contradicts the basic laws of physics … After all, rock crystal is a very hard mineral and nothing, except perhaps a diamond, can be cut its impossible. It would take at least 300 years of continuous manual labor to make something like this … Moreover, so that during processing the skull does not crumble into many small skulls, special methods and knowledge are needed to relieve internal stress in the crystals …


But experts say that no metal instrument touched the crystal skull. Even a microscopic examination did not reveal the slightest traces of polishing on the surface of the skull …

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The examination also revealed the ability of the skull to create unusual optical effects. In its back, at the base, there is a whole system of lenses and prisms … When a beam of light was directed into the cavity, the eye sockets began to glow like diamonds. If the light fell into the nose, then the crystal skull emitted light from the inside …


In addition, in the presence of the skull, paranormal phenomena were observed … People saw unusual dreams, experienced discomfort or comfort, and even, by their own admission, were cured of serious illnesses … Psychics, observing the "behavior" of the skull, noticed that it occasionally changes color and degree of transparency, sometimes it suddenly surrounds itself with a luminous halo, sometimes it exudes an incomprehensible smell, from which a feeling of thirst appears. And even … "speaks": it emits low sounds of a high tone, very similar to the play of silver bells …


The find was taken up by a New York police laboratory specializing in the reconstruction of faces from skulls, which concluded that the original from which the skull could be copied belonged to a young girl …


In ancient Indian legends there is a legend that there are thirteen skulls of the "Goddess of Death" in total … It is believed that if all thirteen ancient skulls are found and spread in a circle, one of them will be the main one and will "collect" knowledge from all the others …


It is true that they were later found more than once, but now the skulls - large and small - are in the storerooms of museums and private individuals in Mexico, Brazil, USA, France, Mongolia, Tibet …


In 1945, the International Crystal Skull Society was established in New York. Founder - Nick Noserino. The main task of the society is to study and thoroughly research all the found skulls, and, moreover, to “check for antiquity”. All skulls are described and registered, but the information is kept under strict secrecy.


One way or another, but crystal skulls still leave a wide scope for conjecture - some consider them a fake made in the 20th century, others attribute their creation to aliens, inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis or Satan himself. Archaeologists working on excavations in Honduras are convinced that the crystal skull, at least the first of them, belonged to the people who lived there one and a half millennia ago - the Mayan people or, perhaps, borrowed from the Aztecs … But even if it is a fake, then a forgery, made with such a high skill, which even the Florentine artisans never achieved, surpassing all the masters of the world in the art of crystal processing …