Six-fingered Passed Through The Gates Of The Gods - Alternative View

Six-fingered Passed Through The Gates Of The Gods - Alternative View
Six-fingered Passed Through The Gates Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Six-fingered Passed Through The Gates Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Six-fingered Passed Through The Gates Of The Gods - Alternative View
Video: Talkernate History - The Great War [2019] 2024, September

Sheaves of light plunged into the lake, and then rose high into the sky - the Indians passed this legend from generation to generation. Traces found in caves in an inaccessible region of Brazil, in a strange way, confirm the legend of the six-fingered dwarf aliens.

The Indians of the Bororos and Chavantes tribes living in the Brazilian state of Mato Grossu tell legends about small aliens about 1.2 m tall. These creatures allegedly had a disproportionately large head and a different number of toes - three, four or even six.

“They lived in caves and came from heaven,” the president of the Ataide State Ufological Association Ferreira da Silva Netto quotes local legends. Other legends tell of a certain pillar of fire that came from heaven. Having taught the Indians some "sciences", the dwarfs again went to their world.

In the Blue Mountains National Park in the municipality of Barra do Grasas (Mato Grosso state), there is the so-called Cave of Little Feet. Clear six-fingered prints are visible across the entire surface of the grotto - on the floor, walls and ceiling.

“Of course, these can only be legends, but they very much coincide with the discovered find,” the ecologist notes.

According to the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, no scientific study of the traces has been carried out. The area is located in a remote mountainous area.

Another legend of the Indian tribe Shavantes says that once Lake Encantada, located in the municipality of Nova Shavantina, was the gateway to the home of the gods. According to legend, sheaves of light were immersed in the lake, and then flew into space. The Indians are still afraid to swim there, believing that some unknown force will take them with them, writes the Brazilian Terra.

The anomalous zone about a kilometer long has official boundaries and is located at an altitude of 600 meters. Numerous testimonies and finds in the caves gave rise to its "discodrome", where after some time a "runway for flying saucers" will be built. So far, only a monument stands on this site, attracting the attention of tourists.

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