When A Person Dies. Observations Of Clairvoyants - Alternative View

When A Person Dies. Observations Of Clairvoyants - Alternative View
When A Person Dies. Observations Of Clairvoyants - Alternative View

Video: When A Person Dies. Observations Of Clairvoyants - Alternative View

Video: When A Person Dies. Observations Of Clairvoyants - Alternative View
Video: Игромания системы 2024, October

Bismarck once said: "Life would not be worth anything if death put an end to it," and Schiller in "Don Carlos" puts words in the mouth of a person convinced of his imminent death Pose, addressed to the queen: "We will definitely meet!" - and to Carlos: "You are losing me, Karl, for many years … Fools say - forever!"

Death or, more precisely, when a person dies - the separation of the soul from the body, subject to certain laws of nature, has been repeatedly described by people with the ability to clairvoyance. Such descriptions coincide in all essential aspects, primarily in the fact that our fluid body leaves the dying physical body (which "taken from the dust, will turn into dust"). The final separation occurs when the “thread of life” that connects both bodies is broken.

A fluid man in full consciousness of his own “I” leaves the area where the laws of nature of the physical level of being reign and begins to exist under different conditions of being. This is what clairvoyants have to say about the process of dying as such. But it should be borne in mind in each case that clairvoyance has many degrees of intensity and that the circumstances of death can be very different. Therefore, one should not expect (it is simply impossible) that all observations of this kind coincide with each other to the smallest detail.

• The clairvoyant from America Andrew Jackson Davis, having spent some time at the deathbed of an elderly woman, described the process when she died as he saw it from his spiritual point of view:

“I saw that the physical organism could no longer fulfill the various requirements of the spiritual principle. However, the organs of the body seemed to resist the departure of the life-giving soul. The muscular system tried to maintain the ability to move. The nervous system fought to keep the ability to feel, and the brain strained as best it could to keep the intellect and / or consciousness.

Body and soul were like two friends who felt that they were about to part forever. These internal "strife" were perceived by the ordinary senses as the suffering of the dying woman. But I … knew that these phenomena were not signs of pain or suffering, but only because the spirit was going to throw off the physical body forever.

And now a beautiful, soft radiance enveloped the head of the dying woman, and at the same time I saw how the inner parts of the large and small brain began to grow. I noticed how their inherent (typical) galvanic functions ceased, and then they began to saturate with vital electricity and vital magnetism, taking it from subordinate organs. The positive-magnetic index of the brain suddenly turned out to be 10 times higher than in a normal (healthy) state. This phenomenon usually precedes physical decay.

In the end, the very process of dying began. The brain pulled and pulled out life-giving fluids from different parts of the body, and to the extent that the limbs grew darker and colder, the brain began to glow brighter and brighter. In the soft spiritual glow (atmosphere) emanating from the head of the dying woman, I saw how the outlines of another head gradually began to appear, how it becomes more and more visible and, finally, thickens to such an extent, shines so brightly that I was no longer able to see through it and even just look at it, without taking away from time to time …

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While this head was forming above the material one, I saw that the glow emanating from the head was in motion (movement of fluids). But while the new head took on more and more clear outlines and a perfect shape, the luminous atmosphere gradually disappeared … In the same way - as the "spiritual" head was formed - later the neck, shoulders, chest - in general, the entire human body - gradually formed harmoniously.

I felt that it was the mental properties that were developing, forming a new organism (even Duprel recognized the soul as an organizing principle). The physical disabilities that weighed down the dying body were completely absent in the new spiritual body.

While the spiritual body, fully visible to me thanks to my gift, became more and more perfect, the physical showed many symptoms, which were perceived by everyone present as painful. But these signs, this impression were deceiving. The cause of the symptoms was the outflow of vitality from all organs and parts of the body to the brain and, accordingly, its radiation from the brain into a new organism.

