UFOs And Their Crews Are Still Illegal In France - Alternative View

UFOs And Their Crews Are Still Illegal In France - Alternative View
UFOs And Their Crews Are Still Illegal In France - Alternative View

In the 50s of the last century, the government of a French commune passed a law prohibiting aliens from landing on its territory under threat of arrest. Recently, the new mayor confirmed that the law is in force, he personally is not going to repeal it.

The 1954 law on the immediate arrest of any UFOs, flying saucers and their crews upon their landing in the commune of Châteauneuf-du-Pape appeared after a local resident reported about a huge cigar-shaped object he saw, from which two figures resembling people emerged. The message came in the wake of rumors of a UFO that crashed near Roswell in July 1974.

Perhaps the authors of the law were not so much afraid of unidentified flying objects in their wine-growing area, as they hoped to attract tourists. This version is confirmed by the fact that the new mayor refused to cancel the strange act 62 years ago. The official explained that the document may have legal force further, since it does not violate anyone's civil rights.

It was not only the commune of Châteauneuf-du-Pape that became famous for its unusual laws against semi-mythical creatures. In the district of Washington, Skaymenia, in the 60s it was forbidden to hunt Bigfoot on pain of a year in prison or a fine of $ 1000. The lack of scientific evidence for the existence of the Yeti does not bother the district administration, and the law continues to operate to this day. True, the punishment was somewhat mitigated. The previous version of the law, which had been in force for two decades, was threatened with a fine of $ 10,000 and five years in prison.
