The Albino Squirrel Was Rescued From The Reprisal Of Its Relatives - Alternative View

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The Albino Squirrel Was Rescued From The Reprisal Of Its Relatives - Alternative View
The Albino Squirrel Was Rescued From The Reprisal Of Its Relatives - Alternative View

Video: The Albino Squirrel Was Rescued From The Reprisal Of Its Relatives - Alternative View

Video: The Albino Squirrel Was Rescued From The Reprisal Of Its Relatives - Alternative View
Video: Watch NBC News NOW Live - August 21 2024, September

This cute white albino squirrel named Snow White was rescued in Hampshire (Great Britain) from the aggression of their own gray relatives

Now the animal is in the center for wild animals Hart Wildlife Rescue and so that it does not feel lonely, a mirror was placed in its aviary, in which the squirrel sees its reflection and thinks that it is not the only one so special.

Snow White loves to look in the mirror and even tries to hug her reflection. Shelter caretaker Kara Hunter said that when the squirrel was taken to the center, she was in very poor condition. Her nose was bleeding and she was badly beaten. But after only three days on vitamins and antibiotics, the protein began to recover.

They put a mirror in her aviary at first in order to make it easier to find her in difficult places where she was hid from fear. And then we saw that she reacted to the reflection as if she were a companion.

Animals - albinos in the animal kingdom often become outcasts for their relatives. They are too different from them in appearance. However, quite similar stories often occur in the human world …


Photo: Rod Kirkpatrick / F Stop Press


Photo: Rod Kirkpatrick / F Stop Press


Photo: Rod Kirkpatrick / F Stop Press

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