In the end, the spiritual body, assuming an upright position, stood above the head of the material body it had abandoned. But just before the complete disappearance of the thread that connected both bodies for many years, I saw something very strange: a stream of light passed quickly between the head of a motionless material body and the feet of an upright spiritual body. All this convinced me of the following: what is commonly called death is only the birth of a spirit to a new life at a higher level of existence.

Yes, there are so many coincidences between the birth of a child who appears in this world and the birth of a spirit that passes into the upper world, that there is even an umbilical cord connecting two organisms until the very last moment. (Let us recall the "silver thread" or, in other words, the "long elastic thread" in the phenomena of twins.) body and there quickly spreads throughout the body - obviously to prevent its instant decay.

As soon as the spirit of the deceased woman was completely freed from her physical body, I saw how he began to inhale the spiritual (fluid) particles of the surrounding earthly atmosphere. At first it seemed that it was not easy for him to absorb this new vitality. (A comparison with a butterfly emerged from its pupa and was just spreading its wings.) “But after a few seconds the spiritual body began to breathe in and out this new“air”with extraordinary ease and joy.

And at that moment I saw that the spiritual (fluid) body acquired all the organs corresponding to the organs of the earthly body it had abandoned, only in a refined and primordially beautiful form. But this change was not so striking as to completely change the image of a woman, the characteristic features of her appearance. She was so much like her former self that her friends, if they had the opportunity to see her in a new guise, would certainly have exclaimed: what a blooming, healthy look you have! How prettier you are!

All this transformation lasted two and a half hours (!), But, of course, there is no time frame when a person dies. Without leaving my seat and without changing the intensity of my "spiritual vision," I did not stop observing the movements of the newborn spirit. As soon as the female figure was able to get used to the new conditions for her, she with obvious exertion of will went down from the place where she was standing (on top of the corpse), and went out through the open door from the bedroom where she lay sick in bed for so long. It was summer, all the doors were open, so that I, being in the house, did not lose sight of her. It was joyful to see how easily she walked … She literally walked through the air, as we are on the ground.

As soon as the woman left the house, she was greeted by two (ghostly) figures. It was like meeting friends after a long separation. Soon all three began to rise upward, as if making a pleasure walk up the mountainside. I followed them with my spirit gaze until I lost sight of them.

How amazed I was when I returned to my normal state! Instead of a young, beautiful creature that had just disappeared from my field of vision, in front of me lay a lifeless, cold corpse - a "chrysalis", which had just left the jubilant "butterfly". Professor Haraldur Nilsson comments on this:

“I find this description, starting from the moment a person dies, extremely curious and comforting, if it is possible to believe that what he saw was actually happening. Many years have passed since he wrote his book; but as far as I know, Theosophists, Occultists, and Spiritualists alike agree that his description is generally correct."

Further, Professor Nilsson mentions a certain Englishwoman named Joy Snell, who possessed the gift of clairvoyance since childhood, but never acted as a medium. But, having worked as a nurse for 20 years, she often watched when a person dies, and at the same time saw about the same as E. J. Davis, while she did not know anything about his books.

Nilsson considers Joy Snell's The Ministry of Angels to be the most curious book he ever knew. And further, referring to Joy Snell and her husband, he wrote: “If I had to name two people whom I would consider today worthy to be called apostles of Christ, I would name this couple. Friendship with them is one of the most wonderful gifts that life has given me."

Joy Snell describes when a person dies, what she had to witness. She often noticed that the dying person saw one or more friends who came “from the other side” to meet him. So she, for example, told how one dying old man saw his (previously deceased) son and told his wife about it, who was sitting by the bed.

A long time ago the nurse herself saw a lovely boy with wonderful hair who came to meet his dying father: “It was just great. Death, which most people consider to be something terrible, imagine as an incomprehensible mystery, right before my eyes turned into something beautiful and blessed … This was in reality the supreme proof of the infinite kindness and inscrutable love of our heavenly Father. If not for the mother crying next to me, I would have clapped my hands and screamed with joy."

