Cases When Aliens Abducted Children - Alternative View

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Cases When Aliens Abducted Children - Alternative View
Cases When Aliens Abducted Children - Alternative View

Video: Cases When Aliens Abducted Children - Alternative View

Video: Cases When Aliens Abducted Children - Alternative View
Video: Siblings' "Bizarre" Story of Being Abducted by Aliens | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN 2024, July

Ufologist James Harder has put together an impressive collection of alien abduction cases. And this collection is alarming: there are many children among the abducted. Scientific prudence does not allow us to give an exact figure: most of the reports are received by researchers late when a child becomes an adult.

At the same time, Dr. Harder, who was a member of the APRO organization, discovered the opposite pattern: people abducted by adults, basically, claim that they already had a similar experience at the age of 6-7 years.

APRO - American UFO Organization, officially: Organization for the study of atmospheric phenomena. It was founded in the USA (Tucson, Arizona) by J. Lawrence and C. Lawrence in 1952. At the moment it has ceased to exist.

“We are faced with a fantastic picture,” says Harder, “and we cannot but ask the question: why exactly children?

Foreign researchers have no answer yet. However, a careful study of the facts and the ability to systematize them in chronological order, they believe, shed light on the problem.

So, a few of these facts, that is, stories told by victims of abductions.


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1912 year

Eight-year-old Frenchwoman N. played on the canal between Arles and Perron. Suddenly, out of nowhere appeared strange tall creatures in metal spacesuits. They took the girl by force to a round object with rectangular windows and, having made her sit on a soft sofa in a bright room, disappeared.

Looking around, the girl was frightened and cried. Almost immediately, a hole opened in the ceiling, and the child, not understanding how, ended up on the ground, rather far from the place where he had been kidnapped.

"We can," says Dr. M. Figet, "find here a kind of amnesia (memory loss) that hides an incomprehensible activity."

October 1940. Bode, Iowa, USA

A five-year-old boy, sitting in front of the window, heard steps in the garden. Looking out, I saw a small creature with a large head, in an adjacent yellow overalls. The creature gazed at the child. The kid, in horror, lost consciousness.

I woke up on my bed. Who and how put him to bed does not remember. The next morning, obeying an inner impulse, I went into the forest and found burnt grass in the shape of a circle not far from my house.

1943 year

Betty Anderson from Ashberham, USA, according to John Fuller, has been kidnapped on multiple occasions. She remembers that some kind of apparatus was inserted into her nostrils, and when it was removed, Betty saw a ball with spikes all over its surface. Under the influence of hypnosis, it was possible to establish: the probe was introduced by strange creatures to the girl in 1943, when she was seven years old. They took out the implant … 24 years later.

The same year 1943. Betty Lucas, 5, was on the beach. Suddenly I saw a sparkling egg-shaped plate. Fear seized the girl, she lost consciousness. I woke up in a brightly lit room. She remembers that she was surrounded by creatures of small stature, bald, with large eyes without eyelids, with three fingers.

The creatures brought unknown devices to the girl's body, conducted some experiments. There was a feeling of indifference and the knowledge that this was not the last meeting.

Indeed, two years later, Betty met the little creatures at her home. Parents were not at home, she was sitting in the kitchen. Suddenly, lights flashed outside the window, an orange glow filled the room. Immediately, as if out of the ground, five old acquaintances appeared.

Silently, the girl was taken into the room, and they took out some devices. Then they gave a vessel with a reddish liquid. "Drink!" - heard Betty's voice, although none of the creatures opened their mouths. The girl drank and fell asleep instantly. Parents returned home to find her lying on the kitchen floor (Researcher Fossett).

1948, May

A boy fell out of a train in Luxembourg on the move. And … disappeared. They found him four days later, four kilometers from the scene with a healed wound. How he fell out of the window - he does not remember, woke up in a round room, brightly lit with bluish light.

A voice from somewhere above said that he got here by accident, will be cured and released. After that, the child "fell asleep" again. I woke up in a clearing near the railway. Alive and unharmed.

1950 year

Bud Hopkins, in collaboration with other American ufologists, having examined 19 cases of abduction out of 37, stated that seven children who were abducted had deep scars, indicating a biopsy (taking a tissue sample) produced on the body.

In collaboration with Dr. Aphrodite Clamart, a psychologist, Bud Hopkins also investigated the case of Philip Osborne, a New York-based journalist. In 1978, at night, Philip, lying in bed, felt as if paralyzed. Realization immediately came: this had already happened to him before, during his school years.

Philip turned to specialists. To the traditional question whether he has scars on his body, he replied with surprise: there is a large scar on his stomach, but does not remember its origin.

The journalist was hypnotized with his consent. Already in the first session, Philip described a rapidly rotating sphere and what he saw inside under the dome. On the second, the history of the scar was revealed. It turned out that in the summer of 1950, Philip went with his parents on an excursion to the National Park.

On the way back, the brother noticed that Philip had forgotten his coat. "I am now," said Philip and rushed back. He ran two hundred meters, and suddenly an incomprehensible structure appeared in front of him on the road, resembling a dome of smooth metal, divided into triangles.

One of the triangles was open. A bright glow came from within. Not understanding how, the child entered the hole and found himself lying on a couch with a movable handle. He stared in fascination at this shiny handle. Under his gaze, the pen, describing an intricate figure, entered the boy's body.

Philip felt fear, but immediately the fear passed. He does not remember what happened next. When asked about the 1964 incident at 330 Pittsburgh, Philip recalls the feeling of being there. It appeared when he looked up and noticed a suspicious light outside the window.

Obeying some impulse, he dressed, went out, went around the house, climbed a low wall. And he was dumbfounded: creatures with large skulls were looking at him closely, blood vessels were clearly visible under their skin, their huge eyes seemed metal.

A moment later, two sparkling spheres appeared next to Philip, as if a robot had emerged from the void. The robot is attached to the journalist's body. Philip screamed terribly, but heard a low voice: the creatures were convincing that they would not harm him.

The story with Dr. Grace

Microbiologist Dr. Grace from a hospital in New York on April 2, 1980 observed a UFO of a classic oval shape, glowing, about 20 meters high. Feeling animal fear, Grace started to run. The fear did not go away for three weeks.

Under hypnosis, it was possible to establish the reason: it turns out that Grace met with NAO as a child. It was a disc of pale green color, it flew over the trees, and the boy felt as if the object was stealing his thoughts.

Dr. Grace was born in 1943 and had a scar of unknown origin on his body at the age of 7.