Magic - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Magic - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Magic - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Magic - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Magic - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: ИГРАЕМ в *АМОНГ АС* Против 100 Игроков | ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ ИГРА ДИМЫ с Magic Five 2024, September

Since ancient times, there has been a lot of debate about whether there really is magic or whether it is just a fiction. For centuries, magic has existed on the borderline between reality and myth. Probably, there is nothing more ambiguous and mysterious in the world than magic. For centuries, people have been trying to get to the bottom of white and black magic. But to this day, no one has managed to figure out what it is all the same. History tells us that miracles happen in different parts of the world at different times. Perhaps all the miracles recorded in world history are just hallucinations, a figment of the imagination? So does magic really exist? On this occasion, disputes do not subside in society.

It is hardly just chance that one can attribute the existence at all times of an unbreakable belief that magic exists. Perhaps this belief survived because it was not superstition, but knowledge that was based on the life experience of all mankind? Probably, today there are an equal number of opinions - both against magic and for it. Even the very definition of magic can be argued for a very long time. What is it? Magic, creativity, certain human skills, art? Those who speak about magic at a professional level define it as a certain set of actions that can change the world around them. And those who do not believe in magic, imagine it as something distant and abstract, which came from children's books.

But at the same time, it is quite possible to assume that even those events that are described in fairy tales have something to do with reality, because it is not for nothing that fairy tales are called the first lessons for children. For example, in many fairy-tale works water is mentioned - alive and dead. Is it pure fiction or reality? Any person a couple of decades ago would have answered without hesitation that all these are just fairy tales, nothing more. Everyone believed that water, in principle, cannot be dead or alive. However, today there are whole scientific treatises that say that water has the most direct effect on the human body. Water can heal a person, and improperly charged water can be poisoned. Currently proventhat water has the ability to absorb information and can have a significant impact on the world around it. Until recently, scientists simply laughed at the actions of healers who were directed at cans of water. But today these same scientists invite healers to cooperate and carefully study the contents of these jars. Those. what seemed unthinkable yesterday is a fact today. Therefore, there is a high probability that magic does exist, just science has not yet found a way to prove's just that science has not yet found a way to prove's just that science has not yet found a way to prove it.

It seems that not a single children's fairy tale could arise from scratch. Our brain puts together every innovation from the already familiar "details", making up its own mosaic. But where did these "details" come from? In every fairy tale there is a certain amount of truth, it just so happened that sharp corners are lowered.

Adherents of materialism argue that magic does not exist, that it is just fiction. They believe that everything in the world is material and that there is only what we see and what is tangible. Everything in this world obeys the laws of chemistry and physics. But the question arises - can not there be other laws that have not yet been discovered, those laws according to which the magic algorithm actually works?

Even at the dawn of human development, people already had a different idea of the material world. This was manifested, first of all, in the belief in the afterlife. When a person died, the community took care of the deceased in every way. They believed that he continues to live, just in a different form. Therefore, he was protected from wild animals in every possible way, brought him gifts, performed funeral rituals.

Magic from time immemorial found distribution in the lands of Russia, sorcerers and healers lived in all villages. Moreover, there was a clear difference between them. For example, a sorcerer was causing damage and the like, i.e. used magic for evil purposes. And the healer could ward off corruption and heal people. Sorcerers were natural and involuntary, engaged in love magic. For the Middle Ages, magic was something very scary, magic was condemned at that time. Sorcerers and witches were burned on only one denunciation. However, even at that time, entire organizations, communities numbering hundreds of people appeared who were engaged in magic in one way or another.

There are such forms of human belief in the existence of something invisible and supernatural, such as totemism, animism. Totemism was a special system of myths and human beliefs in the supernatural community of groups with plants and animals, which were called totems. Animism is a person's belief in the existence of spirits. Fetishism is the endowment of objects with supernatural properties. In addition, as mankind developed, necromancy, shamanism and various kinds of cults of a certain community appeared, due to the territory of location.

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Therefore, if the question of whether magic exists is answered from the point of view of history, then the answer will definitely be yes. She just obeys other laws. These laws are inevitable, irreversible and universal. Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as biofield, energy. A person can control circumstances, control the environment. In reality, there is no case. The stronger the energy of a person, his willpower, and the stronger he himself, the more chances he has to manage circumstances.

One may not believe in magic to the end, but one cannot but remember that for a long time mankind did not believe in the fact that our planet has the shape of a ball. Previously, those who made such statements were considered heretics. But in the end it turned out that they were right. It may well be that the same situation develops with magic. Science cannot yet give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether magic exists or not.