Mysterious Car Accidents - Alternative View

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Mysterious Car Accidents - Alternative View
Mysterious Car Accidents - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Car Accidents - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Car Accidents - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 Fast Fails: Mysterious Accidents Edition 2024, September

According to the traffic police statistics, 70 percent of all accidents on the roads are focal, that is, they occurred on some specific streets, intersections, highway sections. Such disasters would be explained by objective reasons if these road sections were winding, with steep climbs. But most often the tracks are smooth and well-groomed. And yet the curbs along them are hung with wreaths.

Seemingly normal roads …

Parts of highways with an unusually high number of accidents exist throughout the world. For example, during the first year after the opening of the Bremen-Bremerhaven expressway (Germany), about 100 cars were involved in an accident at the same place in the area of the 239th kilometer. Poland has a notorious five-kilometer stretch of track near Tarnow. Disasters here are, on average, five times more frequent than on any other section of this road. In Germany, on the highway between Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim, on a kilometer-long section, several dozen accidents have occurred over the past five years, resulting in numerous casualties. In the Czech Republic, the Foundation for the 88th kilometer of the Prague-Brno expressway has been created, which allocates money to drivers who have suffered only on this piece of the highway. And in Brazil, at a certain point on the highway between Fortaleza and Terezina, there are over 500 car accidents per year, and this figure is not decreasing, despite the best efforts of the police and road services. The state authorities are even thinking about building a new freeway to bypass the "bad" place.

In Russia, almost every federal highway can boast about the presence on it of sections with an abnormally high accident rate. These areas seem to be outwardly normal, no worse than others, but it is on them that for some reason the drivers are seized by either strange drowsiness, or clouding of consciousness, or spots start to jump before their eyes. Hence the disaster.

Ghostly hands grab the wheel

This is not to say that the phenomenon is not studied at all. In Poland, on the aforementioned highway in the vicinity of Tarnow, special studies were carried out with the assistance of doctors. It turned out that it was on these fatal five kilometers that many drivers suddenly jumped blood pressure, and the rhythms of cardiac activity and breathing fell to almost zero. This condition is fraught with oxygen deprivation and, in some cases, a short-term loss of consciousness. Scientists have not yet put forward any convincing version on this score. But psychics, dowsers and other researchers of the unknown believe that the reason for everything is the presence in these places of the so-called geopathogenic zones. They are located on tectonic faults of the earth's crust, above the bends of underground rivers, above underground structures and communications, above ore deposits. At a vehicle speed of over 80 kilometers per hour, vertical turbulent currents can appear in these zones, which have a detrimental effect on the driver's consciousness.

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However, the most widespread among anomalous specialists was the version explaining the strangeness on the roads by the actions of otherworldly forces. The evidence is plentiful. For example, in the Rostov region, Gukovsky turn holds the leading position in the number of causeless road accidents - it is located south of the city of Gukovo. Of course, the high accident rate can be attributed to the bend of the track, but such bends are found everywhere, and such a number of severe accidents are not found anywhere else. According to old-timers, such a significant number of accidents is explained by the fact that this section of the route passes through a cemetery destroyed during its construction.

In the same Rostov region, on the road near the Rodionovo-Nesvetayskaya settlement, up to 25 people per year die in road accidents. A study using a dowsing framework showed that there is a strong anomalous zone saturated with negative energy in these places. Perhaps the reason for this is the heavy fighting that took place here during the war, and the abundance of mass graves. In this case, it turns out that the dead are still taking revenge on the living for their untimely death.

British researchers have collected data on unreasonable disasters in their country and found some rather strange things. Some surviving chauffeurs, mostly sober and experienced people, reported that inexplicable shocks under the arm, the appearance of some silhouettes in the cockpit, pale faces, unexpectedly appearing from the void behind the windshield, led to accidents when driving on an absolutely flat road, but more often - hands that came from nowhere, which grabbed the steering wheel and directed the car into a ditch. And such evidence is not unique to England.

Disappeared without leaving a trace

There are other versions of what is happening. Some people argue that unexplained car accidents are triggered by … ghosts. In Ohio (USA), in the vicinity of the city of Elmur, the ghost of a headless motorcyclist appears. Usually he travels at high speed, creating emergency situations, and disappears on the bridge, disappearing into thin air. Local residents say that this is a soldier who returned from the war to his native place. Wanting to impress his girlfriend, he bought some very expensive high-speed motorcycle. But, having learned about her betrayal, he jumped on this motorcycle and swiftly took off in an unknown direction. In the end, the racer fell off the road into a cliff under the bridge, where his head was blown off. Since then, the ghost of the poor soldier has been prowling the highway, seeking death for himself and others.

Often, ghosts, which cannot be distinguished from people in the dark at night, cause an accident, materializing right in front of the car. For example, such a ghost from time to time appears on the highway in the vicinity of the city of Rochester (England).

On a summer night in 1974, a girl jumped out under the wheels of a car driven by Maurice Goodinough. Maurice put on the brakes with all his might, but the irreparable happened. After making sure that the girl does not have bleeding, and remembering that doctors in such cases do not advise touching the injured, so as not to harm them even more. he left the unfortunate woman on the side of the road, covered her with a rug from the seat and rushed for help. At the same time, Maurice did not even ask the question of what the girl was doing in this remote, remote place from settlements. Returning with the police, the driver did not find the victim anywhere. His rug lay alone on the highway. All attempts to find the child ended in nothing. The dogs could not take the trail, but they roared dully at the rug. Police told Goodenough that this is not the first time a hit victim has mysteriously disappeared in their area.leaving no trace.

Exorcists help

It has been said for a long time that the forces of evil are concentrated on some road sections. Perhaps, even since the time when automobile traffic appeared. To many, such conversations seemed funny, but not to the English exorcist Donald Omand. He became interested in this phenomenon in the 1950s, when a maid told him a story about a driver who got into a car accident and died in her arms. According to this driver, a minute before the accident some white spots began to flicker in front of his eyes, and he suddenly felt an irresistible urge to turn the car into an oncoming truck. Reverend Omand studied hundreds of cases of road accidents, visited hospitals and talked with victims himself, and finally, in 1960, published a book called "The Experiences of Today's Exorcist", in which he argued that chauffeurs fall into the power of demonic forces.deliberately directing people to an accident.

In 1971, BBC Television produced a documentary on Omanda's exploration. Together with him, the television people visited the Charmouth-Morcombileake highway, which had a gloomy reputation among drivers, since for completely inexplicable reasons a large number of accidents occurred on one of its sections. The film noted that before the ceremony of exorcism, an average of 17 accidents a year happened on the road, and after the exorcism, for a year and a half, not a single one.

In Russia, theories of this kind are still considered superstitions, but abroad they take it very seriously. Other exorcists have followed in Donald Omand's footsteps, and the results of their efforts, as dispassionate statistics note, are quite positive. For example, the misfortunes on the Bremen-Bremerhaven highway mentioned above stopped after the entire ill-fated area was sprinkled with holy water.

Igor Valentinov. Secrets of the 20th century magazine