All Colors Of Health - Alternative View

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All Colors Of Health - Alternative View
All Colors Of Health - Alternative View

Video: All Colors Of Health - Alternative View

Video: All Colors Of Health - Alternative View
Video: Швеция. Как жить в кайф в стране с плохим климатом. Большой Выпуск. 2024, July

Color therapy is one of the unconventional but effective methods of treating various diseases. Each color affects the human body in a certain way. Some act soothingly, some heal, but there are those that have a negative effect on the psyche. Even the ancients knew about the healing power of the rainbow, the beautiful Nefertiti, for example, believed that green and red cosmetic ointments would help preserve beauty.

The ancients knew

The method of treatment, which today we call color therapy, was actively used in Ancient Egypt, China, India and Persia. In ancient Egyptian temples, archaeologists have discovered interesting rooms, designed so that sunlight, falling into them, refracts and turns into a certain color of the spectrum, which is necessary for the treatment of a particular disease. The patient was placed in this room, and he seemed to be filled with this color, absorbed it and … recovered.

In addition, the doctors of ancient Egypt made water charged with energy of color. For this, stones of a certain color were poured into a vessel with water and, after letting it brew, it was prescribed to take it for healing.

The Romans noticed the property of red dressings to stop blood. In Europe, red tissue was used to treat measles and erysipelas. Babies were tied with a red thread around their hands, thus relieving their pain when their teeth were cut.

Avicenna believed that the state of health and psyche is in direct proportion to the color. He made his diagnoses based on the color of the patient's skin and urine. The doctor described all this in his special atlas. And Celsus, when recommending a particular medicine, necessarily took into account its color. By the way, the color of the bandages on the wounds too.

As an example of the influence of colors on a person's mental state, we can cite the following fact. A large number of accidents and suicides were recorded on one of the black bridges in London. However, these troubles ended as soon as the bridge was repainted green.

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Since ancient times, people have considered red as a symbol of creativity and energy. It is believed that it penetrates the body faster than everyone else. Avicenna even recommended wearing red clothes to get rid of illness and mental depression.

Red color treats various inflammations and skin diseases, colds and asthma, heart problems, and increases immunity. In addition, red is used for smallpox, measles and scarlet fever. Color therapists advise using red things in the interior - tablecloths, napkins, dishes. This contributes to a good mood. However, if you are overweight or hypertensive, then this color can cause irritation, fatigue, headache.

Experts recommend putting a damp red towel over your eyes and lying down for a headache. Due to its property of improving blood circulation and promoting the production of adrenaline, the red color very quickly relieves spasm.

Red is known to increase sex drive, so bedding of this color is very appropriate in the bedroom. It is also recommended for those with frequent colds as it is one of the warmest colors. Well, if you feel an acute reluctance to work, put a red folder in front of you or put red flowers - and your efficiency will return.

Orange promotes harmony and peace of mind, it liberates a person and at the same time strengthens willpower. It is recommended for the treatment of the spleen, digestive tract and urogenital area. It has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and metabolism. In addition, orange rejuvenates the skin and heals wounds. Due to its property to normalize hormonal levels, it is used during menopause, as well as in the treatment of infertility. All you need is to hang orange curtains at home, and problems will disappear along with depression and blues.

Wants to know

Yellow color stimulates the nervous system, improves attention, memory and mood. Color therapists recommend that parents of schoolchildren use yellow pens and rulers when preparing lessons. And poems are better remembered if they are written on yellow paper.

In addition, experts noticed that yellow first of all penetrates into the solar plexus, and it is known to be associated with the digestive tract. When dieting or eating poorly, it is best to surround yourself with yellow objects. This will allow you to control the secretion of gastric juice and not gain extra pounds. It is also a good prevention of diabetes, nervous exhaustion and skin problems.

Yellow is the color of joy, it relieves obsessions, and gives inspiration to creative people.

Green is considered the most harmonious of the entire spectrum, because it is no coincidence that people love to look at green grass and trees so much. It soothes the nervous system, stabilizes blood pressure, pacifies heart palpitations, and reduces eye strain. To recover from stress, experts recommend surrounding yourself with green objects. In addition, green visually expands the space, therefore it is used in the treatment of claustrophobia. But it should be borne in mind that an excess of it can lead to the formation of stones in the gallbladder, since it is able to concentrate bile.

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The cool blue color soothes the skin after burns, stimulates the thyroid gland, eliminates age spots, and helps to lose weight. It has a positive effect on the pineal gland, which produces melatonin at night. By the way, reading under a lamp with a blue shade or blue interior details is considered a good remedy for insomnia.

In psychology, blue is used to treat stress and a sense of fear, as it has the ability to lower blood pressure. But people with low blood pressure should be careful with this part of the spectrum. It has also been established that blue helps to stop the blood from the wound, which means that at this moment it is useful to have it before your eyes.

Blue can also be used as a sleeping pill. It removes from an agitated or hysterical state, helps with headaches and vascular spasms. Has an antiseptic effect. It is very effective to use blue dishes during dieting - it helps to reduce appetite. In general, blue is considered to be the pain relieving part of the spectrum. They treat inflammation, migraines, pain in the spine, kidneys, throat. Experts claim that singers have a stronger voice next to the blue sea.

In addition to diseases of the body, it soothes mental pain, relieves disturbing memories and emotional upheavals.

Purple is closely associated with intelligence and intuition. But you need to use it carefully. With a lack of purple, nervous and mental disorders can occur, and with its excess, depression and fatigue. If the child chooses purple, it is worthwhile to be wary: most likely, he is experiencing mental discomfort.

Nevertheless, purple is able to increase the efficiency of creative people, cure neuralgia, rheumatism, reduce temperature, and have a beneficial effect on the kidneys and gallbladder. You can make up for the lack of this color by eating figs, blueberries, mulberry berries or by collecting bouquets of purple flowers.

Color vibrations

Modern scientists recognize color therapy. It is already known for certain that with the help of color you can increase immunity, stabilize hormones, ensure normal synthesis of vitamin D, etc.

Moreover, the mechanism of this method is already known. Initially, each nerve cell in the body has a certain vibration and wavelength. During illness, these characteristics change. Color therapy provides resonance that restores normal cell vibration. It turns out that cells are able to make up for the lack of some color from the external environment, while refusing to accept those colors that they have in excess. Today, the fact that with the help of color it is possible to change biochemical reactions in the body is a scientifically proven fact. There is even an opinion that color sometimes affects the body more strongly than chemicals.

Galina Belysheva