The Mystical Flowers Of Udumbara - The Time Of Global Changes Is Coming - Alternative View

The Mystical Flowers Of Udumbara - The Time Of Global Changes Is Coming - Alternative View
The Mystical Flowers Of Udumbara - The Time Of Global Changes Is Coming - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Flowers Of Udumbara - The Time Of Global Changes Is Coming - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Flowers Of Udumbara - The Time Of Global Changes Is Coming - Alternative View
Video: MYSTERIOUS Flower That Blooms Every 3,000 YEARS Spotted Across Globe 2024, July

According to Buddhist belief, the mystical flowers of Udumbara bloom once every 3 thousand years, so no one has met them for a long time for many centuries - they were content with legends. And suddenly … in recent years, legendary flowers began to be found in different parts of our planet …


These flowers are almost microscopic, and therefore it is not so easy to notice them, however, if they bloom, they exude a rather strong, sweetest aroma, it is no coincidence that they are called "auspicious flowers from heaven" - this is how their name is translated from Sanskrit.


They say that unopened udumbar buds can be easily confused with lacewing eggs, and this is true, but as soon as the buds open, this fantastic aroma flows around, which even a person with a poor sense of smell can easily catch. This is how the artist from the capital of Taiwan Chen Guodong explains:

It's just some kind of miracle! On the one hand, they are so tiny that they simply cannot be detected, and on the other, they smell so that their divine scent easily fills the entire room.

However, not only Chen Guodong discovered Udumbara flowers on his loggia, the Chinese farmer Ding from the northeastern province of Liaoning, and the nun Miao Wei of the monastery that stands on Mount Lushan, and in the Chong-sa temple in Seoul, also encountered this miracle. appeared even on the face of the statue of Buddha.


Promotional video:

By the way, udumbara flowers can bloom and exude their incomparable aroma for a whole year, which is why Buddhist scriptures say that this is not an earthly, but a heavenly color, and therefore its appearance (return after 3000 years) in our world is a very significant sign from above. And this sign shows that the time of great changes is coming, informs that a new arrival of Buddha or another holy King must be expected, who can correct the Drachma (moral laws of being). The scripture also specifies that this King is merciful and just, that for him all people are equal, and he grants salvation to everyone through his boundless mercy.


Here is how it is said about it in the eighth volume of "Phonetics and interpretations of Huilin":

Udumbara is a creation of supernatural forces and phenomena, this unique flower does not grow in the physical world of people. But if the King of the Golden Wheel or Tathagata appear on Earth, these flowers will immediately bloom on it thanks to the great virtue of these divine persons - with their blessings.

What conclusion can be drawn from the fact that Udumbara flowers have appeared in recent years in many parts of our sinful world?..

Daniil Myslinsky