Celestial Fish - Alternative View

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Celestial Fish - Alternative View
Celestial Fish - Alternative View

Video: Celestial Fish - Alternative View

Video: Celestial Fish - Alternative View
Video: Celestial pearl danios feeding 2024, July

What do these creatures need? Why are they hiding? Nobody knows. It is only known that they are everywhere, although few people ever see and touch them. These creatures are rarely shown, but they could not be classified: it is unclear whether they are fish, birds or worms … Most importantly, it is not clear whether they can pose a threat, and if so, what kind?

These strange creatures are similar to deep-sea inhabitants: they have long worm-like bodies and wide protrusions on the sides, with the help of which they move as if on wings. Something like this under water "fly", for example, stingrays, making wave-like movements.

But the bad luck is that they do not live in water, but in the air. Probably, they will be found in water bodies, but so far they are found even in the atmosphere only by pure chance.

Apparently, we are talking about representatives of the fauna, but who they are and where they came from - no one knows.

Apparently, for the same reason, there is no common opinion on a simple question - how to call these creatures. There are different names: "flying rods" ("flying rods" - because of the oblong shape), "solar entities" - they have in common with the sun, of course, no more than solar angels; just such a name appeared from - because they are easier to notice when they fly in front of the sun) or "skyfish" ("skyfish" - "heavenly fish" - because of the "fishy" way of movement, although they were seen only in the sky).

The last option is the most common, so we'll stick with it.

The first image of a skyfish was obtained more than ten years ago. Director Jose Escamilla, who filmed something strange in 1994 somewhere in New Mexico and thought it was a UFO. When he began to study the film, of course, he did not find any aircraft, but he found something even more surprising on it.

Yes, he noticed exactly such creatures - skyfish flying in the air. He looked through all the frames and made sure that this was not a film defect or an optical illusion - it was something alive, moving at great speed.

Soon he began to look more attentively at all his videos and more and more often found these creatures on them, constantly making sure that they were flying around us. Soon, there was so much different evidence that Escamilla created a whole website dedicated to these mysterious creatures.

Promotional video:

Many people involved in the study of unknown life forms, who often call themselves cryptozoologists, cannot say for sure whether Skyfish can be called animals, or if they are intangible objects. To be sure of this, you need to catch at least one individual.

However, these words are nothing more than healthy scientific skepticism. After all, there are people in the world who not only have serious reasons to guess about the nature of "heavenly fish", but know from their own experience that this is a living being. These are people who know what kind of living creatures they are, see them up close and sometimes touch them - skyfish catchers.

These people are in different countries. The fact is that after the discovery of Escamilla, skyfish began to be noticed more and more often - either these creatures began to multiply more strongly due to the gradual warming on Earth, or they simply began to pay attention to them.

Little by little, this interest began to spread throughout the world. Most skilful skyfishers now live in Japan.

One of the most famous is Kozo Ichikawa.

Master Ichikawa - as his neighbors respectfully call him - lives in the village. He says skyfish are very rare creatures. However, in the quiet place where Kozo settled, he often comes across them.

“As a child, walking in the mountains, I often caught these creatures - small and large, - he recalls. "As far as I know, they are now called in the American manner -" skyfish ", but in our village they are called in their own way -" chuman ". What this word means, he did not explain.

Ichikawa says that in his village the tyuman is very respected and treated with care, they are considered almost the spirits of the village. Sometimes they are caught - but only for fun, because it is not so easy to do. However, this fun brings nothing but emotions.

“This is the local tradition - to catch them, but also not to harm them: caught and released, caught and released - these are the rules,” Ichikawa says. This is what true reverence for wildlife means!

Catching a skyfish is really very interesting - not everyone succeeds. And, of course, Ichikawa is best at this.

For fishing, he uses special means.

When out hunting, Ichikawa prepares the bait. First, he makes a special solution, which is a resin melted in water (unfortunately, the master did not specify what kind of resin is used to prepare this liquid). Then he adds pieces of dried tuna to it.

Explaining why he chose this particular bait, Ichikawa says that in the air, water reflects sunlight and creates glare, attracting skyfish.

But the fun, I must say, is not safe: skyfish are very poisonous in the autumn-winter period, so sometimes even Ichikawa uses mandatory protective equipment - a hat with a net and rubber gloves.

He doesn't take any more funds with him, but catches them - right with his hands! And this despite the fact that local skyfish fly at speeds of up to three hundred kilometers per hour. No wonder Ichikawa is then called a master of his craft!

