How Do We Know Who We Have Met In Past Lives? - Alternative View

How Do We Know Who We Have Met In Past Lives? - Alternative View
How Do We Know Who We Have Met In Past Lives? - Alternative View

Video: How Do We Know Who We Have Met In Past Lives? - Alternative View

Video: How Do We Know Who We Have Met In Past Lives? - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, October

Recently, one of the readers asked an interesting question: “How to find out, from our loved ones and relatives, with whom we have previously met in past lives?”, “How many such people do we meet during our life?”, “Is it possible somehow at once to understand that we are meeting not for the first time? Indeed, many of the people with whom we go through life, we have already met more than once in our past incarnations. And with many people, even if we are just getting to know them in this life, we already have a huge common history.

A joint story can be good if, for example, in several lives people are friends, help and help each other out, etc. And there is also a very negative joint karma, when people are enemies for many lives, many times in the past they have killed, substituted and betrayed each other, etc. Remember yourself, you first meet a person, start communication and you immediately feel something in relation to him. Tolya sympathy and trust, although, it would seem, there are no special grounds for this. Tolley has antipathy, rejection, aggression or fear, although, again, this person has not done or said anything bad to you in this life.

Where do these persistent feelings come from? Of course, from past memory, which, as a rule, is activated almost immediately upon contact with a person. The joint accumulated karma (common destiny), either negative or positive, is also activated. If you meet a person for the first time, talk to him for 5 minutes, and you have the impression that you have known him for “100 years,” all your life - be sure you have already met him in past lives! And if there is a desire and extrasensory abilities, then you can sit down in meditation and see your shared past with any person - in what lives did you meet, because of what you quarreled, what harm did you do to each other, or vice versa, how much you loved and what you won victories together. Why do people meet for many lives in a row over and over again?

Because all the accumulated tails, crimes against each other, mutual grievances, claims and debts - ultimately must be closed, forgiven and cleaned up. And until two people redeem their guilt before each other, they will meet in their new incarnations. This is one of the Laws of Karma. 50-70% of all our loved ones and relatives with whom we go through life are our old acquaintances from past lives. Sometimes this percentage can be less, and sometimes more. And believe me, we live next to those with whom we live - for a reason! We almost always have joint sins to atone for and joint tasks to learn to solve. And running away from these relationships and problems is useless!

The more a person runs away, the more painful and difficult it will be to solve them later. After all, it is not for nothing that many events in life are repeated many times, until a person finally turns to the situation and the person corresponding to the problem, and solves it. And if he does not decide in this life, then all the same he will have to decide in the next, but already in more difficult conditions. There is such a thing as "Karmic ties" or "Karmic knots".

This just applies to complex, tangled relationships, when conflicts have not been resolved for decades, grievances and claims only accumulate, and people cannot get rid of each other. Serious "Karmic knots" cannot be untied just like that, according to one's own desire. The help of the Healer is needed here. Working with a Spiritual Healer allows you to reach the root cause and events in past incarnations, where this karmic knot was tightened. A good Healer helps quickly eliminate this root cause and help people untie the corresponding black knot. Together with the knot, as if by magic, the negative towards each other also leaves. It often happens that after working with the Healer, people who hate each other for a long time become friends "on the water." So any problem can be solved! But it is important to find such a cool specialist who is able to solve this problem!