Nostradamus Of The Past And Present - Alternative View

Nostradamus Of The Past And Present - Alternative View
Nostradamus Of The Past And Present - Alternative View

Video: Nostradamus Of The Past And Present - Alternative View

Video: Nostradamus Of The Past And Present - Alternative View
Video: He knew absolutely everything...[Top secret] 2024, September

Every person, undoubtedly, would like to know what sorrows and joys await him in the future, how to avoid troubles and misfortunes, how to fill his life with events that bring joy and happiness? And in this regard, throughout the history of mankind, the ability to predict fate has been improved and developed.

There are few people who have not heard of such a great predictor like Nostradamus. Despite such popularity and fame, all the predictions of Nostradamus are very vague and mysterious. His notes cannot be systematized and are full of allegories. For many centuries, the seer has been trying to unravel the poems, but so far without success. While some of the predictions are trying to fit the events that have already happened, but this can be considered correct only with a certain degree of probability. For example, it is believed that Nostradamus very accurately predicted the death of King Francis II and Henry II, as well as the fate of the Romanov dynasty and the period of the Stalinist regime. But this is only a small part of the predictions. The great fortuneteller, who during his lifetime was often accused of fraud, encrypted his notes so that until now no one has been able to unravel them.

The ancient Greek soothsayer Bakid was the first to create a collection of divinations. He claimed that in his visions, beautiful nymphs tell him about future events and wars. Today many people who are capable of divination are called bakids.

The most famous seer of the 20th century is a simple Bulgarian peasant woman, Vanga. She knew how to identify diseases in people, but then she recommended that visitors still consult doctors or traditional healers. Vanga said that she sees a picture of the life of a person who came to her, and a certain inner voice says that it is necessary to convey to him. According to some reports, about 80% of Vanga's predictions later came true. She predicted the beginning of the Second World War, the date of death of the "leader of all nations" - Stalin, the tragedy with the Russian submarine "Kursk", as well as many less significant events. Vanga left predictions up to 3797.

The fate of the daughter of the majestic king Priam - Cassandra is very interesting. She warned her people many times about the future terrible death, but no one believed these predictions of the girl. The Trojans could not even imagine that their homes would be destroyed and they would lose their loved ones. Cassandra even tried to kill Paris, assuring everyone that it was his fault that the terrible Trojan War would begin. Then she began to persuade Paris to leave Elena in order to prevent the death of innocent people. But no one believed a single word of her. The father considered it necessary to lock the girl in a tower so as not to hear bad predictions of the future for his people. When the attack on Troy began, everyone remembered Cassandra's warnings, but it was too late - Troy fell. The fate of Cassandra was tragic - she became a slave of King Agamemnon. Struck by her beauty and intelligence, he made her his concubine. In Greece, Cassandra gave birth to two sons, one of whom she predicted the death of her wife. Once there was a holiday in Mycenae. King Agamemnon, Kassandra and their sons participated in the celebrations. But the general joy did not stop the murderers - the entire royal family was brutally murdered.

The unique boy, Sheikh Sharif, was first heard in 1990. Basically, all his predictions concerned Muslims. He traveled extensively in Africa and gained many of his followers there. They say that at birth, his mother heard not the usual cry of a child, but a sound that clearly resembles "LailahaillahAllah!", Which means in Arabic "There is no god but Allah!" Upon hearing this, the child's mother fainted. Sharif did not attend school, but knew many languages, including Arabic, English and French. At the age of five, Sharif became an orphan. He continued to travel with his uncle, who supported him in everything. The people, overwhelmed by the little boy's intelligence and wisdom, supplied him with money and food. He was a guest of many African rulers. He was called sheikh, which meant "honorable". The boy often preached to a large crowd of people. Once, there was a crush in a crowd of people and several people were injured. Sharif healed the victims only by applying his hand to the wound. The young preacher was last seen in Libya, but since then he has disappeared without a trace. There were eyewitnesses who claim to have witnessed the ascension of Sharif to heaven. All searches for the boy were unsuccessful.

One can talk for a very long time about the amazing predictor Wolf Messing of Jewish-Polish origin. Life obviously did not spoil him. He had a life in a difficult time. Having predicted the fall of the Third Reich even before the outbreak of World War II, he became the enemy of the most brutal dictator of the 20th century - Hitler. But Stalin also had a very difficult relationship: Messing more than once helped the Soviet leader with his predictions, but he was also out of favor with him. He earned his living by working as a pop artist. A military plane was built with his personal funds, which has been in heavy battles more than once, but remained unharmed. Wolf Messing was not afraid to predict the date of Stalin's death. The famous fortuneteller died in 1974. Until now, no one can explain the nature of his unique abilities.

Grigory Rasputin was a very controversial person. Coming from the very bottom of the people, he was close to the reigning family of Nicholas II. He was killed by conspirators-nobles, who considered his influence on the tsar disastrous for the state. The maid of honor of the court of the Russian reigning court Vyrubova always treated Rasputin as a prophet, "teacher", "respected elder", "friend" and even called him "an angel of heaven." Vyrubova kept a diary, which contains the true words of the "prophet Elder Gregory."

