Is A Soul Transplant Possible? Or About Transplantation Of Sozanin - Alternative View

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Is A Soul Transplant Possible? Or About Transplantation Of Sozanin - Alternative View
Is A Soul Transplant Possible? Or About Transplantation Of Sozanin - Alternative View

Video: Is A Soul Transplant Possible? Or About Transplantation Of Sozanin - Alternative View

Video: Is A Soul Transplant Possible? Or About Transplantation Of Sozanin - Alternative View
Video: THE HORRORS OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTS explained by Hans Wilhelm (4 min) 2024, September

Soul transplantation is not as paradoxical as it might seem at first glance. Over the past half century, medicine has gone so far ahead that yesterday's miracles are quickly becoming commonplace. For example, organ transplants are common in hospitals around the world.

Consciousness transplant

In the state of Georgia (USA), there lived a 62-year-old man Sonny Graham. Graham was married to his beloved woman and, apparently, he lived happily. And suddenly - he put a bullet in his head! Out of the blue, no signs of trouble or mental illness.

Police said Graham was found in his own home with a shotgun wound to the head.

This case would have remained the most common suicide. But, 17 years ago, Mr. Graham received a heart transplant from a man who also shot himself. The intrigue is also added by the fact that a few months later, after the heart transplant, Sonia Graham met with the donor's widow to thank her. After the meeting, they began a relationship, and it came to the wedding.


Sonny Graham said that he lived under the threat of cardiac arrest. And one day he got a call and was told that he had a donor heart - for unknown reasons, Terry Cuttle shot himself.

Promotional video:

After the operation, Graham met with Miss Cuttle “I felt as if I had known this woman for many, many years. Seeing her for the first time, I could not take my eyes off her ….

Bold theories

Of course, this case can be attributed to a banal coincidence. Moreover, any physician will say that the heart is the most ordinary pump. And consciousness is in the brain.

Some scientists have put forward their theory that a person's memories and traits of his character are encoded not only in the brain, but in every cell. Consciousness, doctors suggest, can be formed in every living cell of the body. The seat of consciousness is the entire human body. To date, several hundred cases have been recorded in the world where patients after transplantation of internal organs acquired the traits of a donor's personality.

A nineteen-year-old guy, Andrei, wrote poetry and played in a rock band. Andrey died in a car accident. The heart of the murdered guy was transplanted into a sick girl. Two years later, the parents of the deceased boy found on his computer a file with a song written by their son - Julia, my heart - your ("Julia, my heart is yours"). The guy sang that death awaits him, and he is ready to give his heart to a certain Julia. It turned out that the name of the recipient is exactly Julia. Having met the girl, they turned on that very recording. The girl could not hear this song before, but she knew it by heart.


Do not forget that the donor's genetic code is transplanted with each cell. Who knows, maybe in some unexplored part of DNA, information is recorded, as if on a hard drive: addictions, experiences, habits, and so on?