Rosetta Stone Of America - Alternative View

Rosetta Stone Of America - Alternative View
Rosetta Stone Of America - Alternative View

Video: Rosetta Stone Of America - Alternative View

Video: Rosetta Stone Of America - Alternative View
Video: Реклама подобрана на основе следующей информации: 2024, July

A large stone vessel resembling a drinking bowl, now known as Fuente Magna, was found quite by accident by a rural peasant from the Chua hacienda, located in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, 75-80 km from the city of La Paz, Bolivia. The site where it was found has not been explored until recently.

Fuente Magna is a chestnut brown vessel with beautiful engraving on the inside and outside. In addition to zoological motifs and anthropomorphic figures, symbols and signs are engraved on it, quite definitely forming an inscription.

Fuente Magna was not shown in Bolivia until 2000. It was considered a fake until enthusiastic researchers Bernardo Byadis Yacovazzo and Freddie Ars joined the case. Their attention was attracted not only by the presence of an inscription (although the writing in ancient South America is still a subject of serious discussion among archaeologists and historians), but also by its certain similarity with … Sumerian cuneiform!

A study of the chalice inscription, which the researchers romantically dubbed the “Rosetta Stone of America,” led them to the following conclusions:

  1. We are dealing with an artifact that was created in accordance with the Mesopotamian tradition.
  2. It contains two texts, one in cuneiform and the other in Semitic, possibly a Sinai branch influenced by cuneiform.
  3. According to the symbols used, we can deal with an artifact that obviously demonstrates belonging to the transition period between ideographic writing and cuneiform writing.
  4. Chronologically, this leads us to AD 3500-3000. BC, Sumerian-Akkadian period.

The researchers then turned to the linguist, Dr. C. A. Winters, with a request to try and read the text. Winters actually supported all the previous conclusions with the exception of the language belonging to the Semitic group, since cuneiform was used not only in Semitic languages, but also in many others. The translation of the inscription on the bowl, according to K. A. Winters, who considered it a kind of "mixture" of Sumerian cuneiform and proto-Sumerian symbols, reads as follows:


While examining the Fuente Magna bowl in the Museum of Gold, experts accidentally noticed a two-meter-high stone monolith - the Pocotia idol. The statue was covered in many places with symbols that were striking in their resemblance to the symbols on the Fuente Magna bowl. But if the cup was considered a fake for a long time, then no one doubted the origin of the idol - it clearly belonged to the early period of the Tiahuanaco culture.

Dr. C. A. Winters also tried to translate these inscriptions, which, in his opinion, read from top to bottom and from left to right and read as follows:

There is an additional inscription on the left side of the statue:

On the far right side of the Pocotia statue, there are inscriptions that seem to denote the name of the oracle:

There is an additional inscription on the right side of the statue:

The inscription at hand on the statue of Pocotia:

The inscription on the back of the statue in Proto-Sumerian:


Researchers believe that the discovered inscriptions support the version that the Sumerians arrived in South America in search of metals. For example, Verill and Bailey believe that the Sumerians arrived in the area of Lake Titicaca in search of tin and called this area or even the entire region of Peru-Bolivia nothing more than “Tin Land in the West” or “Land of Sunset” (names found in famous Sumerian texts). According to this version, it was the Sumerians who were the first in this region to start mining and using metals.

For all the attractiveness of this version, it has a very significant weak point: the path from Ancient Sumer to Lake Titicaca is too long and difficult to talk about any serious commercial and industrial communication between the two regions.

In order, sailing west from Mesopotamia, to be in the area of Lake Titicaca, you need to at least overcome the entire Indian Ocean, circling Africa, and the entire Atlantic Ocean. Even if you shorten this section, having made a preliminary part of the journey by land and starting from the Mediterranean coast, there will be no fundamental relief, since the difficulties begin later. It is necessary either to go around Cape Horn by sea at the southern tip of South America, i.e. traverse a region famous for its continuous powerful storms. And go on primitive ancient ships, although modern ships are not always successful in coping with such a task. And finally, having sailed along the western coast of South America, ascend by land to a height of four kilometers. Alternative option: overcome the entire Amazonian jungle and the high mountain range of the Andes, which is no easier …

Of course, it was possible to sail from Mesopotamia to the east through the Indian and Pacific Oceans, replacing the difficulties described above with others, which boil down to the need to travel many thousands of kilometers without the possibility of replenishing food and fresh water, but then the names "Tin Land in the West" and "Land of Sunset" …

In addition, one cannot exclude the version of the presence of a single written language in antiquity (see A. Sklyarov “The Tower of Babel - the record holder of long-term construction”). In this case, the Sumerians may have nothing to do with the discovered artifacts at all.

The very approach of Dr. Winters also raises questions, who, identifying some of the symbols with the Proto-Sumerian, translated them from the point of view of the Sumerian language itself, relying, in addition, purely on the phonetic principle of writing. But in this case, the option is absolutely not excluded that the signs have not phonetic, but semantic content at all, and the actual content of the inscription may turn out to be completely different from the above translation. Such an ancient writing fully allows for such a possibility.

Be that as it may, the found samples of writing are another serious fact that calls into question the official version of the history of South America.