Lake Anomalous Zone. Prodigal Places Near Moscow - Alternative View

Lake Anomalous Zone. Prodigal Places Near Moscow - Alternative View
Lake Anomalous Zone. Prodigal Places Near Moscow - Alternative View

Video: Lake Anomalous Zone. Prodigal Places Near Moscow - Alternative View

Video: Lake Anomalous Zone. Prodigal Places Near Moscow - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 MUST visit places in Moscow | Russia 2024, September

There are many anomalous zones in Russia, about which thousands of scientific and amateur articles have been written, hundreds of television reports have been made. However, in Russia there is one special anomalous zone on the border of the Ozersky and Zaraysky districts of the Moscow region, since anomalies of a different nature occur in it.

A local resident, formerly first deputy chairman of the council of deputies of the city of Ozyory, Roman Androsov, agreed to talk about this special place.

- Roman Viktorovich, it's hard to believe that there is an anomalous zone not far from Moscow. Are such places usually located in remote places in Siberia or in the Urals?

- Nevertheless, it is so. The anomalous zone of Ozersky and Zaraysky districts is located in a triangle, it is surrounded by several settlements: Protekino, Sennitsy and Klimovo. The strangest place is located within three ravines, the locals called them prodigal. Once in a ravine, a person cannot get out of it for a long time, and after getting out, he did not get where he expected.

I myself was lost in a prodigal ravine, despite the fact that I grew up in these places and know every tree. Nevertheless, one day, for half a day, I circled the ravine, unable to get out of it. Wherever I go, it's an unfamiliar place. And in the end I got out half a hundred kilometers from the meta where I entered the ravine.

- In such cases, they say: "Goblin drives." Didn't you meet him in these ravines?

- You're almost right! But this is not a devil, but some other entity not from our world. In our places this entity is simply called "fornication." I don't know whether to believe it or not, but the locals say that "fornication" looks like a tall, three-meter woman with her hair down. Usually this tall woman appears in a white dress - she does not walk, but as if hovering above the ground. Whether you walk, run, or even drive a car, it will chase you, keeping exactly the same distance. Old people say that once a company of several people was traveling in a cart. The collective farmers talked about their business, and suddenly the horse stood rooted to the spot. And then the men saw this fornication woman. She passed from one ravine to another and evaporated, and the horse immediately went again …

- Maybe it's some kind of historical character?

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- Most probably not. Although not far from the prodigal places, there are mysterious ruins of the count. This was the estate of the princes Gagarins. The place is terrible, but the most unusual there is the ponds in the park, they go down, but the water, disobeying the laws of physics, runs up. Everyone can see this strange phenomenon with their own eyes.


The Gagarins also had their own wine cellar. After the 1917 revolution, they could not find it, but locals sometimes find bottles of wine buried in the ground. They say that it is terrible sour, and drunk unusually. After drinking a little of this wine, a person seems to fall into a deep trance. By the way, one of these bottles was recently sold in Europe at an auction for 9 thousand euros.

“Usually ghosts inhabit these ruins.

- When I was a high school student, my friends and I walked past the cemetery and the Gagarins' estate at night. Suddenly it seemed to all of us that someone was following us. We turned around as if on cue and saw a man in pre-revolutionary clothes. He was very tall. Without saying a word, we rushed to run.

- But still. Are there too many anomalies for one place? Fornication woman, water running upwards, ghosts, prodigal ravines and strange wine. It seems to me that there should be one reason for this.

- Maybe. Many centuries ago, in these places there were strong battles with the Mongol-Tatars. Tens of thousands of people died in the battles. In these places, the whole earth is soaked in blood. It is said that where people die by force, various pernormal phenomena manifest themselves. Maybe this is the reason for the oddities in our area.