A Scientific Approach To The UFO Mystery - Alternative View

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A Scientific Approach To The UFO Mystery - Alternative View
A Scientific Approach To The UFO Mystery - Alternative View

Video: A Scientific Approach To The UFO Mystery - Alternative View

Video: A Scientific Approach To The UFO Mystery - Alternative View
Video: UFOs and Aliens – What Science Says | Donald Prothero | TEDxResedaBlvd 2024, July

Eighteen years of study and research have convinced me that there is overwhelming evidence that Earth is visited by intelligently guided spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. In other words, some "flying saucers" are spaceships.

It is with these two sentences that I have typically started over 300 illustrated lectures on campuses (and dozens of professional groups) in over 47 states and 4 provinces over the past eight years. The lectures are called: "Flying saucers" - really exist ".

I really think so. When I finish my official program, I always do a Q&A session, which often lasts a good hour. During my lecture tours, I was interviewed hundreds of times by radio, television and newspaper workers, and I spoke to many, many people on the phone on talk shows. Since 1970, I have been the only space scientist in North America known to devote all of his time to UFOs.

As strange as it may seem, most thinking people are already able to accept the idea that some UFOs are piloted by visitors from space or from another dimension. Opinion polls point to this and have always shown that the more educated a person is, the more likely they are to accept UFOs. It is also true that the younger the person, the more readily he will accept UFOs. No wonder, therefore, that I only had six screamers in my lectures - two of them were drunk. However, in my experience, while accepting the compelling evidence I present is relatively easy, many people have questions that worry them more than the reality of UFOs. These questions are based more on reasoning than on ufological facts.

Here are the questions that seem to really worry people:

1) Why aren't the aliens in direct contact with us?

2) Why are they bothering themselves traveling the great distance here if they don't want to communicate with us?

3) Are there any indications that the government is suppressing some UFO data, and if so, why?

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4) If reports of sightings, landings and creatures come from all directions, then isn't international cooperation required to hide the truth from everyone?

5) Isn't the statistical improbability that we are the only oasis of intelligent life in the Universe that is the most convincing argument in favor of the reality of UFOs?

The purpose of this article is to try to present my answers to these questions, as I have probably spent much more time thinking about these things than the average person who attends my lectures.

Before delving deeper into these speculative areas, it would be useful to get rid of the seemingly more substantial objections to the idea that our planet is being visited, and to provide a rational basis for the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The point of view of a noisy denying minority is that there is no meaningful or convincing evidence (the existence of UFOs? UFO extraterrestrial origin?), Or that if we assume that UFOs exist, then they must violate the laws of physics and therefore they do not exist. Or does he (a representative of this direction) declare that if there are signs of an inexplicable phenomenon, why rush to the conclusion that unexplained objects are an extraterrestrial spacecraft?

As for the last question, I am sticking to extraterrestrial theory because there is so much evidence that the best observations indicate objects with a certain size, shape, structure, features and other characteristics that show that they are of artificial origin, and not just lights. in the sky or undefined spots. Typically round, symmetrical plates or disc-shaped objects, as well as larger and less commonly visible cigar-shaped objects, could, of course, be manufactured by any of dozens of industrial concerns on Earth, such as Boeing, McDonnell-Dougles, Lockheed, etc. judged solely on the basis of their appearance and physical description.

However, we must also take into account the behavior of the UFO. These symmetrical objects are capable of hovering in the air, moving horizontally at very high speeds (say 10,000 miles per hour), accelerating and stopping abruptly, moving vertically up and down, making right-angle turns at high speeds (about 2,200 mph), move back and forth in the sky without turns and perform all these maneuvers without much

noise, chemical emissions, visible external motors or sonic booms. No company on this planet is capable of making large objects that look like. and behaved in the manner described. We do not mean to say that some UFOs are not secret American or Soviet aircraft, or to reject any of the 50 other explanations, but just that a significant number of UFOs are man-made objects that were not made on Earth and therefore should be considered. as objects of extraterrestrial origin.

