Energy Of Death Kills The Living - Alternative View

Energy Of Death Kills The Living - Alternative View
Energy Of Death Kills The Living - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of Death Kills The Living - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of Death Kills The Living - Alternative View
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Igor Kolomiets writes: “At the beginning of May I had to visit an urban-type settlement near the town of Dzhankoy (Crimea). Walking through the village, local residents showed me the remains of the graves of German soldiers and officers of the Second World War, who are literally near the village school, administration, and also a cafe.

Where there used to be the graves and burials of German soldiers, a village school has now been built, as well as a city park, in which people walk. It gets scary when you find out that there are old graves next to the cafe where people relax.

You cannot build dwellings where the cemetery is

There were fierce battles in these places. Those who died here were simply thrown into pits and the corpses of dead soldiers were buried from different sides.

From an esoteric point of view, the souls of the dead will trouble the living for a long time. And then everyone is surprised: “Why do our children get sick?”, “Why are there so many cancers?”.

What else do we want? There are a lot of places like Urozhainoe, both in Ukraine and in Russia. The same businessmen are mindlessly building entire residential areas in former cemeteries. So, in Rostov-on-Don, on M. Gorky Street, repair work is underway on the site of an 18th century cemetery. Just think about it! What kind of "cheerful" energy is there ?! So this is the 18th century! And what about recent historical events? and it doesn't matter: these are the mass graves of Soviet soldiers or German officers. The energy is the same: the energy of death!"

They say nothing happens just like that. And a person cannot leave without a trace - he necessarily leaves something behind him both on the physical and on the energetic level and may even have a certain effect on living organisms.

The necrotic (necrobiological) energy emitted by a living organism after leaving the world is a very interesting phenomenon. Despite the fact that this term is quite "young", this energy has been known to people since ancient times. So, the field of death and the death rays that arise at the moment of death of any living creature were already mentioned by ancient Greek philosophers.

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However, this issue was seriously studied only in the 9th century, largely thanks to the French naturalist Camille Flammarion. Although, as you know, great knowledge, which the official science does not want to recognize, begins to live on its own, "among the people", long before the derivation of scientific theses and laws. Thus, the presence of various beliefs, magic rituals and some provisions of the Taoist practice of Feng Shui played an important role in understanding the essence of necrotic energy.

The existence of necrotic energy as such is virtually indisputable. There is more controversy about what impact it has on people. And opinions, based on research that continue to the present, there are very different.

For centuries, scientists have been studying various types of radiation and their effect on living organisms. Currently, there is a division of all electromagnetic waves into six main ranges: visible radiation, X-rays, radio waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, and γ-radiation. Each of them has its own special properties and characteristics, and continues to attract the interest of scientists. However, necrotic radiation is also in a special position, which is very difficult to understand. Everyone has their own description methods, but the results are generally similar and are of considerable interest to people of various professions: military, doctors, architects, etc.

In Russia, the influence of the dying on those around them interested researchers and special bodies in the period immediately after the October Revolution. It was then in large cities that special secret laboratories began to appear one after another, in which experiments were carried out in order to study the rays that appeared after the death of a living organism, and to establish ways of their further possible use. For example, biologist Gurevich found that dying and deceased cells have a detrimental effect on neighboring living cells by acting on them with electromagnetic waves. Thus, a start was made, and the data obtained by Gurevich were later used as a basis for new hypotheses.

Already in the middle of the 20th century, physicist Dokuchaev put forward a hypothesis about longitudinal electromagnetic waves and their influence. As a result of the experiments, the device recorded powerful necrobiological radiation near a dying creature, which was fraught with considerable danger. The most dangerous thing turned out to be near the head of a dying person, where the greatest concentration of destructive energy was revealed.

Such results could not be ignored by the military around the world. A little later, the leaders of the Third Reich also became very interested in the strange effects that occur during the violent death of a large number of people.

It is no secret that in fascist concentration camps they were very interested in mysticism and had a passion for the occult. And, of course, the Nazis began to think about how to use necrotic radiation for their own purposes. This is how a new interpretation of this phenomenon appeared under the name "death rays", which are "the highest magic" of human sacrifice. Scientists of fascist Germany studied them in numerous concentration camps and tested them on prisoners of war. The initially set goal turned out to be impracticable, but the “conveyor of countless experiments” entered the history like a black line. "Death rays" are still called the most terrible discovery at the intersection of science and mysticism.

Nowadays, numerous studies to study the impact of the negative energy of burial sites on the well-being of people were carried out by the Scientific and Practical Center for Biolocation in 1993. During the year, the operators of the center examined in detail the territories of the former cemeteries. The purpose of this study was to "satisfy the curiosity" of architects who are guided by purely utilitarian considerations and want to know about the sanitary protection zone, which should separate the residential area from the cemetery.

Thanks to this series of experiments, it was possible to establish a very interesting fact indicating that necrotic radiation really exists, and the zone of this radiation is concentrated to a greater extent in the west-east direction. The reason for this concentration was found directly in the human skeletons themselves. So, the skeleton has a kind of inductance coil in the chest area. The lines of force of electromagnetic radiation from the skeleton have an elliptical or ovoid shape, similar to the contours of the human aura, due to which the general geopathogenic territory is stretched along the axis of the burial accordingly. This design forms something like an electromagnetic gun, which is capable of destroying all living things within its radius of action.

However, there are other hypotheses about necrotic radiation. So, if you believe the practice of Feng Shui, then necrotic radiation is not always fraught with danger. In particular, according to ancient Chinese teachings, the right burial site can bring good luck and prosperity to living people who have some contact with it. For example, next to the grave of their ancestor, the Chinese were advised to build a house in order to be charged with positive energy. Many also argue with this, but, nevertheless, it must be admitted that there is also such a point of view on necrotic radiation and its effect on people.

With whom to agree and with whom not - everyone's business, but while research continues, and there are no answers to all questions, it is better to think about whether it is worth checking the effects of radiation … of any kind and experimenting with your health.