What Is Behind The UFO Phenomenon? - Alternative View

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What Is Behind The UFO Phenomenon? - Alternative View
What Is Behind The UFO Phenomenon? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Behind The UFO Phenomenon? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Behind The UFO Phenomenon? - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Analyzing the available data, ufologists sometimes come to the most unexpected conclusions. Hence the paradoxical nature of the proposed hypotheses. One of them, which is discussed in this article, is based on the amazing variability of the shapes not only of the aircraft themselves, but also of their pilots.

Plates change on the fly

On September 27, 1984, the crew of the Tu-134 A aircraft saw an unknown flying object in the sky during the flight. At first it looked like a large star, then like a cloud, then this “cloud” grew a tail, and the object became like a comma, then it became quadrangular, and at the end of these metamorphoses it turned into an airplane - an exact copy of “TU-134 A”.

No less curious UFO transformations were observed in 1990 by residents of the village of Solnechny, Akhtyrsky District. A local school teacher was the first to notice a sphere the size of a large ball flying in the sky. During the movement, the strange object successively took the form of a hat, then two hats closed by the brim, then melons and, finally, a bell.

Many similar observations are known. In the UFO phenomenon, it is especially striking that these objects often copy the flight technology that humanity invented at the time of observation. In the nineteenth century, these are balloons and airships, at the beginning of the twentieth century - propeller-driven airplanes and the same airships, at the end of the twentieth century - helicopters, jet airplanes and devices in the form of disks, cigars, etc. All of them differ from terrestrial technology in high speed, amazing maneuverability and absolute elusiveness.

However, UFOs are not only copied by aircraft. In Brazil, about two dozen eyewitnesses saw white flashes suddenly flashed under the bottom of a passing trailer under the bottom. The trailer, however, did not stop, but suddenly took to the air and, picking up speed, disappeared into the sky. Something similar happened in New Mexico in 2008. The car, driving along the highway at very high speed, turned into a ball in front of the motorists following it.

In the Vologda region in 1940-60? In the 1980s we saw a flying object in the form of a log hut This "hut" has repeatedly landed. Travelers came across her in places where she had not been there yesterday. It was impossible to enter it. When people returned to this place after some time, the "hut" was gone.

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An object in the form of a flying city - a kind of Swift Laputa - has been repeatedly observed in the sky over the Andes.

Aliens copy people

Not only UFOs, but also their pilots are capable of changing their shape.

At one time, the case of a young employee of a research institute near Moscow was widely known. On the night of October 3, 1977, she went to the balcony of her apartment on the ninth floor. In the air, three hundred meters away, hung a strange object in the shape of a ball with a ring like the one that surrounds Saturn. Several luminous "pillars" have separated from the object. They all flew smoothly in different directions, heading for nearby houses. One "pillar" went to the house of the eyewitness.

Even when the post flew up, she suddenly saw that it was not a post, but a tall young man. She felt no fear, only curiosity. He sat down on her balcony and said to her in Russian: "You probably already understood who I am." She nodded. They started a conversation. She expressed surprise at his good Russian language, then said that she was embarrassed to talk with such a young representative of another civilization. After some time, a completely different “person” was standing in front of her - a middle-aged man, outwardly similar to a scientist. Contact with him lasted about an hour. He said that he and his companions arrived on Earth to study humanity. So far, they are avoiding contacts with earthly authorities, because humanity is still at an insufficiently high moral level of development.

All this time, the woman did not let go of the feeling that she had already seen this "man" somewhere. Indeed, a few days later she saw him at her institute. It turned out that he worked here, only in another department. Apparently, his image was extracted by the alien from her memory and, as it were, “put on” by him.

Another case, when aliens copied the appearance of people, occurred in Vladivostok. In the afternoon, in an apartment of an ordinary five-story building, the mother was expecting the children walking in the yard. The doorbell rang and her children came in - two boys, eight and ten years old. But they were not dressed in their own clothes, but in metallic overalls. When they appeared, the woman felt stiffness throughout her body. She couldn't speak, she just looked at them in amazement. “Children”, without saying a word, walked around the apartment and left in the same silence. And a quarter of an hour later, the real children returned. They said they did not change into any overalls and did not go home. During their conversation with their mother, the TV suddenly turned on by itself. Instead of the usual program, the very "children" in overalls appeared on the screen. The TV worked for about 30 seconds,and all this time the strange "children" were staring from the screen at the woman and the boys.

