Flying Stones Of Mars - Alternative View

Flying Stones Of Mars - Alternative View
Flying Stones Of Mars - Alternative View

Video: Flying Stones Of Mars - Alternative View

Video: Flying Stones Of Mars - Alternative View
Video: The Martian Strange Object Spotted by Mars Rover Curiosity 2024, September

It should be noted that even ten years ago, conspiracy topics in most Russian media aroused suspicion rather than approval. But times are changing. Today, the leading domestic TV channels are very willing to try to learn the events taking place around us, including using the methodology of conspiracy theory. In 2013, the Russian TV company "Goldmedium" shot a very illustrative film in this regard, the premiere of which took place on the air of the TV channel "Russia". The film had the intriguing title "Who Keeps Us Out of Mars?" As one of the film experts, Richard Hoagland was also involved, who told about his experience of studying strange objects with regular geometric shapes, clearly distinguishable in photographs of Mars.

Hoagland put it this way: “I and a group of 100 other journalists studied these structures from photographs. All of them were of the correct geometric shape - you cannot find this in nature. And the location of these objects caused even more confusion. All these pyramid-shaped objects were located in a circle around some statue, and our Earth was exactly above it during the sunrise. It was like a real city of pyramids […].

When I first saw these pictures of Mars, it was suggested that we are talking about architectural structures. My colleagues were of the same opinion. There are simply no such geometrical figures in nature."

Further more. In 2009, Hoagland began work on another documentary film devoted to the mysteries of Mars. Guided by the legislation in force in the United States, which provides all interested citizens with free access to government information, Hoagland asked NASA to provide footage of more detailed video footage of certain areas of the Red Planet by American Mars robotic stations. The troubles were not long in coming. Even before the film went on air, scheduled for 2010, the work of Richard Hoagland was at the center of a scandal: the authorities banned his screening and politely but adamantly "asked" to destroy all copies and working materials.

Hoagland himself three years later, in the Russian film Who Will Not Let Us to Mars ?, recalled these events: “All our tapes were confiscated and we never saw them again. What happened to me personally clearly speaks of a certain conspiracy within NASA, of the suppression of information. Otherwise they would not have interfered with our project and confiscated our tapes. But it is impossible to hide everything. Obviously, they know what we do not know, and they are doing everything possible to keep everything in its place. They deliberately hide information about Mars from us. This is not my personal opinion, it is a naked fact. I am sure there is a political conspiracy to not disclose such information."

At the same time, in the media space, both abroad and in Russia, you can easily find a huge amount of information about the exploration of Mars. But, as the Swedish researchers Alexander Bard and Jan Soderkvist correctly noted 15 years ago, the quality of this information, its semantic content raises very big questions. Often, a version or hypothesis expressed by representatives of the scientific community is presented in the media almost as the ultimate truth, as a scientific fact proven by practice. In the process of preparing this book, I had to sift through a lot of such information, some samples of which really caused at least bewilderment.

In an article in one of the Russian newspapers in September 2014, I came across the following lines from a highly respected author: “Today we know for sure that there is no other civilization on Mars and has never existed. But modern research shows that in ancient times the Red Planet was warmer, there were seas and oceans on it. It may well turn out that even the simplest forms of life arose there, which are still hiding somewhere in crevices and in underground rivers. If humanity begins a full-scale colonization of Mars, then there is a danger of destroying the timid alien biosphere. So there is little point in rushing. It is necessary to continue the study of Mars with the help of scientific devices …”Well, and so on.

Question: does humanity really know for sure that a highly developed civilization has never existed on Mars? In this case, how can you explain the origin of those strange objects that are visible on the images of NASA rovers and which were widely replicated in the world media?

Promotional video:

Among these strange objects, we can see not only something resembling buildings, structures and other structures of the correct geometric shape. There are also images of more exotic objects. Reports of the discovery of these objects in NASA photographs constantly appear in the foreign and Russian media and are widely discussed by the interested public. A lot of these photos have been published and replicated, we will tell only about a few.

As a fresh example, I will cite the publication of the very influential American online media "Huffington Post" (the resource was launched on May 9, 2005). On September 2, 2014, the Huffington Post posted an overview photo report, signed by Macrina Cooper-White, titled “These 11 Mysterious Simply Objects Spotted On Mars Aren 't What They Look Like "). This article published photographs taken from the sections of the photo galleries of the official sites of NASA's Martian missions, on which, with a close look, those very strange and unusual objects are clearly visible.

One of the given images was taken by the automatic rover "Spirit" (its mission to Mars lasted from January 4, 2004 until the last time it was in contact with the Earth on March 22, 2010). The picture was taken on the Home Plate, which the rover surveyed in the last months of 2007. This photo was also posted on one of the official NASA resources covering the progress of this project - the website of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA / JPL – Caltech / Cornell Universit). In the picture, attentive observers noticed a strange figure lurking on one of the stones caught in the rover lens frame. This figure was called differently - "Man on Mars", "Female figure on Mars".