• The Parapsychological Journal, 1927, on page 475, published a report from a San Francisco resident who had the gift of clairvoyance manifesting spontaneously about spending several hours with his dying wife:

“1902, May 23 - at a quarter to twelve in the morning my wife passed away. At the bedside of the dying woman were our closest friends, the attending physician and two nurses. Holding the right hand of my seriously ill wife in mine, I sat by her bed. So 2 hours passed, but so far there have been no changes in her condition. The servant said that supper was ready, but no one wanted to eat. At about 6:30 pm, I still insisted that everyone go to dinner, as no one knew how long our night vigil would last. We all left the room dying."

After 15 minutes the man accidentally looked at the door (to the patient's room), saw three clouds being sucked into the crack, as if by a draft … “My first thought was that one of my friends, standing next to the bedroom, was smoking … I'm here he jumped up to express his indignation to them. However, there was no one at the bedroom door, there was no one in the corridor or in the neighboring rooms …

I was surprised to start watching the clouds. They quietly approached the bed, completely enveloping it. Peering carefully into the fog, I saw in the heads of my dying wife a woman's figure, transparent, but glowing like gold in the sun; her appearance was so majestic that I do not have enough words to describe her in more detail.

She was in Greek dress with long, loose sleeves. A crown shone on her head … She stood motionless in all her splendor and beauty, raising her hands over my wife, as if greeting my wife, smiling quietly, radiating calmness and peace. Two other figures in white were kneeling at the side of the bed, seemingly touching it. And other more or less distinguishable figures hovered above the bed."

Then the observer noticed that a nude figure, connected with him by a "thread" - the fluid body of his wife was hovering over the body of his wife. For some time the fluid body behaved absolutely calmly, but sometimes it seemed to twist, twitch in different directions, as if trying with all its might to break away from the earthly body. This continued until the time when the fluid body, as could be expected, was not exhausted. Then it calmed down and increased in size, after which the "convulsions" were repeated again.

“This vision, or whatever it was, I watched for 5 hours before my wife departed to another world … In the end, a fatal moment came: the patient wheezed, the fluid body was swept away. The physical body was still breathing for a few moments, after which there was silence. With the last exhalation, the connecting thread suddenly broke, and the fluid body disappeared. At the same moment, clouds of fog and ghostly figures disappeared …"

“I leave it to my readers to judge for themselves (with these words the message ends), whether it was a simple deception of the senses due to the grief, suffering and exhaustion of strength that befell me, or whether I, a mere mortal, was given to see at least a glimpse of the other beauty, bliss, peace and quiet”.

• Maria Micheli, a clairvoyant from the town of Altenkessel, often saw when a person dies. She also talked about how she constantly sees a "fluid connecting thread" between two bodies and that while the thread is visible, the dying person is still "alive." “But as soon as it burst and the fluid body slowly began to move away, often accompanied by previously deceased relatives,“death”ensued. In reality, this moment is nothing more than the continuation of life in another, spiritual body, the clairvoyant argued. "There is no death!"

One seriously ill young man who lived next door asked to call Maria Micheli, and they talked for a long time about the meaning of being and suffering. Finally, the patient asked what she thought about his condition. And although the clairvoyant did not doubt that he would soon die, she did not want to leave him alone with such a gloomy thought and answered evasively: "If a miracle happens, Franz, then everything will probably not be so bad." "So you think that a miracle can help me?" “Yes, Franz, that's what I mean; and one more thing: if you see your uncle Johann, it will mean that a miracle has happened."

The young man died shortly thereafter. His last words were: “Uncle Johann! It's so good that you came! Take me with you!" A day later, Maria Micheli entered the deceased's room - alone to pray. Then she felt that a hand had dropped on her shoulder, but in the room she was alone. This sensation was repeated, and, looking more closely, she saw Franz passing into another world next to her and clearly heard his words: “You see, Frau Micheli, a miracle has happened. I got rid of suffering. And Uncle Johann actually came and took me with him."