UFO froze by the balcony

In 1984, Tatyana K., a resident of Kemerovo, woke up at night and noticed that a bluish light was streaming from the window, as if a searchlight was shining outside the window. Then the "searchlight" went out, and after a while the door creaked in the corridor and footsteps were heard. Tatyana was not too worried: a neighbor who lived in another room must be walking along the corridor. But suddenly the door opened and the same neighbor appeared on the threshold. She was unusually pale and a dull bluish light was spreading in the corridor behind her.

“Come here, I'll show you something,” she said to Tatyana.

They went out onto the balcony. A large, truncated pyramid of dark metal hung close to the balcony railing. A passage opened on the side facing the balcony and a sliding staircase descended from there. "Neighbor" climbed on it.

“Go, go, you won't regret it,” she called.

Tatiana jumped back. I ran into a neighbor's room. The neighbor was there and slept as if nothing had happened. Tatiana woke her up. The two of them went to the balcony door. There was no longer a UFO near the balcony.

Subsequently, several townspeople said they saw a strange flying object that night, which circled over the rooftops.

In 1972, in western Mexico, two military men, driving a jeep through a desert area, saw a strange round metal structure. The entrance to it was open. One of the military entered it. After a while, he looked out and beckoned the second soldier with a gesture.

Inside the object, he was surprised to find not one, but four of his friends, indistinguishable from each other and equally dressed. One of them lay motionless on the table. The other two were feeling it with something like tweezers. Another - the one who invited the military to enter, told him in good Spanish that he would also be examined now.

Both servicemen woke up next to their jeep. Two hours have passed since the meeting with the UFO, which almost completely disappeared from their memory. The UFO itself was gone.

Among the legends, or bylichka, which are told by the population of Western Siberia, there are many that are clearly ufological in nature. Here is a legend where an alien in the guise of a peasant Onuphrius enters a village, and leaves there in the guise of his wife.

This was before the revolution in one village. In the nearby forest, strange lights began to be noticed at night. People were afraid to go there. A man named Onufriy still went to check his traps, and did not return all day. Returned late in the evening. He did not speak to anyone, did not answer questions. I went into my hut. After a while, his wife leaves the hut and goes to the forest. They call her, but she is silent, walking faster and faster. People enter the hut, look: the wife and the old woman-mother Onufriy are both here, lying unconscious, and Onuphriy himself is nowhere to be found, although no one saw him leave. And so it disappeared.

Otherworldly "Solaris"

Episodes of polymorphism and other strange properties of UFOs - for example, their sudden disappearances and appearances - may indicate that mysterious objects do not consist of solid matter, but of energy that can instantly change from an energy state to a solid state and vice versa.

According to this hypothesis, the energy that UFOs are made of is a radically different form of life. And a reasonable life. This is constantly proven by the UFO phenomenon itself. Mysterious objects and their pilots are capable of taking on any form - from huge disk-shaped devices to tiny "elves" 10 centimeters tall. The fantastic variability of the phenomenon makes us assume that all aircraft and all aliens are one creature, generated by this unknown mind, its numerous faces, “eyes” and “ears” of a global intelligent energy ocean, somewhat similar to Lem's Solaris.

In other words, UFOs are not the creation of alien civilizations, but a form of life that exists side by side with us all the time. Only it exists not in ours, but in a parallel space-time continuum, where everything consists of energy and where other laws of nature operate. This entire continuum is filled with energy that is one mind.

With the help of the UFO phenomenon, he studies us. Maybe he's putting some kind of experiment on us.

This supermind is able to appear before us in the form of flying balls, disks, some strange creatures - hairy giants with one eye, humanoid snakes, tiny elves, creatures that look like snakes, sea urchins, pedestals, pillars, etc., etc. p. A reasonable ocean of energy, guided by some of its own considerations, comes into contact with us in the guise of evil "gray", then in the guise of good "Scandinavians".

We can go even further and assume that both life on Earth and we humans are its offspring. Our energy shell, or astral body, can be part of this intelligent energy ocean. He, this ocean, observes us as if from within us. He guides us and at the same time gives us freedom of action. And after our physical body depletes its resource and dies, our energy shell will return to its original bosom - to the intelligent energy ocean.