Obviously, this conclusion is valid only if there is a large amount of firmly established data that anyone can study, and this conclusion leaves open questions about the origin of the goal, etc. I have discussed this data in many of my other articles. One of the best sources of data on UFOs is special report No. 14 of the Blue Book Project, which contains data on more than 2000 objects. Of these, 19.7% were ultimately classified as UNKNOWN, as opposed to items classified in the "insufficient information" group. Evaluation of all objects showed that the better the quality of observation, the more likely the object belongs to the unknown - the exact opposite of what the skeptics tell us. Moreover, statistical analysis showed that given six different observed characteristics, suchlike apparent size, shape, speed, etc., the probability that unknowns belong to the same population of objects as knowns is less than one percent. This report is filled with diagrams, charts, tables, maps, etc. The observation duration data showed that the average unknown object was observed for longer than the average awareness, and that more than 60% of unknown objects were observed for more than 50 seconds, and 46% -more than five minutes.and that more than 60% of unknown objects were observed for more than 50 seconds, and 46% for more than five minutes.and that more than 60% of unknown objects were observed for more than 50 seconds, and 46% for more than five minutes.

Other excellent sources of information to look through include: The UFO Evidence, which contains data on over 700 unknown objects; the 1968 UFO Symposium, which contains testimonies from twelve scientists; Allen Heineck's book "The UFO Experience" and even Condon's report "Scientific Study on UFO".

According to the UFO committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), more than 30% of the objects investigated by Condon's group could not be identified. Papers presented at the 1975 AIAA conference are also of interest. Comparisons between French and American UFOs made by Balle and Poer are extremely valuable, showing that they are very similar; numerous landing track cases (over 1000 from 53 countries) tabulated by Ted Phillips, including physical changes at the landing site and often reports of creatures. I have found that educated but ignorant skeptics are no more knowledgeable than uneducated and ignorant believers. Both those and others share the point of view - "Do not fool me with facts, I have already decided EVERYTHING."

"Why aren't they talking to us?" - this seems to be one of the most troubling questions about UFO behavior.

Apparently, this is another version of the old idea that the unknown is what scares us the most. If the aliens sat with us for coffee or drank a bottle of beer, they would then seem less threatening. Part of this problem lies in the fact that everyone accepts that THEY, aliens, should be more technologically advanced than we are, since they easily fly to us, and we cannot visit their worlds yet. It is rather difficult for our “I” to accept the technological advancement of aliens, but it is even more difficult to be forced to reflect that we are not worth talking to us, that we may be so poorly developed in comparison with them on a comparative evolutionary scale, like a dog or a cat in compared to us. It is very difficult and upsetting for members of the ruling clique to experience that they are not asked to send ambassadors. In fact,from the alien point of view, the situation is much more complicated.

From a common-sense point of view, the number one rule for space travelers should be, "Be sure you can go home." This means that even before landing, you must have "sufficient information" about the natives to be sure they won't catch you, unless you feel capable of exterminating all the natives in bulk, which, apparently, our visitors apparently not inclined. The first thing that advanced aliens will notice is that we Earthlings have radar detection systems everywhere, and that we have interceptors and missiles ready to attack any flyer who does not respond with the proper code to the operator's electronic request. Aircraft and missiles are equipped with nuclear warheads and heat-seeking homing systems. Any alien will be clearthat there are several very hostile civilizations on this planet, that our vehicles are far less sophisticated than theirs, and that any Air Force would be very happy to receive a "dead or alive" saucer. Every major military bloc on this planet would like to make a great leap forward from today's technology to flying saucers.

Aliens must think about their own safety. There are many reports indicating that the reaction of earthlings to a meeting with aliens is in no way friendly. They were shot at, ambushed and pursued by military aircraft. Of course, no alien wants to go to the local zoo, morgue, prison or medical school laboratory. No advanced civilization would want its equipment

was taken over by primitive people, just as we do not want to give atomic bombs or lasers to the natives. After World War II, we did not offer the atomic bomb to our friends, let alone our enemies or backward peoples.