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Back in 1913, Rasputin prophesied about the events of World War II (after all, then even the First World War had not yet been unleashed). Vyrubova wrote in her diary: “Somehow the teacher got angry with the Germans. Shouted in the face of one asking, apparently from the Germans, that their insides were rotten, tripe. And then he turned to me: “I know, I know,” he shouted, “they will surround Petersburg, they will starve to death! Lord, how many people will die, and all because of this nonsense! But bread - you can't see bread on your palm! Here is death in the city. But you will not see Petersburg! Let's go to bed hungry death, but we won't let you in! " Then he quieted down and asked for some tea, and when asked when all this would happen, he said: "From my death - the 25th year." If you start calculating, if you add 25 years to the year of Rasputin's death in 1916, then it turns out 1941 - the beginning of the terrible blockade of Leningrad. There were also Vyrubova's notes about the “elder's” prophecies: “The teacher was looking at the moon. He said: "It's wonderful, like people are stupid, but you see - they wanted and did it." I asked him: "Who, Gregory?" And he said that the Americans would walk on the moon, leave their shameful flag and fly away. And I asked: “But how is that? There is no air. " “And they are in boxes, and they cock that they overtook us. Us something! But don't be afraid - we will let them go there earlier and we will be the first. Yurka will be there. " And I asked: “Where? On the moon? And who is Yurka? Is it not Prince Izotsev Yuri Petrovich? " And he suddenly got angry: “You generic fool! Not on the moon, chicken, but in the sky! And this is not your prince. " And after that we prayed to the Lord for a long time. " By the way, Vyrubova died in 1964 and could not have known about the program for the exploration of the Moon by the Americans. It is interesting that in 1916 Rasputin told Vyrubova about the death of two cities in Japan from an atomic bomb,thrown by the Americans: “A friend ran around the room and, frightening everyone, asked to pray. He shouted in a terrible voice that he saw people burning, that he saw an island and two cities - and there were no cities and no people. There were, he says, and burned in the fire. Both right and left are stuffy. I got scared: "Yes, Grigory, is this in Russia?" Grigory was breathing heavily: “What else is Russia to you? Is the slavery of the future not enough for you? Little blood flowing, witch? Satanic power is not enough for you? " I cried and left. And he sent Daria to say that God will not have mercy on the Japs and will not hold back the hand of anger. But it's still scary. " Shortly before his death, the “elder” made his last prophecy: “Gregory asked me to remember what he says for the rest of my life. I remembered. There was Russia - there will be a red pit. There was a red pit - there will be a swamp of the wicked who dug red pits. There was a swamp of the wicked - there will be a dry field,but there will be no Russia - there will be no hole. And when asked why this is, he said: "To know what I will not see."

Another Russian clairvoyant is Vasily Nemchin. He lived in the XIV century and one of his most famous prophecies says that a great ruler will soon come to power who can make Russia a great world power. Among those who listened very carefully to his prophecies was the Grand Duke Vladimir.

One cannot but mention one more Russian clairvoyant - monk Abel (1757-1841). During his life, he predicted many important events. Abel's words came true with incredible accuracy. Since then, a lot of time has passed and the deeds and words of Abel have been overgrown with a huge number of myths, which greatly complicates the clarification: which of this information is true and which is fiction. The Brockhaus dictionary about Abel says the following: “Abel is a fortuneteller, born in 1757. The origin of the peasant. For all his predictions, in particular the days and hours of the death of Catherine II and Paul I, the intervention of the French and the burning of Moscow, he repeatedly went to prison, and the last time he spent about 20 years in prison. By the personal order of Emperor Nicholas I, the monk Abel was imprisoned without the right to be released in the Spaso-Efimievsky Monastery, where he died in 1841.

The American Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is revered by his compatriots as a great visionary. It was he who predicted the Great Depression and the creation of the laser. In his prophecies there is a mention of two world wars with an exact indication of the beginning and end. At a time when the victorious Red Army was finishing off the fascists, Cayce declared that the Soviet Union would disintegrate: “The 20th century will not end in time before the death of communism comes. The communists will lose their power there."

But, perhaps, predictions concerning the future of Russia are very interesting today. Many clairvoyants, over the course of many centuries, have spoken about the great role of the Russian state in the world spiritual revival.

Until now, the Vatican carefully conceals the fourth prophecy of the Holy Mother of God, which was retold 90 years ago by children from the Portuguese village of Fatima - only because there, presumably, it is a question of Russia's positive role in the future fate of the world.

Judging by the deciphered records of Nostradamus, he spoke of the possibility of uniting Europe and Russia in 2025: "An epochal peace will be established, accompanied by the union and consent of people of opposite views, divided by the borders of kingdoms."

The forecaster Casey also spoke about the future of Russia: “From Russia, faith will come to the world. Not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious formation of Russia that will give the world faith. And then "those people who will be on friendly terms (with Russia) will begin to live beautifully, gradually changing, and finally establishing the given organization of life in each state." Casey predicted significant climate change and an increase in natural disasters in the future. But Russia, as the predictor believed, would suffer the least from these changes and would be able to lead a resurgent civilization in the vastness of Western Siberia.

You can believe or not believe the prophets, but in almost every prophecy about Russia, the people of the country are called Great. And such a people cannot be a poor beggar. This means that Russia in the future will face a great spiritual and physical rebirth, which will benefit the whole world.
