"My Mom Is A Real Vampire" - Alternative View

"My Mom Is A Real Vampire" - Alternative View
"My Mom Is A Real Vampire" - Alternative View

Video: "My Mom Is A Real Vampire" - Alternative View

Video: Real Life Vampire: Vampire Loving Mother Sucks Human Blood, Twilight Style 2024, September

The 45-year-old mother of two truly believes that human blood gives her strength and makes her look attractive. The woman in every possible way supports the image of a vampire: she keeps horned skulls at home and takes pictures in the cemetery.

According to a resident of Wilkes-Barr, Pennsylvania, she first tasted biological fluid during her first kiss: at the age of 15, Julia bit her boyfriend.

“I cannot explain where this desire came from. This is probably how my natural instinct manifested itself. I liked the taste of blood, but that guy didn't want to kiss me anymore,”recalls a lover of films about vampires and other evil spirits.

After the incident with the escaped lover, the American woman was more careful in expressing feelings and periodically used the internal environment of the body, kindly provided by donors.

In 2000, Julia married her like-minded Donald, who also considers himself a ghoul. The couple played a wedding in their favorite vampire style, tasted each other's blood and began to live happily, but, however, not for long.


Photo: mutuellemaroc.ma

The fact is that after the birth of his son Alexei, Donald broke up with a strange habit, but his wife continued to imitate the characters of horror films and taste the red liquid. Thus, disagreements on this basis became the reason for divorce.

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However, the woman believes that parting with Donald is a small price to pay for youth and energy. A 45-year-old American woman considers herself a beautiful lady and enjoys taking pictures near the gravestones and coffins.

Social worker Julia drinks up to two liters of blood every month. This is possible thanks to the sympathetic people who are fond of occult sciences. They voluntarily put their body parts under the "vampire's" knife and allow her to drink the liquid oozing from the cuts.


Photo: mutuellemaroc.ma

“When meeting donors, I ask you to present a certificate confirming the absence of such diseases as AIDS or hepatitis,” notes the cautious American woman.

Julia's eldest daughter, 24-year-old Ariel, is aware of her mother's obsession and encourages her to stop. But the woman tries to protect the youngest child from a strange hobby.

But she does it badly - Alexey, who lives in a cottage decorated with horned skulls, crosses and occult symbols, gradually begins to guess.


Photo: mutuellemaroc.ma
