Energy Vampire - Who Is He? - Alternative View

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Energy Vampire - Who Is He? - Alternative View
Energy Vampire - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampire - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampire - Who Is He? - Alternative View
Video: The Ultimate Energy Vampire (It's Not What You Think) 2024, July

Energy Vampirism

Energetic or psychic vampirism is a violent and deliberate withdrawal of psychic energy from a victim, causing harm to her. Bioenergetic healing, although sometimes a form of rejection of energy from the patient, can not be called vampirism, because it benefits people. In other cases, vampirism can be spontaneous (for example, in severely weakened or elderly people), which unconsciously take energy from others. And the case when the victim not only does not resist vampirism, but, seemingly, for some unknown reason, indulges him.

They suck not blood, but strength

A true, or convinced, vampire never has remorse and without any regret will take psychic energy from a pregnant woman, a child, and a seriously ill person. Vampires are egoists to the highest degree. Where do such immoral personalities come from? Usually, they arise in the family due to improper, selfish upbringing. Their motto can be expressed as follows - to take everything from life, regardless of obstacles. Their life credo is that the world exists only for them. They shamelessly manipulate a person, seeing in him not a person with their own interests, but only an object of their energetic possession. The classic of energy vampirism is a squabbler in a communal apartment, who becomes very well when one neighbor, after a conversation with her, starts drinking heart drops, and the other cries non-stop.

Energy vampirism is possible, as a rule, in a circle of people who communicate with each other for a long time and rarely happens on the street, in public transport or in other crowded places, because short-term psychological contacts do not provide an opportunity for securing contact and any tangible borrowing. In order for the act of vampirism to be realized, a stable connection (rapport) of the energy vampire and his victim is necessary.

Moreover, each person instinctively opposes the unmotivated withdrawal of psychic energy, and therefore the vampire sometimes has to be quite inventive in order to carry out a breakdown of the victim's energy shell. More often, he uses the same techniques, the purpose of which is to first win over a person to himself, and then unexpectedly inflict a psychic blow in order to piss him off.

Psychological protection against vampires is also difficult and not always possible, especially when the vampire is your boss, relative, or when you depend on him. Some elements of vampirism are almost always present in families and work collectives. Moreover, a voluntary exchange of energy should be considered even mandatory for the full-fledged existence of a person in a society where it is required not only to take, but also to give, but in this case it is no longer considered vampirism.

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How do they do it?

In order to become an energy vampire, you must have a special kind of "talent" or skill. Basically, these are handicapped individuals, “poor in spirit”, unable to receive psychic energy from the surrounding nature, works of art or directly from space. Experiencing information and energy "hunger", vampires are forced to take energy from strangers. This can be done without any external reasons and external signs - just a person notices that after communicating with some people he feels tired or his mood deteriorates. More often, vampires provoke the withdrawal of energy through gestures, looks, touch, or even ordinary words. At the same time, their most not burdensome technique is to force a person to open up, remove his natural energy protection, in order to then shamelessly draw energy from him. To this end, vampires try either to inspire confidence in themselves, or to anger and piss off the victim, as it is said about the squabbles in a communal apartment.

Codependency in families of drug addicts and alcoholics

It is impossible to live with an alcoholic or drug addict and not be drawn into his personal problems. The mental state of relatives and friends of patients suffering from addiction to any substance is called codependency. Codependency is a special fixed set of behavioral techniques, feelings and desires aimed at fulfilling the will of other, close people. With this, a person greatly harms his own health, sacrificing himself and putting another in the first place in his life. For example, an alcoholic depends on alcoholic beverages, a drug addict depends on drugs, a gambler depends on roulette or slot machines, and their relatives and friends depend on themselves. Relatives do not have the opportunity to get rid of this addiction only for the reason that they are linked by family ties, and also because of the peculiarities of their character.

Alcoholics and drug addicts consciously and unconsciously take advantage of this, drawing spiritual and physical strength from their wives and mothers. That is why they say that any kind of addiction, from a card game to the use of heroin, affects not only the addict himself, but also all his relatives. Moreover, despite the fact that alcoholics, drug addicts or gamblers shamelessly draw mental and physical energy from their loved ones, this does not mean that thanks to this they get rid of their addiction. The same can be said for the addict's wives and mothers, who believe that by satisfying the addict, they will deprive him of the opportunity to experience addiction further.