Would any civilization entrust any representative of earthlings to wisely use its technology if it watched the social evolution of our planet?

Some say it might be fine and right, that we don't expect aliens to just flop anywhere, but how about sitting on the White House lawn or contacting the UN? In short, why don't they say, "Take me to your leader"?

First of all, anyone who receives our radio and television, as well as signals related to defense, will quickly realize that there are many different local leaders on Earth, that the peoples are apparently ready to go to war at the first signal. The main occupation on this planet is tribal warfare. No leader represents more than 39% of the world's population, so the simple reason why they don't say “Lead me to your leader” is that there is no one to lead to, there is no leader who speaks on behalf of the planet. Even the UN does not have the authority sufficient to speak on behalf of the Earth.

Currently, it appears that aliens can come and go wherever and whenever they want - avoiding our attempts to intercept them. Until we become a real cosmic force that can prevent them from coming and going as they want, why should they explain and talk to us? For any highly developed civilization seeking information about our planet, it would be much more convenient to obtain their own data using instruments, sampling and sampling. Of course, neither the American nor the Soviet government wants to listen to others about their intentions, resources, or military might. Soberly speaking, one should expect that a highly advanced technological civilization capable of traveling between planetary systems, of course, has a better technique for assessing planetary activity than ours. Fortunately,a large number of reports on the taking of soil samples, as well as animals and people, support this idea. The fact that most UFO landings take place in remote areas is, of course, consistent with the assumption that it is not the intention of the aliens to contact the so-called leaders of Earth, but rather to slowly gather data without risking their efforts being thwarted.

One objection to the extraterrestrial theory is that there are simply too many visits for UFOs to be extraterrestrial ships. Obviously, for some people it would be enough if these visits occurred with a frequency of, say, once a year or several times in a decade, as happens with our Apollo project. This implies that anyone else who dared to go out into space started doing it at the same time as we did, that is, less than 20 years ago. This seems to be the height of anthropocentrism if we consider that our surroundings are at least 5 billion years old. We may be surrounded by a galactic community or, as Marjorie Fish has more realistically pointed out in her work on the Hill Incident, we are actually on the edge of the galactic community.located 25 light years from us. Not all space travelers need to be adventure-seeking astronauts or spectacular Lindberghs. And if we imagine them as passengers of a Boeing-747, who do not need to have any knowledge in the field of aircraft and rocketry?

Does anyone have any information about how many visitors there are to neighboring solar systems near Earth? No one has the slightest idea how to estimate how many interstellar pleasure trips would be required to give the observed number of unexplained objects, or to answer the question of how many different planets or different galactic communities are represented by our visitors. This question is heavily obscured by ecobiologists, who, having no data at all, are trying to calculate the number of civilizations and the average distance between them on the scale of a Galaxy with 200 billion stars, looks very impressive for those who easily succumb to the charm of large numbers, but ignore the lack of data. The fact that there are only 45 cars per square mile in the US does not mean there are no traffic jams.

Why have there been “so many” plantings over the past 30 years? Again, we can only reason. First, we can assume that the galactic civilization pays attention to all the planets that are known to be habitable and have potentially developed civilizations. Regarding such planets, one can expect periodic surveillance with occasional landings and frequent overflights, looking for signs of technological development, such as radio waves and explosions of nuclear weapons. This is probably not done out of idle curiosity, but from the realization that on a cosmic scale it will not take so long to go from Genghis Khan on a small planet to a threat to the entire galactic district. There is probably a standard operating procedure that takes effect as soon as certain signals are picked up. Of course, a brief period from 1939 to 1945 would provide any highly developed extraterrestrial civilization with enough information to know that earthlings, despite their aggressiveness and darkness, will soon be able to travel to the stars.

