Energy Of Cemetery Flowers - Alternative View

Energy Of Cemetery Flowers - Alternative View
Energy Of Cemetery Flowers - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of Cemetery Flowers - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of Cemetery Flowers - Alternative View
Video: Flowers for Cemeteries 2024, September

The overwhelming majority of people know that nothing can be brought home from the cemetery. There are many explanations for this: it is a “other” world, which is impossible and dangerous to touch. In addition, there is a special, to put it mildly, "bad" energy in the cemetery.

According to esotericists, she "clings" to any objects or things that are there. And this means that by taking something from the cemetery, you can pick up this energy and "take" it into your life. And this is especially true for fresh flowers, both growing on the grave and brought.

Flowers, like any other living organism, are also endowed with a certain psychosomatic energy. And no one knows yet how they come into contact with this energy with the negativity that exists in the cemeteries.

Of course, in the world of technological progress, talking about such superstitions is somewhat strange. However, everything in this life depends on who believes in what and how much. After all, many of us have more than once seen homeless people in the cemetery who have nothing to eat, and therefore they calmly use the memorial "treats" that remain in the cemetery, while not at all wondering whether this is bad for their life or is it good, will they get yourself into trouble …


Nevertheless, more advanced people, who may not be superstitious, find in the cemetery a special mysticism that no one wants to touch.

Each of us at least once in our life has heard a story from our loved ones that made, if not believe, then at least think: are flowers from a cemetery really so dangerous?

For example, here is the story of a woman who for many years went to seasonal work in Finland: she worked there in one of the cemeteries, watered flowers and mowed lawns. She, like many, heard that nothing can be taken from the cemetery, while, like many, she did not attach any importance to what she heard, knowing that many take flowers from the cemetery, moreover, then they also sell them. But one day he and a partner were working on an old grave from the forties.

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It was completely overgrown with daffodils, and the girls had to plant begonias on it. My partner, taking a shovel, cut off half of the daffodils to get in the way. The girl threw them into a container, but after work, walking past, she decided to pick them up and plant them on the balcony at home. Daffodils took root and began to bloom profusely. The girl liked her flowers, which, however, was immediately disliked by her cat, who all the time tried to dig them out of the ground.

A week later, the girl, who came home from work very tired, immediately went to bed. In the middle of the night she was awakened by a cough that was clearly audible in her room. However, there was no one in the apartment: the girl lived alone. But the old man's cough recurred several times during the night.

The next day everything happened again. All night long it seemed to the girl that someone, shuffling their feet, was walking around her room and coughing. Horror seized the girl. She told her friend about everything, she advised to immediately take the flowers back to the cemetery. Arriving at the grave from which the flowers were cut, the girl was sure that she would find the old man's name on it, but what was her surprise when she read the woman's name on the plate …

Several days passed, and the girl learned that on the same night, when she heard a cough, her neighbor, an old man, had died.


The woman still cannot explain what happened. Many of her entourage call this a coincidence, however, the fortune-tellers to whom she turned to explain this in their own way, attributing everything to those unfortunate daffodils that she brought from the cemetery.

Cemeteries generally cause a dual reaction in people: some are afraid of them or are afraid to the point of panic, preferring not to even participate in the burial of loved ones; for some, the cemetery carries some strange, inexplicable romance. However, psychics and fortune-tellers always warn those who prefer to "play" with the cemetery that this will not lead to any good. Any contact with death, according to astral concepts, is considered a very dangerous thing, therefore, for those who do not have experience and knowledge, it is better not to even come close to this world.

There is a very powerful direction in magic called necromagic. Very few people practice it. Only a very small number of fortune-tellers are engaged in necromagic, induces or removes damage, receiving information, changes events. It is believed that the cemetery is the first assistant in black magic, it is this that can do maximum harm. It is the cemetery that creates a powerful necrotic field and leaves a destructive trace in the spatial energy. The massive accumulation of the energies of death in one single place forms a kind of funnel, "pulling in" the energies of the living.

This is what is used in black magic. By bringing something from the cemetery, a person starts the process of energy transfer. This action creates a distortion in the aura of a living person, in his energetic space, eating away at him like cancer cells and sometimes even pushing him towards death.

Recently, one of the TV channels showed a film about a girl who received a bouquet of flowers from her ex-girlfriend for a wedding. It would seem quite a trivial situation, because what can please the bride more than a bouquet. However, everything turned out to be not so simple. Holding a grudge, the ex-girlfriend collected this bouquet with her own hands, and she collected a flower from twelve graves of women who bear the same name with the bride.

According to fortune-tellers, such a bouquet is intended to upset the marriage and take away all men from the victim. It is believed that a woman who receives such a bouquet is like “dying” for men. The girl was helped by a fortune teller who performed a special ceremony, read a prayer and a conspiracy. It is believed that she was lucky, since her friend could not restrain herself and gloatingly told the bride what bouquet she had prepared for her as a gift. But if a person is in the dark, not knowing many superstitions, then his life can be destroyed.

Many chanson lovers know Elena Vaenga. She travels around the world, gives concerts, pleases fans. But it turns out that there was a situation in her life when she was under the blow of envious people. Vaenga in an interview told reporters that once she became a victim of a woman who literally cursed her. After one of the successful concerts during a tour in Germany, a woman came to Vaenga's dressing room. Asking how her health was and hearing in response that it was good, the woman angrily threw flowers at Vaenga, saying that this was a "present" for the artist.

The singer, looking at the bouquet, was stunned: they had damp earth … This meant that the woman had collected them from someone's grave. On the same evening, Vaenga fell ill with a very high temperature. She was on the brink of death for three whole days, and only a miracle and excellent doctors were able to save her. The singer still does not understand why they did this to her, but from that day on she is very wary of this kind of gifts.

At the cemetery, they say, the law works: what falls on the ground there remains there. Otherwise, everything taken from there is not good.