The human figure or "Female figure on Mars" is a picture taken by the Spirit spacecraft on the Home Plate, which the rover surveyed in the last months of 2007


In 2006, Spirit took a series of images that clearly showed an object very similar to a humanoid skull. On the official NASA Internet sites, conspiracy enthusiasts quickly found a photograph of the same skull from different angles. On the site, for example, you can find one of these photographs of the "Martian Skull" posted on December 5, 2005: in the summer and autumn of that year, the rover examined the Gusev crater, the photo was taken in sol 482 (sol - the duration of average Martian solar days, constituting 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds of earth time). Taking a closer look, we can see in this object, the lower part of which is hidden in the Martian soil, two openings that look like eye sockets, and the upper part of the nasal opening of the skull.

In the summer of 2005, a photo taken by the Spirit rover was posted on the website: the so-called “Martian Skull”. Against the general background, you may not immediately notice it …


… but when the image is zoomed in, we see an object: the lower part of the "skull" is hidden in the Martian soil, on the surface there are two holes that look like eye sockets and the upper part of the skull's nasal opening


On January 10, 2013, the Curiosity rover transmitted an image to Earth, which was named “Iguana” - for the similarity of the image visible in the image with an earthly reptile.

And this is a picture of another "skull", was taken by the "Spirit" rover in December 2005


January 10, 2013: The Curiosity rover transmitted to Earth a snapshot, which was named Iguana - for the similarity of the image seen in the image with the terrestrial reptile


On January 30, 2013, the rover "Curiosity", on the 173rd day (or sol) of its expedition to explore the surface of Mars, took a photograph that is often called the "Alien Door". This strange object with a metallic sheen in the general photograph of the area is also almost invisible, but with a magnification it can be seen very well. Pay attention to the shape of the shadow that this "Alien door" casts: it does not look very much like the shadow of a natural object.

January 30, 2013: The Curiosity rover snapped a photograph of what is often referred to as the "Alien Door". It is also almost invisible in the general photograph of the area …


… and when zoomed in, the "Alien Door" is clearly visible. Pay attention to the shape of the shadow that this object casts: it is not very similar to the shadow of a natural object.


March 2013: On the website of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, supporters of an alternative view of the nature of Mars spotted an object that was named "The Martian Rat." In the general image of the area taken by the Curiosity rover, the "rat" is not at all noticeable. But when zoomed in, a figure is visible, and in fact resembles this harmful terrestrial rodent from the group of mice. "Rat", by the way, gained great popularity in the global Internet community: it even had a Twitter account.

In March 2013, Curiosity photographed an object that was named the Martian Rat. In the general image of the area taken by the Curiosity rover, the "rat" is not at all noticeable (the object is above the red line) …


One of the new images taken by Curiosity on Mars was posted on NASA / JPL – Caltech / MSSS on August 21, 2014. Here, even without detailed consideration, an object is clearly visible in the center of the image, which can be called "The thigh bone on Mars". Official science believes that if life once existed on Mars, the manifestations of which can be found today, then most likely it will be something like microbes and other simpler forms. Why? Because it is generally accepted that the required amount of oxygen has never been present in the Martian atmosphere, which could allow the simplest microorganisms of Mars to evolve into more complex and, most importantly, larger forms of life.

Another of the Martian images "Curiosity" on Mars was posted on the NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS resource on August 21, 2014: it was named "The thigh bone on Mars"


How did the Huffington Post comment on these photos? Not without sarcasm: formally adhering to the generally accepted scientific point of view, the author of the article with a share of mockery noticed that all these bizarre shapes, they say, are the result of wind or water erosion of the most common Martian stones. And at the very end of the article, Macrin Cooper-White noted that this may be the result of one of the varieties of pareidolia: when vague and obscure visual images are perceived by a person as something clearly visible and definite - for example, visions of people, animals, buildings in the clouds, etc. etc. Including, as an article in the Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" adds, and "images of a human face on the surface of Mars." True, pareidolia, according to experts, most often occurs in the initial stages of acute psychoses. Therefore, in this state of affairs, it must be admitted:without exception, all people who look at NASA Mars photographs and notice unusual objects on them suffer from psychosis. True, it's hard to believe in this.

In the wide shot taken by the Curiosity rover in 2014, we see a strange object in the upper left corner …


But all this, as they say, is still in bloom compared to the images that the Curiosity rover took on January 29, 2014 (sol 527). These photographs of the rover were drawn in November 2014 by the American UFO web site in a post titled “NASA Curiosity Spotted Levitating Object On Mars”.

… enthusiasts from the UK led by Joe Smith of the ArtAlienTV YouTube channel in September 2014, when zoomed in, named this object a Traffic Light. The similarity is true


In two photographs taken from different angles, a strange object resembling a stone is visible, which seems to hang in space a few centimeters above the surface of Mars. This strange phenomenon is clearly visible even in the general plan of the photograph posted on the official NASA website - Fragments of these photographs show even more clearly that the object is hovering in space above the Martian surface, which especially helps to notice the shadow cast by the levitating object.

The first image of the Flying Stone was taken by the Curiosity rover on January 29, 2014: the object is clearly visible even with a slight increase


Another shot of the "Flying Stone": the object is visible even without magnification; this is especially noticeable with the help of the shadow it casts


Now the question is: how should all this be treated? Personally, I have two answers. First, NASA experts deliberately made a fake, a fake and posted it on the official web resource of the Curiosity program. But why? The second answer: the photographs actually reflect what the rover's camera recorded on the surface of Mars. Then another question arises: why did NASA experts place these images on Did you accidentally overlook it or was it a deliberate step?

There is no definite answer. Not yet, anyway.

Osovin I.