He argues that there are fewer skyfish, and he is sure that this is due to "changing environmental conditions, such as temperature and other problems."

But obviously Ichikawa is not quite right about this. There may be fewer skyfish around his village, but in other regions, on the contrary, there are more and more of them. Accordingly, there are more and more masters, although not so outstanding.

They all fish with different devices. For example, the Japanese catcher Sadayoshi Iizima uses mogoshi, a long stick with a sharpened spiral wire at the end. And another Japanese skyfisher Tatsuo Imoto uses poison. In general, as you can see, most of these funds are not very humane.

Speaking about the world experience of skyfishing, it should be noted that it is not easy to systematize it. True, no one wants to do this - each catcher has his own secrets, special devices and methods of work.

For example, the German Michael Riesenhuber's approach to work is very interesting. Going out hunting, he never gives in to emotions and keeps a cold mind. Seeing a skyfish, he does not rush after him immediately.

First, Michael takes a pen and paper and tries to make estimates of the skyfish's trajectory in order to predict how it will move in the next few minutes. And only after an approximate mathematical model is built, he starts fishing.

Noteworthy is the approach to the case of two American private detectives - Marvin Oliver and Jeffrey Doyle. Catching skyfish, they try to apply the methods they learned from forensic science.

And Mexican Pedro Sanchez generally believes that catching a skyfish is desirable in a company. And not only in the air, but even in the water.

There are a number of problems with catching skyfish. The hunters rarely admit to having hunted these creatures. Only a few stories are known when skyfish allegedly placed in a container quickly died in captivity. They are said to decompose very soon afterwards, leaving only a gelatinous liquid mass (without a hint of skeleton or skin), which then also dries up rather quickly.

Nevertheless, no one wanted to provide any material evidence of this.

And in vain. After all, zoologists need to know about skyfish. For example, only thanks to Ichikawa, as the most experienced skyfish in the world, the size of skyfish is known - from thirty centimeters to three meters. But this is not enough for specialists. What individuals are we talking about? Are they adults or babies? Males or females? Or are they generally different types? Unfortunately, this knowledge is not yet available to biologists.

There are also other considerations for which information about Skyfish should be made public - security considerations. Indeed, as rare random videos show, "heavenly fish" move at an unprecedented speed from one hundred to a thousand (!) Kilometers per hour. It is easy to imagine what a danger it is for humans! In addition, remember once again that sometimes skyfish are extremely poisonous.

And what a danger they pose to aviation! It is scary to imagine what role these creatures play in the history of air disasters!

It is also interesting to note that they began to pay attention to skyfish only after they began to consider those frames that were considered spoiled. Perhaps humanity has recorded a large number of skyfish, but many of the evidence on film, photographs and videotapes were simply sent to the trash can - as a marriage.

All facts and assumptions related to skyfish cause a certain degree of caution. These creatures are captured in Japan, USA, Mexico, Germany, Samoa and many other countries. And no information about these creatures in our big country …

It is difficult to guess what the secret might be - in the peculiarities of ecology, natural resources or climate. However, it is possible that these animals are simply not given due attention in our country. But it is likely that their invisible presence plays a big role in our life and, possibly, history.

What to do if you suddenly find a skyfish? There are not so many precedents, so it is not easy to give such advice. Perhaps at such a moment you should remember your civic position, inform the public and representatives of science. And, of course, don't panic.

R & D. CNews expertise: "Moscow phenomenon"

The reader of the Research and Development portal - R & D. CNews presented to the editorial staff the footage of a video filming made in Moscow on May 7, which captured the phenomena of an incomprehensible nature.

The 40-minute video was captured by a black and white outdoor camera. According to the author, the time and date of the shooting is genuine, it was made in Moscow.

Typical formations, sometimes observed on video recordings, received in the English-speaking environment the general name "Skyfish" ("Heavenly fish"). Discussion of the possibility of the existence of "transnormal" phenomena has grown into the field of paraculture, called "cryptozoology"; of course, it has nothing to do with scientific biology.

The nature of the phenomena similar to those registered in the presented frames remains unclear and that is why it should become the subject of research. We can talk, in particular, about the aberration of perception, and about the appearance of artifacts in image processing. Of course, the counterfeit version cannot be discounted.


The editorial staff of the Research and Development portal - R & D. CNews invites readers and experts to discuss the presented video frames. You can contact the author of the video through the editorial office of R & D. CNews.