What will happen then? Alien military intelligence will set to work to determine the capabilities of the Earth. Professors at galactic universities will send a group here on long field expeditions. Groups of economists will study our resources that may be of interest to them. One of the groups may specialize by observing our reactions to alien life forms. Another could focus on our political systems to prepare for a formal meeting.

Uncovering the internal mechanism of a primitive society is, however, a very different task from evaluating a "sophisticated" society like ours. The alien planetary resource, capacity, and life tracker is likely to collect and review enough samples of various species to obtain a representative estimate of variability. However, when it comes to the earthlings themselves, then real sociological or genetic difficulties will arise. A herd of prize cattle can have almost the same characteristics. But this is not true for a herd of people, or even for many of our fauna and flora.

Some people reason: "If they want to let us know that they are here, then why do they choose some unknown persons and invite them to their ships?" The answer to that is that collecting samples like Betty and Barney Hill is not done to let us know they are here. They all know that we anyway know that they are here. Apparently, their interest is directed to the physiology, or perhaps the psychology of patterns, and not to their importance to other earthlings or to themselves. Moreover, if the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill was a typical assessment of the samples, then there may well be many, many people who were abducted (temporarily) and tested, but not subjected to prolonged regressive hypnosis to reveal details. During Dr. Benjamin Simon's analysis of the Hills, there were often long periods of memory blockade,during which it was impossible to get anything from the witnesses because they were not disposed to remember (or because they were not supposed to remember). Some people have the completely wrong impression that Hillamy's experience was drawn from them in one quick and easy hypnosis session. Quite the opposite, it took over six months of weekly sessions, several hours long with each one.

Likewise, one hears the strange arguments of William Kaufman and the writer Isaac Asimov that any newcomer who arrives here will either stop by to chat (with one of them, because they are such interesting people) or try to hide completely with their highly developed technology. A cursory glance at history will tell us that in the past, the place of visits to primitive subjects by more developed beings (Columbus, Cortez, Lewis and Clark, Margaret Mead, Jane Goodell, etc.) included communication with the natives, since the natives either controlled something, what the visitors needed - gold, land, water, food, hunting grounds, traps or agricultural machinery - or had information about their societies in their way of life that they did not want to transmit or record and which could not be obtained from afar. I very much doubtthat we have something that visiting aliens would like to know from us by living with us or asking for our opinion. Divers don't talk to fish, hunters don't talk to squirrels, lumberjacks don't talk to beavers and bees. I leave open the possibility that a few disguised aliens live among us (perhaps as punishment), or that some people are bribed by aliens.

For some people, even the best argument for UFO reality has nothing to do with the mountain of data available. This usually happens because they are completely unaware of this Everest data. Instead, they focus their attention on the vastness of the universe. They argue that it is mathematically "impossible" with billions of stars in the universe, many of which are believed to be planets, for our planet to be the only habitable one.

I'll try to mildly note the following:

1) There are very few skeptics who argue that there is simply no one there and, therefore, there is no one to travel here. And in spite of their denials, these rowdy deniers are often among those bothering to allocate huge public funds for their own favorite methods of searching for extraterrestrial life.

Spending $ 10 million on Project Cyclops - building a 10-mile radio telescope - seems like a smart move to them. Obviously, these "pickpockets of the public purse" assume that there is life "there", otherwise what is there to view in the Cosmos? But if aliens come here and ignore these transmitters and signal seekers, then who needs a radio telescope?

2) Assertions based on mathematical probability are meaningless in the absence of data. If we had data on interstellar "cosmic lines" (how many flights per year to the solar system?), We could estimate the likelihood that someone will arrive here. I don't know of anyone who has a guide to interstellar space communications.

Another false and misleading argument is that aliens cannot be humanoids because if there are billions of systems with intelligent beings, then the likelihood that any of them

looks like we are equal to one billionth, or practically zero. We have no data on what they look like, other than UFO passenger reports. By all that we know, 0.01% of intelligent beings in space could be humanoid in their form. Hundreds of eyewitness accounts of the creatures indicate that most visitors are indeed "humanoids." But even this fact does not tell us anything about the kind of intelligent beings that could have sent scouts here.

