Prehistoric Artifacts - Alternative View

Prehistoric Artifacts - Alternative View
Prehistoric Artifacts - Alternative View

Video: Prehistoric Artifacts - Alternative View

Video: Prehistoric Artifacts - Alternative View
Video: Artifacts That PROVE Past Advanced Civilizations Existed 2024, July

There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that in the distant past our planet was visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations that have reached a high level of development. Numerous artifacts found in different parts of the globe depict strange creatures, which in our time are usually called humanoids. Let's dwell on some of them.

According to the historian Herodotus, geographer Strabo, the prophet Jeremiah and other ancient authors, the Scythian tribe was a gathering of wild monsters drinking human blood. Indeed, this people had such a custom. From the skulls of defeated enemies, they made cups and drank from them the enemy's blood. It was believed that this gives the warriors strength and makes them invincible. Until now, the German word "Scythian" means "a terrible, terrible person."

In Altai, archaeologists have found a lot of traces of material culture, which are well preserved in deep graves, due to the fact that the temperature there is close to zero degrees all year round. Several years ago in Siberia, near the border with China, among others, artifacts were found dating back to 700 BC, with images of very strange creatures. Elongated, noseless faces with huge eyes were visible on the golden crests. It remains unclear who served as a model for the ancient artist.

In Costa Rica, many examples of battle axes, stone chisels and ornaments were found on which the faces of creatures resembling birds were carved by ancient craftsmen. On their heads they wore a kind of helmet with a crest and flat bulges covering their ears, like in a modern spacesuit. The creatures had long hooked noses that looked like beaks. The finds in Costa Rica date back to the 4th century AD. According to archaeologists, ancient artists portrayed warriors in combat gear, which included a helmet. But maybe aliens in spacesuits served as a model?

In China, jade and jade have been considered the most popular gemstones for centuries. Jade Chinese figurines dating back to the late Neolithic (circa 2000 BC) depict strange people with long fang-like teeth. The stone cutter depicted the hair of these people in the form of curls and curls. Many such figurines were found in the Guangzhong province, as well as near the city of Shanyin in the Shanxi province. In later burials excavated in Shanxi, archaeologists also found such neolithic jade figurines. Among historians and archaeologists, there are not even hypothetical assumptions about what significance these figurines with fangs had for the ancient Chinese. Maybe this is an extinct human race, whose representatives lived in China? But probably,fantastic sue - a figment of the imagination of stone cutters … Japan, in Miyaka, archaeologists have found clay figurines called dogu. Their age is about 6,000 years. The figures have bulging eyes, a scuba-like tube is inserted into their mouths, and a strange plate is located on the chest. The hands of the figures are unnaturally large. Dogu are very reminiscent of a person in a diving suit or in an astronaut's spacesuit. These figurines served as props for Japanese shamans. The ancient Japanese believed in the ability of shamans to transfer a person's pain into a clay figurine. After the appropriate ceremony, the shamans smashed the figurine, thus relieving the person of torment. Some archaeologists, in particular Professor M. Hazimoto, believe that the figurines really have magical properties and these properties were transferred by aliens,which in ancient times landed on the Japanese islands. This hypothesis is confirmed by an ancient Japanese legend, which tells of a fiery dragon that flew from heaven. Professor Hazimoto believes that the legend contains echoes of Japanese memories of interstellar alien ships.

A similar legend exists among the peoples of Tibet. In 1990, an ancient scroll, stolen from a Tibetan monastery, fell into the hands of specialists. In it, the chronicler described events that took place a thousand years before his birth, that is, according to historians, around 1000 BC. Then three fire-breathing dragons flew in from the east. In Tibet, on some Buddhist stupas, there are images of strange objects that very much resemble flying saucers.

During excavations near the city of Haseke in northeastern Syria, archaeologists have found many stone idols with two or three pairs of eyes. The finds date back to 3500-3100 BC. Smaller figures were carved on the bodies of some idols, possibly depicting a child in the womb. The purpose of the stone figures is not clear. There is a possibility that these are pagan gods. But one cannot reject the hypothesis that idols depict an alien race of humanoids with several pairs of eyes.

We have mentioned only a few archaeological finds that probably depict aliens who visited Earth in antiquity. As we have seen, they look different. Perhaps these are representatives of completely different, unrelated civilizations that have landed their interstellar ships in different parts of the globe.

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In addition to artifacts, there is other evidence of alien visits to Earth. As already mentioned, these are myths and legends of different peoples, where various fantastic creatures are mentioned who unexpectedly visited ancient people. Also striking is the fact that a number of backward tribes have amazing knowledge that can only be explained by alien origin. In this regard, the culture of the Maya and other South American peoples is worth mentioning. They possessed extensive astronomical knowledge and had a very accurate calendar. Without a wheel, they erected huge stone structures. Could they have done this without the help of the aliens?

The Dogon tribe inhabiting the Mopti region of Mali is amazing. Its members are well versed in astronomy. The Dogon worship the star Sirius. They know that this star is adjacent to another invisible celestial body. Indeed, Sirius is a double star, paired with a white dwarf. But how can the Dogon know about this, who do not have telescopes? According to their beliefs, in ancient times they were visited by people from Sirius, who looked like amphibians covered with scales.

Isn't all this evidence enough to say that aliens have visited Earth and we are not alone in the universe? Scientists consider all evidence to be circumstantial, not suggesting an unambiguous conclusion. For twenty-five years now, messages on radio frequencies with information about the earth's civilization have been periodically sent into space. There is no answer yet. Why are brothers in mind silent? The explanation most likely lies on the surface, they have gone very far from us in their development and do not consider it expedient to come into contact with the backward population of the Earth.