At the same time, the whole meaning of life of a codependent is in everyday attempts to control. But this is done in such an unproductive way that it does not help, but only reinforces the addiction. Codependents take pleasure in condemning themselves to the role of "savior." The constant desire to pity or save everyone in a row often leads to the fact that these people choose the profession of a doctor or social worker. Despite this, the empathy factor does not help, but only harms the patient, thereby indulging his bad inclinations.

Thus, a relationship between a vampire and his victim arises between the addict and the codependent. All their difference from the "classic" relationship is only in the fact that here the victim seeks not to get rid of the vampire, but, on the contrary, in every possible way to strengthen the existing relationship.

Consciousness manipulation

This is one of the ways to suppress human will and achieve domination, a variant of the forcible withdrawal of psychic energy, which acts both in relations between two people and at the level of entire crowds. As a rule, it is carried out secretly. Manipulation is a kind of spiritual, psychological influence, the target of which is the spirit and mental structures of a person.

When manipulating consciousness, a person is ignored as a person, accepted humbly as a source of energy and personal gain. To do this, they use cunning, various machinations, propaganda and suggestion, fraud and flattery. So, for example, even Goebbels admitted how weak and devastated he feels if he does not have power over someone, but this, he believes, can be overcome by speaking to the masses. “People are the source of our strength,” he wrote in one of his books.

Stockholm syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome is a pathological "friendship" between a hostage and a terrorist, which is now understood as an extreme degree of codependency. In this case, the hostages not only begin to feel sympathy for their captors, but even identify them and themselves. The term itself was coined by Swedish forensic scientist Nils Bijroth during his study of the hostage situation in Stockholm in 1973, although this phenomenon, of course, existed before.

The hostage develops Stockholm Syndrome gradually, usually three to four days after isolation. The mechanism for the development of such a syndrome is due to the prisoner's instinctive desire to get rid of further troubles, the desire to preserve his life through various forms of currying favor with the kidnappers, cooperation with them. The captives sincerely strive to get a good attitude from the invaders, consciously and unconsciously putting all their efforts into this. During a long stay in captivity, the hostage is forced to communicate only with terrorists and begins to understand the reasons for the seizure as the terrorists themselves understand, eventually coming to the conclusion that their capture is the only correct action in this situation. But Stockholm Syndrome immediately disappears when the kidnappers kill at least one of the hostages.

From a psychological point of view, this syndrome is a defensive and situationally justified reaction, but the further manifestation of this syndrome after the release of the hostages belongs to an exceptional pathology.

After their release, such hostages may even support the invaders, seek to have their sentence reduced, visit them in prison, actively participate in their secret organization, marry them, etc. This situation has been described more than once in fiction and was reflected in the cinema …

How do you identify a vampire?

The energy vampire is outwardly quite an ordinary person. He differs only in character and behavior. One of the tricks that distinguish a vampire from ordinary people is their obsessive desire to touch you, take your hand, or even stroke you. As a rule, such people are annoying, fussy, like to lie in order to attract attention to themselves, and also tend to shift all their problems onto others. Manipulation of other people is one of the main signs of energy vampirism.

Distinguish between "solar" and "lunar" vampires. "Sunny" - as a rule, aggressive and evil. They always strive to be in the center of squabbles and scandals, provoking people to rash actions and statements, as a result of which a large charge of emotional energy is thrown out, which is consumed with pleasure by the vampire. "Lunar" vampires are the exact opposite of "solar". They are outwardly quiet, decent and polite. But the "lunar" ones will plague you with whining and constant lamentations. Boredom in the "lunar" blood. And yet, some people like it, for example, people with codependency, who willingly sympathize and pity them, at the same time transferring all their inviolable store of psychic energy. Vampires are always parasites of your consciousness. Getting rid of their effects is sometimes very difficult.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

If a vampire tries to pity you, don't fall for this bait. You don't have to solve other people's problems. If a vampire tries to piss you off, stay away and do not respond to him with insolence. If a vampire takes you to fear - soberly assess the situation, whether you should be afraid of anything. Usually fears are exaggerated or completely unfounded. You do not need to look a vampire in the eyes, and when forced conversation sit with your arms and legs crossed. You should never be afraid of a vampire and do not believe that he will take your energy. Treat him with irony or mockery, turn all his words into a joke. During a long and boring tirade of the complainant, count or multiply to yourself, remember a verse. Mentally put on a spacesuit, imagine yourself as Schwarzenegger in the role of the Terminator or another hero, who does not care. And most importantly, try to speak less or be completely silent. It is better to get out of this situation altogether. After the forced communication with the vampire, take a cool shower, drink hot tea or coffee, take a walk in the forest or in the park. This will help.