Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View

Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View
Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View
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Among scientists, you can more and more often hear talk that, in addition to ordinary people, reptilians live on our planet, aliens from outer space, whose main goal is to enslave humanity and the planet as a whole. According to the famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been studying the problem of studying reptilians for many years, people who have seen these creatures describe them in almost the same way. These upright creatures are quite tall - approximately 1.8-2.4 meters. The face and head are a cross between lizards and humans. The skin is brownish or greenish in color, sometimes spotty, scaly. The eyes are somewhat reminiscent of a cat's, light red or golden, convex in shape, with a vertical pupil. The body resembles a human, except for the protruding ribs on the chest. Reptilians have four-fingered, webbed hands,ending in claws.

According to experts, in most cases, contacts occur at the initiative of these creatures. However, Carpenter argues, in all cases of meetings, eyewitnesses did not notice alien ships or, more simply, "flying saucers." This made it possible for some experts to suggest that in reality the homeland of the reptilians is our planet, moreover, at the moment, their habitat is the bowels of the Earth. Experts say that the first reptilians appeared on our planet about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of a certain species of ancient dinosaurs.

The civilization of these creatures reached a sufficiently high level in its development, thanks to which it was able to go out into space and there to enter into confrontation with alien races that were exploring the vastness of the solar system. However, the Reptilians probably lost the battle, and were forced to cede control of the land to the so-called "white gods", a race that scientists call the Scandinavians. Ultimately, it was the Scandinavians who made sure that people appeared on the planet.

After losing the right to live on the earth's surface, the Reptilians were forced to go into underground voids, which, quite possibly, were created by them during the reign of the Reptilians.

Some experts, based on a detailed study of geological evidence of thermonuclear and nuclear military conflicts of the past, came to the conclusion that a world war broke out on our Earth many thousands of years ago.

Confirmation of this hypothesis is found in ancient Indian literary sources, where you can find detailed descriptions of various types of weapons, strongly resembling cruise missiles and nuclear, thermonuclear and neutron bombs. In addition, there are scriptures of the battles of gods, white gods and demon-snakes in the territories of modern Sri Lanka, Indochina and India, which used these weapons.

There is a certain similarity with ancient Indian texts in Indo-Chinese and Chinese legends and written sources. They say that in ancient times the Earth was shaken by terrible catastrophes and floods, and destructive wars were waged between the gods-emperors and demonic gods. On the bas-reliefs of the temple complexes of Indochina and India, you can see images of battles between gods, people and demons.

According to Indian and Slavic legends, a bloody battle took place between the serpent-people and the white gods, in which the white gods, led by Indra and Svarog, won, and the serpent-people were forced to go underground.

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The gods who won the victory remained to rule on Earth. They had very light hair and white skin. They were distinguished by their tall stature, abrupt, barking voice. These gods were peaceful, so they tried to resolve the conflicts that arose between people. The white gods came to Earth in order to create their colonies. To this end, they crossed their own genes with the genes of terrestrial apes.

As the researchers note, as a result of armed conflicts between the reptilians and the white gods, periods of domination changed. Many ancient peoples in their legends mention the serpentine gods whom they worshiped. So, in particular, on the territory of Ancient China, just like in Indochina and India, dragons were perceived as patron deities of the world, saints, dedicated - in other words, beings endowed with limitless abilities and wisdom.

Snakes were in great honor in ancient times and in North, Central and South America. According to some sources, serpentine people were the first inhabitants of Yucatan. It is probably for this reason that the ancient Mayan civilization called its state the Kingdom of the Great Serpent.

The mythology of the ancient Sumerian civilization also contains references to serpent people. They were called big snakes, the Babylonians called these creatures dragons.

Since that time, their structures have survived - pyramids, which are not only in Egypt, but also in America and China, and in many other parts of the world.

Of course, one can treat the existence of reptilians on Earth in completely different ways, but experts in this field argue that these creatures have been among people for a very long time. They made attempts to establish over human civilization back in the days of Atlantis. And in the modern world, reptilians are concentrated in those places where it is possible to control people. However, it is not only power that attracts them. Their main goal, according to the researchers, is to take the planet away from people, but they are not able to do this. The point is that Reptilians have no soul. And since the spectrum of the universal energy is uncomfortable for them, it must be transformed to the required level. But this requires a soul that can lower or increase the amplitude of the radiation - in other words, a person is needed.

But how to recognize a reptilian. Of course, they do not roam the villages and towns wagging their green tails. They need to take on human form. By the way, these creatures are in some way similar to crocodiles and lizards (in fact, it is from this that their name comes from), they have tails, sharp teeth and claws, they have cold blood. But such seemingly simple things as a sense of humor, compassion or conscience are not available to them. According to scientists, it is quite easy to recognize a reptilian due to its characteristic features.

It is not difficult for these creatures to look like an ordinary person or animal, but this is only an external resemblance, since there are serious mental limitations. Therefore, they, as a rule, take the form of physically strong people who almost never get sick, do not succumb to the influence of alcohol.

Despite the fact that reptilians know how to adapt to their environment, they do it quite rudely. Thus, if a reptilian takes the form of a man, then he, most likely, will look brutal, with slender hips and wide chic breasts. In general, the whole appearance will be too artificial.

Another distinctive feature is the attitude to temperature conditions. Reptilians are cold-blooded creatures, so they are comfortable enough even in extreme heat and do not sweat at all. But these creatures tolerate cold very badly, their reaction is inhibited. For this reason, reptilians cannot stay in the cold for a long time, trying to hide in a warm room as soon as possible.

The most obvious sign that a reptilian can be recognized, researchers say, is the eyes. The gaze of these creatures is very cold and distant. There is an opinion that the pupils of reptilians resemble those of a cat, but they become so only in certain cases - for example, in case of danger (for these creatures, it is most often the energy of love).

There are many eyewitness accounts who, according to them, met with reptilians. But is there even a grain of truth in them?.. In general, it should be noted that each person decides for himself whether he should believe in all these stories, but just in case, caution does not hurt.