Nearly all books and articles written on the UFO issue primarily view Project Blue Book of the US Air Force and its predecessors, Project Sign and Project Discontent, as one official government UFO group. This is an illogical point of view. From 1953 until its completion in December 1969, Project Blue Book was a public distraction operation, covering up other, far more sophisticated and highly classified efforts to obtain UFO data.

I base this opinion on the following facts:

1) During this entire period (1953-1969), the Blue Book Project consisted mainly of one officer, a sergeant, a couple of secretaries, and a room filled with filing cabinets. It did not include technically experienced people. The main means of clarifying UFO sightings were letters or a telephone call. Any of the five large industrial organizations I have worked for could have assembled a more competent group of researchers.

2) Project Blue Book did not have a scientific system for detecting UFOs, for tracking them or for analyzing their characteristics. No computer device was used to distinguish UFOs from UFOs (Identified Flying Objects) or to tabulate, evaluate or cross-check each sighting to find patterns. As far as I could determine, the only computer-assisted calculation ever done for the project was the analysis of six different characteristics for 2,199 observations, as described in Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14. The computer punched cards were then destroyed. The Blue Book did not even have aircraft or rockets with instruments for tracking UFOs, measuring their characteristics or photographing them.

Having visited the former Project Blue Book headquarters at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and studied the Blue Book materials at Maxwell Air Force Base in Birmingham, Alabama, I can attest to the low quality of much of the Blue Book research, the inadequacy data processing and lack of scientific evaluation and study. I know from many R&D programs I have personally worked for that the Blue Book was in no way distinguished by the high purity that is typical of US Air Force subsidized programs.

3) There is, however, an organization established with the main purpose of scanning the sky near or over our country, sorting flying objects into known and unknown ones, making measurements of the characteristics of unknown objects and sending aircrafts loaded with sophisticated instruments into the air for tracking, photographing, recording and receiving data about unknown objects. This organization is the Aerospace Defense Administration (ADS). Its first purpose is, as we said, to provide early warning of an attack by enemy aircraft or missiles. To do this, it must observe the order in the sky, sort radar data quickly and accurately, use computers to estimate the speed, direction, trajectory and origin of objects, and notify appropriately equipped fighter and anti-aircraft missile units.

In recent years, ADF has had over 35,000 employees, aircraft units, enormous radar and computer systems, and of course, closed communications systems with the highest government officers. These possibilities are exactly that. what is needed for UFO research. Most military aircraft are equipped with cameras for both external photography and radar photography. Some are equipped with very sophisticated equipment designed to detect the electromagnetic signature of enemy aircraft, missiles or missile warheads. There are also remotely controlled aircraft flying over areas of Soviet nuclear missile tests, and satellites for evaluating Soviet missile launches.

4) The Blue Book Project did not have access to the data obtained by the ADS sensors. This is understandable when it comes to testing our own systems. Suppose the observed object is one of the newest

classified aircraft like M-2 or UF-11, or SR-71, or UFOs located above a classified nuclear weapons depot. The Blue Book personnel were not part of this system and did not have to know anything about these classified objects.

5) I have personally interviewed at least 75 former employees who calmly told me about the excellent UFO sightings that have occurred during their military service. These sightings were not reported to Blue Book personnel, but were reported to ADF and immediately classified. Very serious warnings were often made so that witnesses would never divulge any information. These stories were perfectly consistent. I certainly cannot call these witnesses liars.

6) The regulation governing the Blue Book clearly states that most field research will be carried out by members of the Air Intelligence Service units located around the country. I spoke with two former Air Intelligence researchers. Both independently argued that most of their reports went to Aviation Intelligence and ADF and not to the Blue Book.

