FEMA Apocalypse On September 27? - Alternative View

FEMA Apocalypse On September 27? - Alternative View
FEMA Apocalypse On September 27? - Alternative View

Video: FEMA Apocalypse On September 27? - Alternative View

Video: FEMA Apocalypse On September 27? - Alternative View
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The official website of the US Emergency Management Agency FEMA announced that on September 27 this year in the United States will test a nationwide public emergency alert system.

This means that the federal rescue service temporarily takes control of all electronic communication systems, from radio, TV to mobile and Internet. An alarm signal will be broadcast on all these lines and channels for a minute.

According to the FEMA leadership, in this way a new, very fast and reliable way of alerting the population of the country about an impending catastrophe will be tested, be it an earthquake, a thermonuclear war, a hurricane of unprecedented strength or some other natural disaster. At the same time, the site emphasizes that there is no reason for concern about this and cannot be - these are just exercises, a check of the readiness of the nationwide communications in case of a real threat.

However, most Americans no longer believe in the official assurances of their government, and therefore, a real panic began among the population of the United States. Some believe that the government will start a war with the DPRK on this day, others recall the prophecies about upcoming earthquakes and floods, others are afraid of the mythical planet Nibiru, not to mention the invasion of aliens and the possible explosion of the Yellowstone supervolcano.

In general, there are a lot of fears and horrors that have flooded the minds of Americans with the media lately, and all these predictions and speculations for some reason are beginning to come true, as the real natural disasters that hit America more than eloquently "speak" about.

And then, as if on purpose, the prophecy of Dr. Doom (aka Ed Dame), in which it was argued that after an earthquake in Mexico City with a magnitude of 7, soon, and specifically on September 27, 2017, an unprecedented flash would blaze on the Sun, which would disable all electronics on the planet, which would serve the reason for the start of a nuclear war, and in general - the Apocalypse.

And although there are so many such predictions in the media now that one could no longer pay attention to them (after all, practically nothing comes true), the Americans were alarmed by the date - September 27: why did FEMA choose this day for its nationwide frightening exercises? And one more thing: an earthquake in Mexico City has just happened, and just as strong as Dr. Doom …

Is this a coincidence, the Americans ask in horror? Exactly a week is left before the answer to this burning question …

Promotional video: