Besbarmak For An Alien - Alternative View

Besbarmak For An Alien - Alternative View
Besbarmak For An Alien - Alternative View

Video: Besbarmak For An Alien - Alternative View

Video: Besbarmak For An Alien - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

A shepherd from the Turgai region in 1979 discovered an alien whose spaceship crashed in Kazakhstan. The shepherd hid the alien guest from the Soviet military in the hayloft …

An interesting story was told by Russian woman Tatyana Leonova, who lived in Kazakhstan as a child. According to the woman, she personally saw the alien.

“I was nine years old then, we lived in Arkalyk,” says Tatiana.

- My father worked as a veterinarian and traveled throughout the Turgai region. One day, during his summer vacation, he took me with him on a business trip. On the way, we stopped by the familiar shepherd Sagynbai. He met us and fed us.

I remember how the shepherd at the table said something quietly to his father, the men immediately got up and, without finishing their tea, went out into the street. My father told me to stay at home, but, naturally, I did not obey and went after the adults. They went to the barn. Looking inside, I saw a gray naked creature surrounded by people. It was an alien.

He had a huge head, about twice the size of a human. And I also remember the huge black eyes on half of the face. Later, Tatiana asked her father about this case. And that's what he told her.

It turns out that Sagynbai woke up at night and saw in the distance a glow of an obscure nature. He decided to find out what was happening there, and bridled the horse. Soon he reached a huge crater, at the bottom of which a huge silver disk protruded from a black smoking puddle. The shepherd decided to get out of this place with good health. But as soon as he turned around, he saw a black stone nearby, similar to a huge egg.

The shepherd stood near the boulder, thinking about what it could be, and suddenly the stone opened, and a stranger crawled out of it. He was a little taller than the shepherd, and his arms and legs were very thin.

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- Sagynbai drove off to the side, deciding to observe the creature, and it suddenly headed towards him, - says Tatiana.

- The shepherd turned out to be not timid. He yielded his horse to the alien and, holding it by the reins, took it home. According to the laws of Kazakh hospitality, he seated the newcomer in a place of honor. The wife's eyes widened at the sight of the guest, she could not utter a word.

Sagynbai told her to cook besbarmak for a guest from another planet. The woman came to her senses and began to bother. When the hostess finally brought besbarmak, the alien refused meat, but ate the dough. He also liked kurt. The owners wanted to put the alien in the hall. However, the guest did not lie down.

All night he sat in front of the table with his eyes closed. The next morning, Sagynbai's wife went to the regional center to call a veterinarian. The next morning the shepherd saw that a military UAZ vehicle was driving to his house. He took the guest by the hand and with signs explained to the stranger that he needed to hide in the hayloft. Soon the military knocked on the door.

They asked the shepherd if he saw anything suspicious. Having received negative answers, the guests retreated.

“For two whole weeks, the alien lived with the shepherd,” says Tatiana Leonova.

- Locals taught the alien to play cards and checkers. The guest turned out to be so capable that he beat everyone. And during all this time, the alien did not utter a word. But he seemed to understand everything that was said to him.

On June 26, 1979, he disappeared. Later I learned that on that day the so-called Turgai incident took place, which all ufologists in the world know about. This case was described in the newspaper "Turgayskaya nov". A group of pioneers led by a counselor saw a group of four aliens. The testimony of 20 witnesses was recorded.

The executive secretary of the newspaper even drew the aliens, guided by the description of eyewitnesses. They were gigantic in height - about 3–3.5 meters. The aliens were dressed in black overalls with multi-colored belts. On the same evening, another contact with the aliens occurred - people saw a certain luminous object in the sky.

Tatyana Leonova is sure that the aliens seen by the pioneers flew in in search of the crashed UFO crew. Perhaps the shepherd, who showed hospitality, saved humanity from conflict with an alien race.

Alan ISAEV, Astana