7) That the CIA is involved in ufology is clear after reading the recently declassified version of the Robertson Committee's 1953 work. I believe this is just the tip of a secret US involvement, since at the end of 1955 the Special Report 14 of the Project Blue Book showed that while one or two copies were sent to numerous and varied Air Force bases, nine copies were sent first to the CIA. 15 were sent to ADF.

8) In the early 1960s, the Blue Book Project issued Reports 1-12. All were classified - either classified as "confidential" or "classified". They were all in the form of reports telling who went where to say something to someone about the UFO. These reports were only declassified after 1960. In October 1955, the Blue Book finally released Special Report No. 14, which was over 300 pages long. It was originally labeled "For Official Use Only". This is the only publicly available report, anything like a technical document ever written for the Blue Book Project. This work was carried out by the Battell Institute, Columbus, under contract with the Blue Book. But this official Air Force document nowhere mentions the institute or the names of the people who did the job. A press release widely circulated by the United States Air Force,contained just as little information about those who participated in the work, and did not even mention the title of the report.

Obviously, if it was mentioned, some reporter might ask what happened to reports 1-13, which were never publicly mentioned. All reports 1 through 12 were, as I noted above, classified. Report N

13 Project Blue Book has never appeared openly. One former Air Force official said he saw a copy of Report 13 in secret cabinets at the Strategic Air Command base, and that in 1971 it was classified Top Secret.

In response to many inquiries, the BBC has issued statements that either that Report No. 13 does not exist, or that it was only written in draft form and is included in Special Report No. 14. There is no evidence to support this version. Some people have even suggested that the US Air Force is superstitious and did not publish Report 13 for this reason.

What nonsense! Is there any reason to believe that the report number was skipped deliberately? No way. Military news agencies are methodical anyway. Is there any reason to believe that Report No. 13 is a highly classified document? Definitely! In the early 1960s. I was a design engineer on a contract under the direction of the US Air Force Foreign Technology (OST) Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This is the very organization that led the Blue Book Project. I was closely associated with people in the same organizational structure that I worked for the Blue Book a few years earlier. The close connection between them and OST was classified in itself. My final report was written in two volumes. The first part was unclassified, and it never mentioned the second part,which was top secret. Thus, there is a clear precedent for publishing a very responsible report that is never mentioned in less critical reports. Where I worked, there was a rule according to which it was impossible to mention any document with a higher degree of secrecy, nor to refer to it in papers of a lower degree of secrecy.

It seems reasonable to assume that if the US secretly collected UFO data through the ADF, CIA, etc., then other countries could have done so as well, since the literature clearly shows that UFO sightings are occurring all over the world. This, further, raises the question why no country has yet released this news to the public? I should note that many countries in South America and Asia seem to be much more receptive to the UFO concept than the major powers, at least at the public level.

1) Every major country wants to be able to build its own flying saucers in order to use them as a weapon in the struggle of world forces taking place on this planet. Therefore, all useful data, crashed UFOs, artifacts, pilots, etc. will be kept in the highest secrecy and will not be disclosed to anyone.

2) Every major nation is concerned that its opponents will learn the secret of the "cymbal" propulsion systems. Therefore, each country should be concerned about the potential problem of protecting itself from the "plates" of another nation.

3) Every nation is concerned about the consequences for the global economy and political power structure if any one country comes into contact with aliens with advanced technology. Isn't oil priceless on Earth now? The best policy under these circumstances is to hope that the aliens get away, or that contact and subsequent coups will occur under the next administration.

4) The worldwide acceptance of alien visits to Earth will push the inhabitants of this planet to see themselves as earthlings, not Americans, Chinese or Russians. No government on this planet wants its citizens to think about the future existence of the planet, and not about their national government.

In short, there are a number of very practical problems standing in the way of transforming our primitive society into a planetary community serving the needs of all its citizens. And right now is the time to start seeing yourself as earthlings. And the easiest way to get started is to understand that from an alien perspective, there are no visible national boundaries on the face of the Earth. There is Spaceship Earth - this is one of the few concepts that offers hope for our future - a future with or without alien intervention.