5 Most Mysterious Footprints Ever Found On Earth - Alternative View

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5 Most Mysterious Footprints Ever Found On Earth - Alternative View
5 Most Mysterious Footprints Ever Found On Earth - Alternative View

Each of these strange creatures at one time caused a real storm of emotions. Terrible and repulsive, they thrill our darkest imaginations, making a lasting impression. Feature films and documentaries were shot on this topic, novels and music were written - and in the end, unknown creatures became an integral part of our life.

Do such animals really exist, or is it just a fake, a figment of a wild imagination? Whatever you think about it, there is only one reasonable explanation. All creatures mentioned in this article are inexplicable in terms of the laws of nature. When meeting them, even the most cold-blooded people will shake with icy horror.

So let's take a look at the top of our ranking of amazing creatures and start our journey into the unknown.

Bigfoot. Washington (USA), June 1982

The Yeti or Sasquatch is one of the most famous mythical humanoid creatures. Recently, there have been more and more cases of meeting with him, people from different countries claim to have seen him.


The word "bigfoot" ("Bigfoot") appeared more than half a century ago, when imprints of huge feet were found in northern California. But does a hominid really exist? This is how we imagine it. One of the most indisputable evidence for its existence is three human-like footprints, but much larger. In the summer of 1982, they were discovered by workers in a forest in southeast Washington.

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The fine-grained soil has largely contributed to the high-quality preservation of prints: the entire surface of the foot is visible, even the smallest pores on the skin. Dermatoglyphic studies have shown that the texture of the skin corresponds to the class of highly evolved primates.

The size of the foot - 38x18 cm - excludes its belonging to any of the monkeys, in the position of the thumb proves that this creature is a hominid. Physical data indicate a body weight of 300 to 450 kg. During the research, it was found that a fake was excluded. Even the largest woman's foot on the planet is too small compared to these prints.

Devil's footprints. Topsham (Great Britain), February 2, 1855

Despite the fact that the veracity of the incident is in question, many people still believe that the incident did take place. The inhabitants of Topsham were struck by the mysterious footprints found in the early morning in the snow along houses, in open areas, on roads and even on the roofs of buildings. Despite the overwhelming number of reports, the appearance of these prints was a mystical phenomenon.


Newspapers of that time circulated numerous articles dedicated to the event. The unusual phenomenon occurred not only in Topsham, but also in other cities of South Devon. The footprints were hoof-like in shape (like the English letter U), and some witnesses reported small gaps in the middle, making the print resemble a forked hoof.

The horseshoes were lined up in a straight line, giving the impression that the creature that left them walked on two legs. Each track was very clear, as if printed in a thick layer of snow. Just imagine how this is possible. In my opinion, it all looks pretty devilish …


Yeti. Mount Gankar Punsum (Bhutan), October 2014

It is said that the yeti, a huge hominid that looks like a monkey, roams the mountains of Tibet in Nepal. If for the inhabitants of this region the Yeti is a mythical creature, then for cryptozoologists it is the most intriguing and attractive mystery. For many years he hid among high mountains, until one day climbers found his trail. Now the secret can be revealed.


It is believed that the famous monster may have left strange footprints, which can be seen in a photo taken in one of the remote Himalayan regions of Bhutan. They are more human - this time. Secondly, they were found in a hard-to-reach area, where no human has ever set foot.


The footprints form a straight line, and enthusiasts say that no feline or other four-legged could leave such marks in the snow. Of course, bears can sometimes walk on two legs, but the large size and heavy weight of the animals would not allow them to walk so carefully and accurately.

Chupacabra. Buffalo Bayou, Texas (USA), February 2014

For a long period of time, residents of different parts of the United States hunted for the legendary beast, which sucks all the blood from other animals. For three decades, people told stories about the infamous Chupacabra, until one Texas man claimed that he not only saw the monster, but could provide evidence of its existence.


A strange dog-like animal has been seen three times in Buffalo Bayou. The picture shows the traces of the alleged Chupacabra left by it on the soft ground. After these pictures were seen by local hunters, they set traps in every yard to catch the animal. And now some claim that they managed to capture the Chupacabra on video. Others - that they found a dead monster. Perhaps this is what the Chupacabra actually looks like. Scary, right?

Large four-toed footprints. Curtis, Nebraska (USA), January 2015

This happened relatively recently. On the side of the road leading to the forest, the residents of Curtis found strange prints in the fresh snow. The footprints were very unusual and people decided to take a photo as a souvenir.

The prints were half as long as they were wide. The distance between steps is 1 m 80 cm. Only an Olympic sprinter could run like this. When the photo was shown to the scientist, he said that these were the tracks of a large hare. But hares have never been found in those parts.


Then the biologist compared the footprints with bear, as well as with the paw prints of emu, which were grown on a neighboring farm. But they, as they say, did not stand nearby - no similarities could be found.

Well, the lot of all secrets is the same, and we can only believe in their future solution. Time will tell what it really is - the prints left by unknown creatures, or just a deception.

Translation by Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info