Probably, in ancient times, people thought about the mystery of death much more often than we do now. According to the teachings of the Indian school "Sankya", which is quite similar to the views of Christian spiritualism, death is the separation of the soul from the body, its release from the earthly burden, or, in other words, the separation from the grossly material organism. Death in no way means the end of life. The soul is something permanent and divine. Diogenes saw in death only a change of place of residence, when the soul leaves the body. So even during his lifetime one should behave in accordance with this idea.

According to the sacred traditions of the Persians, the soul rules over the body during its earthly life. After death, she leaves her home and returns to the higher realms of invisible beings. “How much would humanity gain,” wrote the doctor and truth-seeker Karl Ludwig Schleich, “if it lived, as if preparing for existence in the other world. Immortality, if it did not exist, would have to be invented - from psychological considerations, as the only possible regulator of life.

It alone (immortality) gives people dignity and that charm that surrounds all geniuses. In fact, we, believers in immortality, are - in the historical sense - in good company, because there was not a single person of epochal importance who did not believe in the omnipotence (of God) and in immortality. So, only the great are immortal, or does the feeling of immortality make a person great and perfect? .."

“All observations show,” said Professor Dr. Walter Hinz, speaking at the Technical Institute of Zurich on March 31, 1966, “that at the moment of death a person throws off his physical body and enters the other world as a spiritual“I”located in the soul body. This has been proclaimed from time immemorial by all world religions.

Jesus Christ taught the same, as follows from the Gospel of John. But for a modern person, this in no way solves this question. On the contrary, we are increasingly convinced that society in our time, as you can see, already simply does not know what to do with the answer given by the Christian faith … About death (dying) and what will happen after death, the modern world does not want to hear or know anything."

Well, how can you disagree with that Catholic priest who said over the grave of a 19-year-old boy: “85% of humanity are non-believers. They don't believe in life after death. For me, the deceased is still alive, perhaps he is even now among us. Since it is difficult for me to imagine that those present here (all young people gathered at the grave, colleagues of the deceased at work) belong to 15% of believers, I have nothing to say. He said, read Our Father, turned around and left!

Nowadays, short reports about people who have experienced clinical death are often flashed in the media.

• For example, the Journal of the Canadian Medical Society published a report by 68-year-old Leslie Sharp from Ontario (Canada), who had a heart attack in May 1970. Doctors were able to bring Sharpe, whose heart stopped beating, to life. “There is no need to fear death,” he said. "I know this, because I was dead for exactly 3 minutes and 11 seconds." Since then, he spent a lot of time and energy trying to rid other people of the fear of death. Sharpe claimed that in his then state he saw himself from the side and passed through "a mist of unprecedented colors."

Sharpe went on to say: “When, after a seizure in my hospital, my head threw back, I almost immediately noticed that I was leaving my own body. I exited the body through my head and shoulders in the form of an almost transparent figure, but it was not quite fog. Realizing this, I thought: this is what happens when you die."

It turns out that there is some truth in the expression “he gave up his ghost” (in German - “breathed out his soul”), as in many other proverbs and sayings, because it means nothing more than the separation of the fluid body from the material cellular body.

• The great actress Elizabeth Taylor also recalled her experiences during clinical death. She told the public about this only 11 years later: in 1961, Liz Taylor lived with her then-husband, pop singer Eddie Fisher, in one of the hotels in London. She had been ill for quite a long time, and no one could really say what the cause of the ailment was. On the morning of March 4, her temperature rose sharply, and Liz began to choke. Doctors, diagnosed with severe pneumonia, immediately sent her to the hospital. The operating situation became critical.

Liz Taylor recalled that she was in a state of terrible terror. “I wanted to get off the table, but my body was absolutely motionless; I couldn’t sit down or even turn my head.” And then, according to her, she was possessed by a wonderful feeling of peace and tranquility … and then she saw herself lying on the operating table. “I was completely separated from my body; it was no longer a part of me; I felt wonderful and did not resist this feeling …"

Elizabeth Taylor could not tell how long this state lasted. Later she learned that the surgeon saved her life by successfully cutting the trachea … Since then, she firmly believed that there is life after death.

R. Passian